看板 Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/DppnG/ 經過之前改制後,社群間的反應熱烈,管理員想繼續改進制度 以下是他的構想 1.Switching from 5P to 6P every 15 minutes. There is no right answer here, because some users found they still had too many points, and others believed they were too limited. I would like to raise it a little though, and I'm leaning towards 6P every 15 minutes, which will give users an extra 96P per day (576P compared to 480P) to join a few more giveaways. 每15分增加 6點(現今為 5點),跟現在相比每天多了96點 2.Decreasing the point cap from 500P to 400P. After further thought, I think 500P is too high for the point cap, and it evens the odds a little too much for the once a day casual visitor compared to users that visit two or three times a day. I want to lower this to 400P. If we switch to 6P every 15 minutes as mentioned above, users would reach a 400P cap after 16.6 hours. This means a once a day visitor would be able to spend 400P, while a more frequent visitor could spend 576P. I think that's fair, it would give more regular users 44% more points compared to someone that just stops by once a day. I think it would be appreciated by more frequent visitors, and they only need to visit twice a day to get that benefit. 儲存的最大點數從500點改為400點,如果增加的點數變多了,將會降低最大值 這樣能讓較頻繁使用的使用者用到更多點數(576點),而每天看一次的使用者則是400點 如果不改變則每天看一次的使用者只損失76點,我認為改這樣會比較公平 3.Switching the maximum number of points to enter a single giveaway back to 100P instead of 50P. I'm fairly indifferent about this change since it would affect a small number of giveaways. Users also seemed relatively split in a recent poll, but they voted in favor of 100P, so I'll side with the vote in this case. GA的最大點數將改回100P(現為50P),這影響的GA為少數 不過有人發起投票且大伙選擇了100P,那我尊重這結果 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 渣翻,有錯請點出 目前這是管理員的構想,還不是最終結果,有任何構想的可以加進去連結一起討論 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1508170754.A.803.html
sumarai: 給保底機制更棒 10/17 00:29
j1551082: 給保底那不是送禮的人要哭了嗎w 10/17 00:37
Godunknown: 乾脆弄個投資形玩法算了 所有遊戲不限點數 10/17 00:52
Godunknown: 看玩家想投多少點數就多少 投越多中獎機率越大 10/17 00:52
sumarai: 這個我知道,就是之前鬼王開的假cs樂透的玩法啊 10/17 00:59
Yachaos: 這次改變機制最大的優點在於參加人數少了許多 10/17 01:12
Yachaos: 前陣子動不動就lv7的也都200+起跳 10/17 01:13
Yachaos: 不過壞處就是出現贈禮人數增加的時段(出組合包)時 10/17 01:14
Yachaos: 點數沒有相應增加,能參加的就少了 10/17 01:15
Yachaos: 然後過了那一段大量贈禮時間,又沒啥人開抽獎了 10/17 01:16
Lightbearer: 其實我覺得現在的作法不錯啊 點數增加慢 每天就少花 10/17 01:30
Lightbearer: 很多時間在那邊一直點 10/17 01:30
同樣觀點,之前HB、BS一起爆炸的時候,30分直接0-->300都發生過 現在真的休閒很多
wurenben: 什麼時候可以不用點進去ga就能參加抽獎 10/17 01:41
不太認為會加入quick join的設定,有些人的GA會有宣傳活動或是有東西要發表 事實上,這次改制原本是打算連quick join都一起封掉的 ※ 編輯: dss (, 10/17/2017 01:56:50
tzouandy2818: 所以現在只用Autojoin的Quickjoin會不會有危險啊 我 10/17 03:16
tzouandy2818: 很怕 一直不敢開 10/17 03:16
nightwind209: 以常看SG的人來說 之前的P點累積的方式有比較多點數 10/17 06:11
nightwind209: 現在只能東挑挑西揀揀才不會把點數太快花完 10/17 06:12
jason32320: 以前是看到有卡的糞game就開始狂點,現在是只能挑高等 10/17 09:30
jason32320: 或是群組的抽 10/17 09:30
jason32320: 這機制最大改變就是糞game和常入包的變好抽很多,但是 10/17 09:32
jason32320: 願望單跟月包的基本上不是群組別想抽到.... 10/17 09:32