看板 Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
網頁好讀版:https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1478348419.A.8C2.html steam免費下載:http://store.steampowered.com/app/291410/ http://imgur.com/cmbApKG -------------------------------------- 第九章 最初的七星武士(The First Senerai) 紀元22,300 - 22,400年 -------------------------------------- The Prophecy of Ages foretold Seven Seeds that would change the course of history, seven heroes to complete the task at hand. To find them, Kaon Deladriss established the first Trial of Champions, a six- week contest of strength and endurance, intelligence and honor. The winners would be called the Senerai, “The Seven Stars.” 預言當中提到:「七顆種子將推動時代巨輪」-代表了會有七位英雄去完成這項任務。 為了召集他們,Kaon舉行了一場為期六週的大型試煉,以考驗眾多參賽者的耐力、智慧以 及品格。脫穎而出的七位勝者,將會被授予"Senerai"(七星武士)這個稱號,意思是「七 道星光」。 http://imgur.com/LRQGWUA 來自不同族群/流派的代表,要將超~級貴重的東東丟到超~級遠的地方 我說你們拿的是魔戒劇本對吧XD 另外Senerai應該Seven和Samurai的合體,所以這邊譯成七星武士 The Trial of Champions revealed the finest warriors in all of Aestaria, head and shoulders above all others. Many Aestari distinguished themselves as ‘ Vanar’, or legendary elite. Yet, only a select few displayed the heroic excellence necessary to earn the title of Senerai. They represented the best in each of their respective disciplines. Their unquestioned leader was Songweaver Eurielle. Joining her was Loremaster Lumina, Swordmaster Zwei, Avatar Saari, Arcanyst Graye, and Shieldmaster Koreldyre. But to Kaon’s consternation, they numbered only six. 這場試煉令艾斯塔利亞當中最優秀的戰士,有機會展現他們那傲視群倫的實力。其中的 佼佼者被稱為"Vanar",意思是「名留青史的菁英」。在試煉的尾端,僅有少數的戰士靠 著雄厚實力,證明自己有資格獲得Senerai這項稱號,他們分別代表了七聖所中的各個學 派。其中「歌織者」Eurielle被推崇為七位Senerai當中的領袖,她的追隨者分別是:「 學者」Lumina、「劍術大師」Zwei、「神通」Sarri、「祕術士」Gray、以及「盾戰士」 Koreldyre。但在這個時候Kaon卻感到惶恐-選出的人數比預言中還少一個。 http://imgur.com/hGfIaSV Vanar這個名號第一次登上歷史舞台,目前故事場所的還在中央大陸艾斯塔利亞中 至於Vanar陣營為什麼會偏居於世界角落的一個冰原,會在後續的故事當中提到 Kaon held one more week of trials, but no one else proved worthy. She wondered if there could be only six. But if she was wrong about that, what else had she misinterpreted? Kaon又將試煉延長了一週,但仍然沒有合適的人選脫穎而出。她開始懷疑:「六個人是否 也能完成預言?」只是她也擔心若把預言解讀錯誤,造成的後果可能難以挽回。 She began to question the entire prophecy...until a towering silhouette entered the arena carrying a twin-bladed sword: A Magmar. Kaon greeted him respectfully, but said, “You must go. You are not Aestari.” He didn’t move. “I am Starhorn,” he said, “The Seventh Star foretold by the prophecy.” Kaon turned to the Vanar elites and said, “Whoever defeats this Magmar shall join the Senerai.” 她開始反思整則預言...直到一個高大的身影步入競技場-是一位手持雙刃劍的麥格瑪! Kaon雖然禮貌地招呼他,但表示「你必須離開,只有艾斯塔利亞人才能參與這場試煉。」 麥格瑪並沒有移動腳步,「我的名號是Starhorn」他說,「預言中的七星之一」 Kaon轉身向後方眾多的Vanar菁英喊道「能夠將他擊敗的人,就有資格成為Senerai!」 The Magmar was monstrously massive, but when the warriors came at him, he maneuvered with blinding speed and subtle grace. He touched no one but let none touch him. After a full day, as the last Vanar finally collapsed in exhaustion, Kaon said, “Enough. Starhorn, most honored Magmar, you are indeed the Seed of Dreams, the Seventh Star.” 這位麥格瑪儘管體型巨大,但在交戰之時,其熟練的動作快如閃電卻又不失優雅。奇妙的 是,戰鬥中他並未碰觸任何對手,但也令其它戰士無法傷他分毫,經過了一整天,連最後 一位力竭的Vanar菁英也不支倒地。Kaon宣布-「夠了! Starhorn,榮譽的麥格瑪啊,你的 確是預言中的人選,七道星光之一。」 http://imgur.com/DpO77KC Starhorn the Seeker,也就是Magmar陣營的第二位General 看來General中就屬他輩份最老、資格最高了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1478348419.A.8C2.html
smallcountry: 我只是想要看故事而已XD 11/05 20:54
x2159679: 故事好看 11/05 21:11
Typebrook: 其實把背景故事當作奇幻史詩的寫作範本也不錯啦 11/05 21:17
DevilCool: Magma一個天選之人文武雙全卻搭配魔族般的外表是怎樣XD 11/05 21:24
Typebrook: 啊就比較煞氣咩! Starhorn一直到十九章都還有出現喔 11/06 00:34
※ 編輯: Typebrook (, 11/27/2016 12:31:12