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網頁好讀版:https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1478437342.A.580.html steam免費下載:http://store.steampowered.com/app/291410/ http://imgur.com/SIsHGhM -------------------------------------- 第十章 聖樹阿庇里昂(The Great Tree Aperion) 紀元22,402年 -------------------------------------- Advancing in years and rapidly losing her powers, Kaon Deladriss traveled with the Senerai to The Great Tree of Eyos, to fulfill the prophecy. In anguish, she extracted its Heartwood, a perfectly brilliant prismatic seed the size of a small fist. Immediately, The Great Tree shrank and withered. Its starry leaves turned crimson red. Stricken with grief, Kaon gave the Heartwood to the Senerai so they could fulfill the rest of the prophecy. She remained with The Great Tree, mourning, until her dying days. Kaon的法力日漸衰退。為了貫徹預言,她與七位Senerai(七星武士)一同旅行至聖樹Eyos 面前。她萬分可惜地砍下聖樹核心(Heartwood)-一顆如拳頭般大小、燦爛奪目的種子。很 快地,聖樹本身開始痿縮凋零,它那如星光閃耀的葉片也逐漸轉為深紅。悲痛欲絕的Kaon 將核心交給了七位Senerai-他們將踏上旅程去完成預言的後半段,而自己則選擇留下來悼 念聖樹,直到她消亡的那刻。 http://imgur.com/mxTGWv9 為了預言要全世界跑透透,七星武士的旅程大約是這樣 For many years, the Senerai journeyed across the vast world of Mythron seeking the perfect sanctuary for the Heartwood. Amid the lush beauty of Xenkai they befriended the Four Winds and tasted the rejuvenating waters of the Twilight Spring. Among the Islands of Pyrae, they rediscovered the lost arts of fireweaving. Hidden in the Sea of Fog, they found the exotic islands of Y'Kir, where master inventors and artificers worked in solitude crafting the first magical devices that their descendants would prize as ancient artifacts. They landed on the desolate surface of Styxus, naming it the Blighted Lands. 接下來的許多年,七位Senerai持續探索Mythron行星上廣闊的空間,以尋找能安放聖樹核 心的應許之地。在林木蓊鬱的桑凱大陸,他們與Four Winds的魔法師們結為至交,並曾喝 下暮光湧泉的回春靈水。在皮瑞列島中,他們發掘了失落以久的fireweaving藝品。而在 迷霧內海裡,Senerai一行人找到了傳奇工匠與創作者們隱居的異國列鳥-Y'Kir,那 裡所製造的眾多魔法道具,將被後世尊稱為神器(artifacts)。他們也登上了人煙稀少的 史戴克瑟斯大陸,並將它命名為枯萎之地。(印蜥卡表示:我們的戲份呢!?) http://imgur.com/SMyK8LS Four Winds的魔法師 They were the first Aestari invited to Magaari, the Magmar homeland, to behold the Golden Chrysalis containing the remains of the last Queen Mother. They travelled along the Yquem River, allying themselves with the Silverbeaks near Raithline Lake against a horde of Mirkblood Devourers. They witnessed Azurite Lions hunting across the Alluvial Plains. And after many years of encountering strange creatures, discovering countless locales, and witnessing mysterious cultures, the Senerai finally arrived at Halcyar: the Northern-most realm — far past the frost-carved Whyte Mountains, and more importantly, far beyond the prying reach of Aestaria. Senerai也來到麥格瑪出身的大地,成為第一批受邀造訪馬嗄里大陸的艾斯塔利亞人,在 那裡他們拜訪了最後一批龍后所棲息的Golden Chrysalis。而在賽倫戴大陸,他們延著異 昆河上溯抵達雷夫萊湖畔,並曾與銀喙鳥人一族起身對抗大批的暗黑四頭犬。到了北方的 沖積平原,一行人也曾目暗藍銅猛獅狩獵時的壯觀場景。多年的旅行令他們與各式各樣的 種族打過交道、見識過無數的壯麗景觀,也目睹了諸多神祕的異國文化,最後Senerai一 行人來到了極北之地-赫爾賽亞冰原。那裡終年積雪,路途被懷特山脈所阻隔,而更重要 的是-如預言所說,這個地方幾乎不可能被艾斯塔利亞本土所發現。 http://imgur.com/Y5mjWv5 http://imgur.com/rf7nXpk http://imgur.com/h3QozoV 本章節提及了不少卡牌的名字,圖片分別是: 銀喙鳥人(Silverbeak)、暗黑四頭犬(Mirkblood Devourer)與藍銅猛獅(Azurite Lion) They found a distant peak enveloped by the magical Northern Aurora, hidden and shielded on all sides by hundreds of identical mountains. They named it Deladriss Peake, in honor of Kaon, and there they planted the Heartwood. A sapling immediately sprouted from the ground, its young leaves drawing in the crisp starlight. They named the new tree Aperion. At that exact moment, Kaon dematerialized from the living world. All Aestaria was plunged into mourning. The once great tree, now withered and weak, released red droplets of crimson sap, the Tears of Eyos, and forever after was known as The Weeping Tree. 他們選擇了一座偏遠的山頭,那裡被魔幻的極光所壟罩,深藏於數百個外觀相似的山脈中 。在那裡他們將核心種下,並且為了紀念,用Kaon的姓氏將它命名為「迪萊卓斯峰」。聖 樹的種子迅速開展成幼苗,它的葉片散發出水嫩的星光。Senerai一行人將新的聖樹命名 為「阿庇里昂」,也就在同一時刻,Kaon離開了人世,艾斯塔利亞人舉國哀悼。而曾經盛 極一時的老樹,也逐漸枯萎衰落,開始滲出血紅的液滴-「Eyos之淚」,之後人們改稱它 為「哭泣之樹」 http://imgur.com/DxO2pHg 赫爾賽亞(Halcyar)的景點之一-WinterSleep -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1478437342.A.580.html
x2159679: 那段冒險超有西方奇幻冒險之感wwww 11/06 21:33
Typebrook: 旅行過程才兩段翻得有點不過癮啊XD 11/06 22:32
Typebrook: 不過Codex的寫法本來就偏向大事紀就是了 11/06 22:33
nosugartea: 這遊戲版上討論不太多,有點可惜 11/07 12:40
競技遊戲本來就很比較吃受眾啦,不是每個人都喜歡輸 我自己是被打趴也玩得很開心 翻譯這個也只是覺得有趣,能推坑的人數多一個是一個 ※ 編輯: Typebrook (, 11/27/2016 12:35:26