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網頁好讀版:https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1479279080.A.310.html steam免費下載:http://store.steampowered.com/app/291410/ http://imgur.com/23MebRy -------------------------------------- 第十三章 維特魯的興起(The Dawn of the Vetruvians) 紀元22,610 - 22,640年 -------------------------------------- Among the disparate groups who fled the Aestari Mandates was a band of pilgrims, visionaries, and explorers who travelled directly east. They discovered the lush and stunning coastlines of the continent of Akram. 在逃避禁令的移民潮裡,其成員大多數由浪人、夢想家、探險家組成。其中一批人筆直往 東前進,並到達了阿克朗大陸那茂盛又饒富魅力的海岸線。 They established the city of Kaero, which one day would become the capital of their new nation. The interior of the country was mostly arid desert, but moving down the coast they encountered the calmer waters of the reef-sheltered bays, and discovered vast nodes of copper, tin, iron, and other metals. 這些人創立了凱洛城邦-未來將成為他們新興國家的首都。這片土地的內陸滿是乾燥的沙 漠,但沿著海岸線,移民們找到許多水面平靜又有礁石環繞的海灣,同時也發現了儲量驚 人的銅、錫、鐵礦和其它金屬礦脈。 http://imgur.com/BUHUIKL Rasha's Tomb(拉夏皇陸),Akram(阿克朗大陸)是遊戲中Vetruvian陣營的故鄉 其後續的歷史發展與這位拉夏大帝密不可分,將在後續章節提到 Amid the Dunes of Ma'or, they discovered subterranean sources of pristine water, erecting massive Pyramid Towers to extract the pure water from deep underground. They established cities like Tyvia, which became home to the finest weaponsmiths, as well as Pyrae and nearby Murani, which became home to the finest artisans and craftsmen. 在瑪歐沙丘群之中,他們發現了地下水源,並建造了巨大的金字塔群以提取乾淨用水。移 民們也建造了其它城市,如鍛造上乘武器的職人故鄉-泰維亞、盛產手藝人的皮瑞列島、 以及其附近工匠聚居的慕朗尼。 Most of the Alcuin Loremasters moved to Kaero, setting up The Ostracon, a sister institution to the Seventh Sanctum. In time, the Ostracon became a prominent University and bastion of learning, the epicenter of academic and arcane knowledge on Mythron where the best and brightest scholars would learn from peerless Aestari sages -- respectful of the finite supply of crystal energy, but unfettered by the Aestari Mandates. 大多數阿爾克因學派的學者都移居到了凱洛城,他們創立了七聖所的孿生組織-「奧斯柴 坎」。隨著時光流逝,奧斯柴坎成為了Mythron世界中首屈一指的學府。作為求知的保壘 ,它產出無數的學術理論和魔法知識。雖然水晶供應有所限制,但少了三大禁令,使得那 些最傑出、最有前途的研究者,能夠從艾斯塔利亞最博學的賢者之中汲取知識。 http://imgur.com/T0XzX4u Ostracon(奧斯柴坎)一景 Despite the scarcity of water, Akram’s plentiful metals attracted the best Aestari craftsmen. The metallurgic arts flourished, producing advances that soon outstripped Aestari technologies. From among this new breed of craftsmen emerged one particularly brilliant Aestari: Atar. 儘管水源稀少,阿克朗大陸豐富的礦產資源仍舊吸引了艾斯塔利亞最好的工匠。冶金技術 在此突飛猛進,產出的成品甚至超越了艾斯塔利亞本土的科技。在這批新一代的工匠中, 出現了一位特別有才華的新星-Atar。 With unparalleled speed, he swiftly ascended the Ostracon’s ranks, earning the titles of Grand Loremaster, High Artificer, and Prime Arcanyst. He was also a tireless explorer who would one day learn that Akram had as-of-yet undiscovered resources more precious than anyone could have previously imagined. Atar以極快的速度在奧斯柴坎學院中建立地位,獲取了大學者、高階手藝人、首席祕術士 等頭銜,他同時也是個熱血的冒險家,將會發掘阿克朗大陸那尚未被知曉,任何人都無法 想像的珍貴資源。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1479279080.A.310.html
AsakDAngel: 推 11/16 15:22
jackyown: 推 11/16 18:01
comp2468: 推 11/16 20:35
d6626410: 辛苦了! 11/16 22:00
boiq: 推推 11/17 01:55
DevilCool: 推推 11/17 02:07
※ 編輯: Typebrook (, 11/27/2016 12:38:42