看板 Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://www.facebook.com/RunicGames/posts/1676352079082372 內文簡翻 Hey everyone, It’s been over nine years since a rag-tag team of 17 developers helped open Runic Games. We’ve been so lucky for the community that has supported us and made us successful. 九年過去了 很幸運擁有各位的支持 Thanks to that support, we have had the chance to meet and work with the best people in the world. Our team here at Runic has released three successful games, and over that time we have seen many changes; team members got married, kids were born, but the most important thing is that we have become a family. 因為各位的支持 我們才有機會和世界上最棒的人一起完成三款遊戲 但隨著時間過去 有的人結婚生子了 最重要的是工作室變成了一家人 I’m sorry to say that today will be Runic’s last day open. Our focus is on our family here, and helping them find a new place to call home. If you are in games and looking for some of the best talent in the industry, please email [email protected]. 很遺憾宣布今天是Runic工作室的最後一天 如果你在找遊戲界的人才請和我們聯絡 For those that love the Torchlight series, there will be some news coming. And for all our fans, our community and multiplayer services will keep running even after the studio's lights go off. It has been an amazing experience. To my family here at Runic, I know we won’ t be far from each other, and I’ll miss seeing you all every week. You haven’t heard the last of us, Marsh Lefler Studio Head 火炬之光系列將會有一些新消息(最後回饋之類?) 而我們的社群系統和多人連線服務仍會持續運作 --- TL2最近才剛解完全成就 HOB發布沒多久 我都還沒買就解散了QQ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1509745925.A.06B.html
peter0825: 好慘 11/04 05:56
剛看了一些推文 好像是被完美世界的公司關閉 不知道runic是不是被買下然後跟EA旗下的公司一樣的下場 ※ 編輯: allen911007 (, 11/04/2017 05:58:13
wyiwyi: QQ 11/04 06:00
BlackBird: Hob不是才發售沒多久嗎... 11/04 06:06
kevin85486: 很喜歡火炬之光..看來續作永遠沒希望了 11/04 06:15
bule2006: 剛剛看了一下 評價不錯 但賣的似乎還好 11/04 06:26
qscNERO: 覺得可惜QQ 11/04 06:55
cress0128: 原來大特價的原因是這個…… 11/04 07:02
rhox: 哇靠... 11/04 07:19
JMLee: 很慶幸當年全價買了火炬2,但也很遺憾沒趕在解散前購入Hob 11/04 07:55
JMLee: …希望dev們都能找到各自的新歸宿 11/04 07:55
ronin728: 希望有財力又有文化的企業可以包下他們 例如貝賽斯塔... 11/04 08:35
hkhbb323: 我還以為是被EA收購才解散的 11/04 08:37
CW4: 可惜... 11/04 08:47
leamaSTC: 不是賣給中國嗎 這樣也關掉了喔? 11/04 08:48
w3160828: 買了這麼多年只生產出手遊版...大概跟EA關公司一樣 11/04 08:54
neveless: 這只能寫個慘字了 11/04 09:32
Rikken: 空虛又寂寞!好遊戲竟然淪落到變蘇燦… 11/04 09:51
exch3316: 買了還沒玩.. 這樣還能跟朋友連線嗎 11/04 09:57
rangerchao: 優質公司就這麼結束,真不捨 11/04 10:15
iComeInPeace: 貝塞斯塔?你確定?收費mod、不修bug 11/04 10:24
jrsh0906: 火炬... 11/04 10:35
JMLee: 幫補充一下完美世界的聲明,火炬的連線功能和社群服務仍會 11/04 10:40
JMLee: 持續維護 11/04 10:40
JMLee: 貝塞社已經在推特上招攬人才了,但大概不會全面接手 11/04 10:42
pityzero: 可惜.....最近才正在玩火炬覺得很喜歡說QQ 11/04 12:50
oskarsson: 這公司不是把火炬的主創團隊鬥走然後自己跑去做手游嗎 11/04 12:53
TheJabs: 樓上有卦嗎 11/04 13:01
j2squared: 就被支那鬥走啊,當初D2那批早走光了 11/04 13:06
WTF55665566: 還是回bz吧 bz現在一堆回鍋的離職員工 11/04 13:56
dryadh4920: 快回鍋bz吧 11/04 14:39
c79319: 所以火炬之光可以入手了嗎 11/04 14:42
t77133562003: 別回BZ阿 有人接手D3 WOW會繼續爛 11/04 16:48
bheegrl: ...突然想複習一下火炬2 11/04 18:36
gn00671975: 幹你EA!....咦 11/05 20:35