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Steam 版 Assassin's Creed 2 Deluxe Edition 66% OFF 只要新台幣 $101. 聽說是劇情最棒的一代. 有中文: http://store.steampowered.com/app/33230/ 關於此遊戲 Assassin’s Creed® 2 is the follow-up to the title that became the fastest-selling new IP in video game history. The highly anticipated title features a new hero, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, a young Italian noble, and a new era, the Renaissance. Assassin’s Creed 2 retains the core gameplay experience that made the first opus a resounding success and features new experiences that will surprise and challenge players. Assassin’s Creed 2 is an epic story of family, vengeance and conspiracy set in the pristine, yet brutal, backdrop of a Renaissance Italy. Ezio befriends Leonardo da Vinci, takes on Florence’s most powerful families and ventures throughout the canals of Venice where he learns to become a master assassin. EZIO, A NEW ASSASSIN FOR A NEW ERA Ezio Auditore da Firenze is a young Italian noble who will learn the ways of the assassins after his family was betrayed and he looks to seek vengeance. He is a lady’s man, a free soul with panache yet has a very human side to his personality. Through him, you become a master assassin. RENAISSANCE ITALY Italy in the 15th century was less a country and more a collection of city-states where families with political and economic strength began to take leadership roles in cities like Florence and Venice. This journey through some of the most beautiful cities in the world takes place in a time in history where culture and art were born alongside some of the most chilling stories of corruption, greed and murder. A NEW-FOUND FREEDOM You will be able to perform missions when you want and how you want in this open-ended world that brings back free-running and adds elements such as swimming and even flying to the adventure. The variety in gameplay adds another layer for you to truly play through the game any way you choose. DYNAMIC CROWD Discover a living, breathing world where every character is an opportunity for the player. Blending in with the crowd is easier, working with in-game characters provide ample rewards but can also lead to surprising consequences. BECOME A MASTER ASSASSIN Perfect your skills to become a master assassin where you brandish new weapons, learn to disarm enemies then use their weapons against them, and assassinate enemies using both hidden blades. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1490350923.A.DB6.html ※ 編輯: freakclaw (, 03/24/2017 18:23:15
UC93: 不知道何年能出超大包 03/24 18:22
nh60211as: 字數不足,請充實文章內容 03/24 18:23
