看板 Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文: https://goo.gl/peLgRA 大標: Duelyst下一個延伸系列將會在本周發布, 在此先看一下六張新卡 小標: Rise of Bloodborn (系列名)將增加39張新卡,獲得方式將與以往不同 簡要內文: Duelyst的第二個延伸系列將於12/15正式推出 總共會有39張新卡,並且會多出一個新的異能:Blood Surge 類似爐石的激勵 會在使用英雄技能時發動 但是Duelyst的Blood Born Skill(以下簡稱BBS) 費用比較便宜且無法每回合發動 現在加上了新的異能 期待玩家可以再更策略性的使用BBS 再減少一些不用白不用的情況 新的系列卡片還是會透過購買orb的方式取得 但是有別以往系列是100金買五張隨機卡牌的方式 新的系列卡片將改為300金獲得三種不重複的卡片各三張 (所以一包共九張) 這個系列的卡牌無法製作也無法拆解 但你也不會抽到重複的卡牌 所以玩家只要買13包新系列卡包就可以將新系列的卡片全部入手 課金玩家則可以用3$一包或是20$全包的方式來入手 且如果你在花20$全包前就先用gold買了這個系列的orb (感謝版友提醒~已修正) 那麼事後也會獲得全額的退款 這邊為各位先行介紹各職業一張的新卡牌 http://imgur.com/a/9NzNa 可以在這邊看到直接看到完整個動態卡圖跟說明 1.Furosa (Abyssian) 1費minion 1/2 Blood Surge:友方小鬼獲得 +1/+1 A cheap minion meant to help out swarm decks. The Blood Surge effect will activate after Lilithe's Bloodborn Spell summons its two Wraithlings, immediately buffing them and any other Wraithlings on the board. This card could be a great way for swarm decks to make their boards more resilient, but getting a minion's health from 2 to 3 is a lot more valuable than going from 1 to 2, so Furosa will either need to stick around or get some help to really shine. I do love the Mad Max reference, though. 低費生物是用來幫助生物海型牌組 這張牌的異能會讓Lilithe招喚出來的小鬼以及已經在場上的小鬼直接獲得+1/+1 讓你從此不會再輕易被Skorn之類的簡單清場 且2血->3血的幫助效果又遠大於1血->2血 (這邊應該是指被清場的難度...但plasma bomb表示:廠廠~) 但同時你就必須設法讓這張牌能夠多活幾回合 2.Stone to Spears (Vetruvian) 1費法術 一個友方石碑在本回合中獲得+3攻擊力且可以移動+扁人 I am incredibly excited for this spell. Even if you completely ignore the +3 attack, Stone to Spears gives Vetruvian a chance to reposition out of place Obelysks as fights move away from wherever you initially placed them. And the bonus attack is nice on its own, allowing silenced Obelysks to pose even more of a threat after Shim'zar added Whisper of the Sands. 就算你完全忽略+3攻擊力 光是這張法術能夠讓你的石碑重新移動到更好的位置就已經很值回票價了 且就算是已經被沉默過的石碑 在移動後也能夠更有效的搭配Whiper of the Sands這張卡 (在所有友方石碑招喚一隻wind dervish) 3.Drogon (Magmar) 4費minion 5/4 Blood Surg:本回合中你的英雄攻擊力加倍 A potential Game of Thrones reference and an absolutely terrifying 4 Mana minion. As Vaath's Bloodborn Spell starts stacking up his attack, Drogon gets more and more valuable. Combo'd with Grove Lion to preserve your health, Drogon could let your hero easily deal with huge minions. Or, for a combo much later in the game, playing Bounded Lifeforce and your Bloodborn Spell with Drogon on the board will give your general a 22 damage punch out of nowhere. That's a thing to be feared. 一張疑似致敬權力遊戲且超級恐怖的四費生物 尤其搭配Vaath這種本身可以疊家自己攻擊力的BBS 這隻生物的價值更難以言喻 搭配Grove Lion(6 5/5你的英雄獲得Force Field)來控制你的血量 你的英雄可以輕鬆的打爆大型生物 或是搭配Bounded Lifeforce(7費法術 你的英雄變成10/10) 你可以憑空瞬間輸出22點傷害 這東西真的是超級恐怖 (淦...Magmar尤其是Vaath真的是天選之子耶...= =) 4.Scintilla (Lyonar) 3費minion 3/4 Blood Surge:你的英雄回復3點生命 A common minion that lends some love to the healing Lyonar decks. Compared to the other cards we are revealing, Scintilla isn't very flashy, but it's a card that could find a comfy home in a slower Zir'an deck. Her Bloodborn Spell would now cause minions with effects that activate form healing to proc twice, which could help those decks find a stronger foothold in the meta. 