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網頁好讀版:https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1478265439.A.04E.html steam免費下載:http://store.steampowered.com/app/291410/ http://imgur.com/0c0tkw0 -------------------------------------- 第八章 先知的難題(The Prophetic Prardox) 紀元22,300-22,400年 -------------------------------------- As the Age of Wonders drew to a close, the Aestari Matron-Magus, Kaon Deladriss, having mastered all seven Schools of the Seventh Sanctum, retreated to the top of Ivory Peake to meditate. After a decade, she had gained the ability to commune with the Great Tree of Eyos, and the Great Tree observed her thoughts and actions as well. It deemed her virtuous, worthy by deed, mind, and spirit. Kaon returned to the Seventh Sanctum by teleportation, becoming Mythron's first Horizon Walker. 在艾斯塔利亞煇煌時代的尾端,一位精通「七聖所」所有學派的女性術士-Kaon Deladriss,開始在象牙峰頂進行冥想。十年的時間過去了,她開始能夠與聖樹Eyos進行 交流,同樣地,聖樹也參透了她的思想與行為,並認同了她那高尚的品格與精神。因此, 當Kaon利用聖樹的力量穿越回七聖所的時候,也同時成為了Mythron行星上第一位「境界行 者」。 Years later, as Kaon Deladriss was dreamweaving at the White Mantle, she received from the Great Tree a devastating Prophecy of Ages. It foretold the destruction of the Aestari civilization in a coming Age of Decay, a time of chaos and unfathomable suffering that would last a millennia. But while the Age of Decay was inevitable, the tapestry of Kaon's dream contained a single thread of hope, a way that the Age of Decay could be shortened to a single century, to be followed by an even greater civilization built atop the foundation of the First Empire. But the price for this would be terrible, indeed. 又過了幾年,Kaon持續於白色地幔上進行冥想,並接收到了聖樹所傳達的訊息-一則有關 時代終結的預言。它訴說了艾斯塔利亞文明即將邁向衰退,而另一個混亂又苦痛的時代將 會持續千年。雖然文明的衰退無法避免,但有了Kaon的預言,仍有一線希望將衰退期縮短 至百年以內-那就是於現在帝國的基礎上,再建立一個更加偉大的文明-儘管這將會付出極 大代價... It would mean forsaking forever her harmonious meditation and near immortality. It would cost her ongoing ascension, her connection with the Great Tree, and even her ability to Horizon Walk. More importantly, she wondered if her actions to spare the world such suffering - to save nine centuries of unborn lives - could bring about something unimaginably worse. Kaon struggled with the paradox of the Prophecy. 若是付諸實行,就代表了Kaon將親手放棄她和諧的冥想生活、接近不朽的生命、繼續進步 的可能、與聖樹的交流,甚至是行走於境界中的能力。更重要的是,她也不確定若是真的 採取行動去改變世界,將衰退期縮短了九百年,是否會對世間帶來更大的浩劫?Kaon苦苦 思索這項兩難的決擇。 In the end, she decided that the chance to prevent such suffering was the only path forward, even though the task it demanded was too horrific to speak of. The demand of the Prophecy was that the Heart of the Great Tree of Eyos must be removed - cut out - and placed as far away as possible, never to return to Aestari soil again. 最終,她還是認為避免混亂時代是最好的選擇-即使這條道路困難到超乎常人想像。唯一 的方法,是移除聖樹的核心-將它切離,並且重新種植在越遠越好的地方,使它永不再回到 艾斯塔利亞的的國土上。 http://imgur.com/VOqqHr6 從目前的故事中可以看出,聖樹Eyos除了將星球核心的魔法能量散播到地表,也能依照自 己的意志來推動世界發展。Reddit有人大膽猜測,Captain Hank這種不合世界觀的裝扮, 或許真實身份是隸屬於當初發射星之種的星際組織,其背後有著更為高深的意圖。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1478265439.A.04E.html
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thethirdfoot: 連書10場就沒動力完了 11/05 10:38
Typebrook: 那你有試試再玩十場嗎XD 其實我最近也被打成豬頭 11/05 11:46
Typebrook: 不知道和月初的排名洗牌有沒有關係? 11/05 11:47
DevilCool: 有,我原本r6洗完是r18 11/05 18:55
DevilCool: 打不贏可以來健檢一下,老外實況主蠻常挑戰新帳號從0開 11/05 18:56
DevilCool: 始上鑽石的 11/05 18:56
※ 編輯: Typebrook (, 11/27/2016 12:29:41