看板 Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
網頁好讀版:https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1478612656.A.CFF.html steam免費下載:http://store.steampowered.com/app/291410/ http://imgur.com/T0cXYxf -------------------------------------- 第十二章 三大禁令與大移民潮(The Trinity Mandates and the Great Diaspora) 紀元22,402 - 22,610年 -------------------------------------- Returning to Aestaria, Songweaver Eurielle was welcomed as a hero. In the void left by the death of Kaon Deladriss, she was universally acclaimed as Aestaria’s new leader. But Eurielle was a warrior at heart — she was not well-suited to governing an increasingly complex, growing empire. 回到艾斯塔利亞後,「歌織者」Eurielle受到英雄式的歡迎。而由於Kaon已經亡故,她受 到眾人擁戴成為了艾斯塔利亞新的領導者。不過,Eurielle畢竟是個戰士,統治一個愈加 複雜且逐漸龐大的帝國並不符合她的性格。 Hardened by travel and spartan in her ways, she was impatient with the nuances of politics and with the Aestari people. They were soft and inwardly focused. The rich and entitled had become lazy and overly dependent on the crystals, frivolously wasting the precious — and rapidly depleting — resource. Eurielle became bitter, angry that her teacher Kaon and the Senerai had sacrificed so much for a selfish and ungrateful people who cared only for themselves — and their precious crystals. 經歷過了旅途的磨練,Eurielle堅毅的性格使得她逐漸對繁瑣的政治事務及人民感到不耐 。艾斯塔利亞人既軟弱又自私,富人和望族變得懶憜且太依賴晶礦,在無謂的消耗下,造 成晶礦的儲量迅速下降。Euriellet對此感到憤恨不平,難道她的導師Kaon和一眾七星武 士如此地犧牲自己,就是為了這些自私又不知感激,眼裡只關心自己和他們寶貝晶礦的人 民嗎? Eventually, Eurielle deemed it necessary to restrict the use of crystals. She established the Trinity Mandates: The First Mandate, which declared that under penalty of imprisonment, any Aestari citizen who used a crystal must refrain from practicing magic for a set period of time, to balance the debt of use. The Second Mandate established an elaborate set of permissions and rules governing appropriate crystal usage. The Third Mandate outlined specific priorities, strictly forbidding the use of crystals for simple entertainment or pleasure. 對此,Eureille認為有必要限制晶礦的使用。並下達了三大禁令(Trinity Mandates):第 一條-為了抑制消耗,所有艾斯塔利亞國民在使用水晶施展魔法後,於規定的時限內不得 再使用,違者監禁處份。第二條則建立了一系列規範,以便將晶礦的使用設定在合理的範 疇。第三條禁令概括了晶礦用途的先後順序,嚴格禁止被用於娛樂等無謂的目的。 The Aestari people were furious. Many felt they were being oppressed, that the mandates violated their rights and fundamental Aestari beliefs. Some had grown so dependent on the crystals that they became physically ill without them. Aestaris hoarded, smuggled, and stole crystals from neighboring towns. 艾斯塔利亞的人民則以憤怒回應,許多人感覺受到壓迫,認為這些禁令侵犯了自己固有的 權利並破壞大眾生活的基礎。不少人長期依賴水晶,突來的禁令不可能令他們迅速接受。 於是人民開始私自囤積、走私水晶,甚至在鄰里間也有了偷竊的行為。 Some scoured the surrounding Sundrop Mountains, desperately seeking more crystals to satiate their unceasing hunger. Other groups simply left Aestaria, crossing the treacherous mountains in pursuit of their own destinies, and new sources of crystals. 有些人翻遍國境的Sundrop山脈,拼命地找尋更多的晶礦以滿足無窮盡的欲望。另一些人 則選擇離開艾斯塔利亞,越過艱險的山路去追尋自己的命運以及新的礦脈。 http://imgur.com/T0XzX4u 至今為止人類的故事都發生在中央大陸-艾斯塔利亞上,下回開始舞台則是東南邊的Akram 大陸,同時也會提到Vetruvian陣營的先驅 -------------------------------------- 明天開始因為爬山要出門5、6天,一天一更的節奏要暫時停下了 (雖然不曉得有多少人在看啦XD) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1478612656.A.CFF.html ※ 編輯: Typebrook (, 11/08/2016 21:46:52
x2159679: QAQ 11/08 21:52
flyingwhale: 會有人看啊 // 爬山一路平安喔 11/09 12:35
rosseta0702: 推 11/09 21:29