看板 Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
網頁好讀版:https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1478515270.A.4C3.html steam免費下載:http://store.steampowered.com/app/291410/ http://imgur.com/ajqYOL6 -------------------------------------- 第十一章 聖樹的守護者們(The Protectors of Mythron's Secret) 紀元22,402年 -------------------------------------- The dangers faced by the Senerai on their quest were not all external. Songweaver Eurielle saw that some of her comrades were internally tempted by the Heartwood’s endless power, especially Arcanyst Graye. As they journeyed back to Aestaria, she convinced the Senerai that for The Great Tree Aperion to remain truly safe, its location must remain forever secret. 儘管克服萬難完成了預言,諸位七星武士仍然得面對內部的隱憂。「歌織者」Eurielle看 出了,有些夥伴內心開始覬覦聖樹那無窮盡的力量-特別是「祕術士」Graye。在返回艾斯 塔利亞的旅途中,她說服了其它六位成員-如果要確保聖樹阿庇里昂真正安全,它的所在 地必須永遠保密。 That night, they joined in casting a Globe of Disrememberance, erasing all memories of the tree’s location. When the Senerai parted ways, though, instead of returning home, Eurielle shadowed Arcanyst Graye. She saw him head back toward Deladriss Peake and discovered that he had drawn a secret map before the Disrememberance, so he could return to steal Aperion. 在當晚,他們集體接受了失憶的法術,洗去一切有關聖樹位址的記憶。不過就在儀式結束 ,七人各自散夥後,Eurielle卻祕密追蹤「祕術士」Graye,並發現他竟然朝著聖樹所在- 迪萊卓斯峰前進。原來在接受失憶法術之前他早就偷偷抄寫了一份地圖,令他可以回去竊 取阿庇里昂。 Eurielle confiscated the map and banished Arcanyst Graye from the Senerai. She realized Aperion must be protected, but decided Aestaria’s men were too covetous of its power to be trusted. She established the female-only Seidir — the Hearth-Sisters — who swore an undying oath to protect Aperion and the secret of its location. Eurielle沒收了那份地圖,並把「祕術士」Graye逐出七星武士之中。她同時也了解到艾 斯塔利亞的男性們過度貪求聖樹的力量,根本無法信任。於是為了要保護阿庇里昂,她創 立了只由女性傳承的組織Seidir-爐火姐妹會(Hearth-Sisters),成員們都要許下永久的 誓言-保護阿庇里昂和其所在地的資訊。 http://imgur.com/BHx312c 爐火姐妹會(Hearth-Sister),交換位置的能力時常可以逆轉戰局 Starhorn disagreed, and he wove the location of Deladriss Peake into the Magmar’s sacred song, the Dance of Dreams, so that anyone deemed worthy by The Thirteen Aspects could learn of Aperion’s whereabouts. Kaon Deladriss had also disagreed with Songweaver Eurielle’s decision and imbued the secret within Swordmaster Zwei’s dual-wielding blades, Solstice and Winterblade. Before mysteriously vanishing, she had secretly dispatched the female Vanar to help guard Aperion’s clandestine location. 不過Starhorn卻有自己的想法,他將迪萊卓斯峰的所在地編入麥格馬一族傳承的聖歌-「 夢之舞」。如此一來當有適當人選出現時,十三位麥格馬便可將阿庇里昂的所在傳達給他 們。就連Kaon在旅程的最初也有自己的安排,她將魔法藏在「劍術大師」Zwei的對劍 -Solstice和Winterblade裡,以便得知聖樹種植的地點。在她離開人世前,私底下派遣了 女性的Vanar菁英,前去守護阿庇里昂的祕密。 http://imgur.com/VUdspvT 對劍之一Winterblade At Deladriss Peake, young Aperion dropped its first potent petals, transforming the morning mist into the first of the mana-rich Crystal Wisps, which allowed the Seidir to access to the Voices of Winds, including the ability to morph into various animal aspects. Thus they protected the Great Tree of Aperion, fulfilling the Prophecy of Ages in solitude until the unexpected arrival of the Vanar reinforcements. 而在迪萊卓斯峰,初生的阿庇里昂初次散布了它那充滿能量的花瓣,將朝霧的輕煙轉化成 為飽涵魔力的水晶精靈,它們令Seidir的成員能與Voices of Winds交流,並獲得能變身 成各種動物的能力。之後她們為了實現預言,一邊隱居一邊守護聖樹阿庇里昂,直到另一 批意想不到的援軍-Vanar前來加入。 http://imgur.com/IRsh52p 水晶精靈(Crystal Wisp),+1Mana的特性還不錯用 http://imgur.com/9prffgS Voice of the Wind,考慮到稀有度應該是聖獸一類的角色吧? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1478515270.A.4C3.html ※ 編輯: Typebrook (, 11/07/2016 18:46:13
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DevilCool: 的QQ 11/07 22:19
Typebrook: 等等!我現在才曉得不能dispel stunned狀態的對手吔 11/07 22:35
DevilCool: dispel背景提示有說~但是active是我一場敗局的經驗QQ 11/07 23:52