看板 Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
網頁好讀版:https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1479915146.A.959.html steam免費下載:http://store.steampowered.com/app/291410/ http://imgur.com/tRyZyGI -------------------------------------- 第十八章 巨石柱的建造(Construction of the Monolith) 紀元22,745 - 22,870年 -------------------------------------- The Monolith conceived of by Sargos would be much more than just a symbol. It would enclose the Weeping Tree with vast Star Lenses designed to capture starlight, amplifying and focusing the cosmic light on the Weeping Tree, making it stronger and healthier while simultaneously hastening the next Great Blooming. 在Sargos的構想中,巨石柱(Monolith)不僅僅只是個象徵,它的功能是把哭泣之樹置於高 處,結合巨型透鏡以利照射星光,進而增強樹木吸收宇宙能量的效率,使它再度健康茁壯 ,同時加速下一次開花期的到來。 At the same time, the colossal enclosure would ensure that the petals released in the next blooming — and all the power they contained — would forever remain inside Aestaria. 與此同時,巨大的內部空間可以攔截開花期飄散的花瓣。這樣一來,所有聖樹的力量將永 遠納入艾斯塔利亞的掌握中。 In the short term, construction of the Monolith would consume more crystals than ever before, aggravating existing shortages and provoking even greater unrest from the over-taxed continents. In the long run, however, Sargos knew the Monolith would provide Aestaria with virtually unlimited magical energy, while denying its rivals the same. 短期來看,建造巨石柱需要消耗前所未有的大量晶礦,這將加劇目前已經短缺的現狀,並 更加刺激那些已被過度克徵晶礦的外地大陸。不過長期來看,Sargos認為巨石柱可以令艾 斯塔利亞獲得幾近無限的魔法能源,並且將競爭對手拒之門外。 Emperor Sargos enlisted the best and brightest minds of the Aestari Empire — mechanysts, loremasters, manaforgers, spellbinders — and directed their combined energies on designing and building the Monolith. The Thirteen Aspects counseled Sargos that building the Monolith was a mistake. 皇帝Sargos從整個艾斯塔利亞帝國中,召集了最優秀且知名的技工、學者、魔法工匠與咒 術師,開始了巨石柱的設計與建造。十三位麥格瑪向他建言:建造巨石柱將會是個錯誤決 定。 Its construction would violate the Trinity Mandates, which were established to maintain and preserve Mythron’s harmony for future millennia. Some elder Aestari agreed, warning Sargos of the potentially dire consequences that would result from building the Monolith. Sargos ignored them all, confident in his decision and suspicious of their motives. 有關晶礦的三大禁令一直是整個世界長治久安的基礎,這項工程本身就違反了前者信條。 一些艾斯塔利亞中的長老同樣持反對意見,警告Sargos建造巨石柱將導致嚴重的後果。不 過Sargos對此充耳不聞,堅持他的決定並懷疑反對者動機不純。 Rallying the common people behind him under the banner of progress and Aestari pride, Sargos publicly denounced The Thirteen Aspects for trying to maintain the status quo at the expense of the Aestari people. He allocated a large percentage of harvested crystals to building the Monolith, but at the same time rescinded the First and Second and Third Mandates, giving the people once more unfettered access to the crystals. Sargos利用進步與榮耀國家的大義名份團結民眾,並公開譴責十三位麥格瑪的作法,是試 圖阻撓艾斯塔利亞人民脫離不景氣的現狀。他將絕大部份開採的晶礦投入建造巨石柱的工 程中,卻也同時撤消三大禁令,讓人民能再度隨心所欲地使用晶礦。 The popularity of Emperor Sargos and his Monolith soared as the Aestari people envisioned a limitless supply of magical power, and a glorious new world order." 皇帝Sargos的聲望及巨石柱的建造,令艾斯塔利亞人民開始冀望那些無限的魔法能源,以 及整個世界的光榮前景。 ----------------------------------------------- 感謝各位版友的熱心建議! 依照指示稍微修改牌組,令Faie強制扣血的特色更能發輝 今天幸運有兩次三連勝加成,竟然讓我打上R10黃金啦~ 其中一兩場絕境逢生逆轉勝,真是嘗到了戰棋遊戲的醍醐味 以下是在R11打滾時用的牌組,應該離理想還有一段差距 PO上來分享並請老手再多指教! http://imgur.com/6EO7IfM -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1479915146.A.959.html ※ 編輯: Typebrook (, 11/23/2016 23:33:20
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