一張對於喜愛治療Lyonar牌組很有幫助的普通卡生物 雖然相較上述幾張牌來說這張牌不算是非常亮眼 但他絕對可以在慢速Zir'an牌組中找到很好的歸宿 牌組中那些需要靠回復血量才能觸發異能的生物可以在同時間觸發兩次 可以讓Zir'an在現在的Meta中更穩的站好腳步 5.Concealing Shroud (Vanar) 兩費法術 你的英雄在你的下一回合前不受到任何傷害 This is a powerful card, plain and simple. Even if it could be too situational, this is an unanswerable way to guarantee you get to play at least one more turn of Duelyst. It could let you spend a full turn setting up a win for the next turn, ignoring any imminent threats because you know you'll live to see it. It can also save you when you know a combo might be coming. I could easily be wrong, but Concealing Shroud seems like the type of card strategies are built around. 這是一張樸實而強大的法術 即便他的效果太過綁定時機 但是他是在Duelyst中唯一能夠保證你可以活到下一回合的卡片 你可以花費整個回合的時間為你下一回合的勝利去鋪陳 而不用擔心任何突發事件會讓你無法活著看到它發生 同時他也可以讓你在預期一個combo要發生的時候很好的保護你 也許使用的時機很難掌握 但這張法術就是那種戰術性的卡片 6.Twilight Fox (Songhai) 3費minion 3/3 Blood Surge:傳送一個隨機的敵人到你英雄的背後 And finally, Songhai gets a wonderful way to troll its enemies. Comboing nicely with backstab, Twilight Fox is a fantastic minion to mess with your opponent's plans. You can pull their minions, or even their general, completely out of position. But it could come with some risk, as if you can't kill whatever you pull, you've brought a threat in close to your own general instead. I don't quite know what to make of this card, but it's going to be hilarious, that's for sure. 最後,Songhai獲得了一個美妙的方式去戳他的對手 這隻生物搭配背刺,可以很夢幻的去擾亂你對手的計畫 你可以盡情的去推拉對手的手下甚至是他們的英雄 當然,這伴隨著同樣的風險 如果你無法秒殺你拉來的東西 你也等於是把危險拉到了自己的英雄身後 我還不是很確定如何去理解這張卡 但毫無懸念的,他應該會製造出很多的笑話 個人針對各卡的簡單短評: 1.只有2血實在很可惜~但小鬼流應該都會放 雖然幾乎無助於aby在面對Plasma Bomb時的無助 2.很有趣的設計,但是我現在好像很少遇到帶石碑的Vet 3.Magmar尤其是Vaath op阿棍 4.Zir'an的牌組應該都會放2-3張,非常實用 尤其現在的meta很多人都會帶補血 5.真的是很戰術性質的法術,但是抽牌手段少的Vanar放這個仍然有點卡手 6.我覺得這張牌有一點點太爐石了...但搭配背刺系列應該仍然是很好的組合 尤其對上那些喜歡逃來逃去的牌組 以上一些簡易翻譯分享 謝謝收看 -- You know what you get for being a hero? Nothin'. You get shot at. You get a little pat on the back, blah, blah, blah, attaboy. You get divorced. Your wife can't remember your last name. Your kids don't want to talk to you. You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me, kid, nobody wants to be that guy. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1481719080.A.309.html
warchero: magmar那張太猛了吧 12/14 20:49
knight714: Magmar的太強了吧… 12/14 21:09
我覺得是Magmar太強了吧... 強烈譴責Trumping wave這張卡...XD
Cosmosooo: 雖然之前就有聽說這次擴展比上次小 不過也太小了吧QQ 12/14 21:24
Cosmosooo: 13包就可以抽完了嗎?買到第14包會怎樣 不能拆不能買?! 12/14 21:26
應該就不給買了 不過之前有說是要趕工手機版跟國際語言支援就是...XD 同時也怕一口氣改變太多生態吧
thinkDie: 別鬧了 我magmar牌不齊 都能撐到8~10攻? 還翻倍 12/14 22:26
boiq: 花$20那邊退的是gold, 不是真的錢 12/14 22:36
感謝提醒已修改 我剛重看了一次 確實是用gold買後再課金是退gold~XD ※ 編輯: DevilCool (, 12/14/2016 22:44:35
ooooooo286: 好想怒噓Magmar,有一次天梯連3場碰到,一直衝過來 12/15 00:10
ooooooo286: 打臉就飽了阿 OAQ 12/15 00:10
warchero: 然後Songhai那張廢到笑 12/15 00:43
thinkDie: Magmar很nice的 我們只打臉 不打隨從 12/15 03:46
Typebrook: Magmar那張搭Twin Fang,在第三回合秒人都有可能 12/15 17:37