shaiker: 這是舊版的 還是新的重製板的畫面? 03/24 18:24
Karrigan777: 還有人想買來玩嗎 03/24 18:26
silverair: 想玩不一定,想買的肯定有 03/24 18:27
MEVIUS: 這系列最推二代嗎 我很久以前玩過一代而已 03/24 18:46
※ 編輯: freakclaw (, 03/24/2017 18:49:43 ※ 編輯: freakclaw (, 03/24/2017 18:49:58
Sixxlife: 這版的好玩嘛? 03/24 18:52
tzouandy2818: 一堆智障問題 03/24 18:55
whow: 8樓不知道在兇幾點zz 03/24 19:02
zax50701: PC沒有重製阿= = 03/24 19:08
KimomiKai: 習慣梟雄之後回來玩會摔手把 03/24 19:11
efreet: 沒有重製版這回事,Assassin's Creed The Ezio Collection 03/24 19:18
efreet: 只是把原本的PC版再稍微調整過後移到PS4、X1上,用的是原 03/24 19:19
efreet: 本PC版高解析的材質(因為當時360、PS3跑不動) 03/24 19:19
efreet: 有興趣可以去Youtube找比較影片,事實上蠻多玩家認為原本 03/24 19:22
efreet: PC版畫面還比較好一些 03/24 19:22
henryhuang17: 之前有大大整理各代推薦度 但我忘記關鍵字了 03/24 19:26
flyingwhale: 精華區好像有整理到的樣子w 03/24 19:32
lolwtfnow: 要像上禮拜Bioshock合輯-75%才有吸引力阿 03/24 19:44
letni: 聽說uplay版本沒有中文 ? 03/24 19:46
joe6304105: 這個有兄弟會跟啟示錄嗎 03/24 20:43
alon2015: #1M7-B7VA 這篇嗎 03/24 20:55
GabeHypnos: Uplay剛剛按了下載之後,安裝選項裡面沒有繁體中文 03/24 21:01
GabeHypnos: 我的是當年英特衛代理的實體版,非deluxe,可能是這關 03/24 21:02
GabeHypnos: 係吧... 03/24 21:02
GabeHypnos: 希望買過舊版的也能有官方繁中的更新 03/24 21:04
ahw12000: #1MzLQ7qz (Steam) [ptt.cc] Re: [問題] 各位對刺客教條 03/24 21:10
ahw12000: 這篇也很詳細 但沒解釋DLC差異 03/24 21:11
xjqulxu1651: uplay版不提供中文, 要看官方之後會不會放 03/24 22:45
Angesi: 我是用mac 不知道有沒有中文~~ 很猶豫 03/24 22:59
killwork: 請問購買選單裡還有一個$50的項目那個是升級什麼? 03/24 23:07
Angesi: 回樓上 那是給有買標準版的升級用 03/24 23:11
killwork: 我想請問現在steam的刺客教條2目前101元,請問還要加購 03/24 23:16
killwork: 那個$50嗎? 03/24 23:16
killwork: 另外是不是沒有包含兄弟會跟啟示錄? 03/24 23:16
killwork: 需要另外一起購買是這個意思嗎? 03/24 23:16
killwork: 三個加起來才是完整的二代刺客教條? 03/24 23:16
cmj: 這麼久了居然更新中文!不過幾年前就破了... 03/24 23:17
cmj: 回 killwork,買101元的就好,50那個是給之前還沒出豪華版的 03/24 23:17
cmj: 玩家升級用的。沒有包含兄弟會和啟示錄。兄弟會個人推薦一起 03/24 23:18
cmj: 買,但啟示錄就還好,但如果要體驗Ezio青年到老年的生涯,買 03/24 23:19
cmj: 這三套就對了 03/24 23:19
killwork: 樓上的謝謝你詳細的回覆, 03/24 23:24
killwork: 因為遊戲上面的名字都英文的, 03/24 23:24
killwork: 好像很多序曲,所以才不太了解, 03/24 23:24
killwork: 還有對四代跟五代都很有興趣, 03/24 23:24
killwork: 只是這次的梟雄不曉得有沒有優惠? 03/24 23:24
killwork: 剛剛看兄弟會跟啟示錄竟然不支援中文!好可惜 03/24 23:26
killwork: Syndicate是哪一代的版本? 03/24 23:28
tkigood: 大革命開始已經不用代數做區分了 硬要說的話 梟雄應該是6 03/24 23:45
leo255112: 梟雄是刺客系列最新作品 03/24 23:46
leo255112: 我玩梟雄之前只玩過一代二代 操作變化不少 03/24 23:47
tkigood: Syndicate就是梟雄 03/24 23:47
killwork: 請問梟雄曾經最便宜多少錢呢? 03/25 00:36
cfox1: 梟雄現在買還是貴鬆鬆 https://goo.gl/eZl8pi 03/25 01:03
wlwillwell: 二代以前要中文目前只有英特衛版,中文化是英特衛做的 03/25 02:22
wlwillwell: Ubi之前是有說過中文計畫啦...會追溯過往的作品 03/25 02:23
wlwillwell: 但何時會兌現還不清楚,另外一代如果沒更新上去字幕 03/25 02:23
wlwillwell: 就算中文化幫助還是有限XDDDD 03/25 02:23
Ahfon: 我只玩過123 2代劇情是三個裡面最好的最好 03/25 03:14
jacky3838: 二代三部曲超推… 03/25 03:15
aaron68032: 二代的歷史劇情是所有作品最好的,現代劇情就比較普通 03/25 13:12
aaron68032: ,喜歡劇情的朋友必買三部曲 03/25 13:12
nlriey: 最推二的三部曲沒錯,經典之作 03/25 20:18