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弄完專題回來啦,可以發文惹 今天一樣介紹三個篇幅比較短的避難所 正史:Fallout 1/2/3/New Vegas/4,以及所有衍生漫畫 半正史:Fallout Tactics、Fallout Warfare、Official Fallout Game Guides 非正史:上面沒提到的 ======================================= Vault 92 92號避難所(Fallout 3) https://fallout.gamepedia.com/Vault_92 Vault 92 is one of the vaults created by Vault-Tec as part of the Vault Experiments. The world's best musicians were invited to Vault 92 with the promise to "preserve musical talent" during the Great War. However, in reality, this vault was geared specifically for experimenting with white noise generators that implanted subliminal messages into the minds of its resident population. It is located northwest of the deathclaw-infested ruins of Old Olney. 92號避難所邀請了全世界最優秀的音樂家,跟他們說要在大戰發生時「保護音樂的種子」 。然而,避難所的真正目的是要用白噪音對居民植入潛意識訊息。92號避難所位於被死亡 爪襲擊的Old Olney廢墟西北邊。 Background 背景 The construction of Vault 92 started in May 2062 and finished six years later, in 2068. Designed to hold 245 occupants for a projected duration of 100 years, the Vault was outfitted with a General Atomics International nuclear power reactor and a Brainpower 7 computer control system. To cater to the musicians selected for inclusion in the dweller ranks, the Vault was provided with an ample supply of sound equipment, musical instruments, and recording gear to facilitate the protection of the musical legacy of mankind and the United States. 92號避難所於2062年5月興建,六年後完工。這間避難所能容納245人並預計能維持100年 ,使用通用原子核子反應爐作為能源,以及Brainpower 7電腦控制系統。為了迎合這些音 樂家居民的等級,避難所內提供了大量的聲音設備、樂器和記錄器以協助保護人類及美國 的音樂遺產。 Of course, the Vault also had a second, hidden mission. Once the Vault was sealed on October 23, 2077, Overseer Richard Rubin began implementing Vault-Tec Confidential Plan WNMSCE (White Noise Mind Suggestion Combat Experimentation), an experiment designed to test the validity of implanting combat suggestions in human subjects through the use of modulated ultra low frequency white noise. The first limited tests carried out on isolated musicians in the sound booths were a success, with the dwellers remaining oblivious, save for the occasional odd pitch and other minor discrepancies on sound equipment. Relationships flourished, particularly the romance between violinist Hilda Egglebrecht and Parker Livingsteen, supervisor of the recording studios. 當然,這避難所也有第二個、隱藏起來的任務。在2077年10月23號,避難所封閉之後,監 督Richard Rubin便啟動Vault-Tec機密計畫WMNSCE(白噪音心理暗示鬥爭實驗),這個實 驗要測試調幅過的極低頻白噪音對實驗對象植入鬥爭的潛意識。第一組測試對象是幾個在 小錄音室裡的音樂家,結果很成功,受影響的居民毫無知覺,但在錄音記錄中能得知他們 偶爾會阿出奇怪的腔調和其他為小的聲音差異。此時其他居民之間的關係仍然很友好,特 別是負責主錄音室的兩位小提琴家Hilda Egglebrecht和Parker Livingsteen之間蹦出了 一段羅曼史。 The success of the field tests encouraged Rubin to proceed with the outlined experiment. Together with Professor John Malleus and Section 4, the Overseer extended the reach of the White Noise. The emitters were wired into loudspeakers throughout the Vault, primarily inside soundproof recording studios, where white noise was overlaid with music playback. To ensure full exposure, Rubin blocked the distribution of personal sound players and headphones, to ensure that the musicians listen to music inside recording studios, with the white noise broadcast. 區域性測試的成功促使Rubin開始全面展開實驗,他和John Malleus教授一起合作,在第 四區放出白噪音。白噪音發射器裝在避難所的每個廣播器裡,能傳遍除了隔音的主錄音室 以外的整個避難所。主錄音室裡的廣播白噪音會被音樂家工作時放的音樂蓋過去,因此 Rubin為了確保白噪音能覆蓋每個地方,限制了個人音響和耳機裝備的發放,以確保音樂 家在主錄音室聽音樂時也能聽到白噪音。 Professor Malleus was oblivious to the true nature of the project and went so far as congratulating his team on a job well done, when these first large scale tests revealed that 33% of subjects that lapsed into a trance-like state under the effects of white noise allowed the team to implement subtle, minor tics to verify the effectiveness of the suggestion. The effectiveness was close to 100%, with less than a 1% margin of error. Malleus教授完全不知道這計畫的真正意義,還在第一次廣域播放後稱讚他的團隊幹的好 。第一次廣播顯示有33%的受測者因為白噪音而陷入呆滯狀態,他的團隊藉此微調潛意識 訊息的效果,最後效果可達幾乎100%,只有不到1%的誤差。 However, the success was only temporary. Soon, the first problems manifested, as one of the musicians (designated Subject V920717) went insane, murdering three other dwellers in a bloody rage, forcing the security team to put him down. He was only killed after receiving 22 shots to the body. With no previous history of violence or mental instability, Professor Malleus began to question the effects of the white noise signal. To the Overseer, however, the loss of life was negligible and the behavior of the musician proof of the projects importance. The man offered increased strength, tenacity, and unflinching obedience to orders from authority; What else did the post-nuclear world need from a soldier? As such, the experiments were not suspended, even as the researchers autopsied the corpse to learn the source of the problem. What no one knew is that the white noise signal was causing neurological changes inside the brains of the subjects, resulting in dizziness, nausea, and the gradual loss of higher cognition and motor control, sometimes leading to psychosis. To make things worse, the entire Vault was turning out to be a death trap. The location selected by Vault Tec lay dangerously close to underground water sources, causing gradual deterioration throughout the Vault. Corrosion spread through the pipes and installations, causing leaks and other damage. However, the worst damage was taking place in the lower levels, where the wall deterioration resulted in stress fractures and crumbling of concrete walls. Although the technical team reinforced the walls to the best of their ability, they were fighting a losing battle. 然而成功只是暫時的,第一批問題開始出現了。有一個音樂家(被標記為案例V920717) 發瘋並殘忍的殺害了另外三個人,逼使保安部隊以武力壓制他,而他中了22槍才死。這個 人的過往記錄並沒有暴力傾向或心理瘋狂的例子,使的Malleus教授開始對白噪音的效果 起疑。但對監督來說,死幾個人沒啥大不了的,而且這名音樂家的舉動證明了計畫是有效 的。這名案例展現了強化的力量、韌性、以及對權威命令的無條件服從,而這就是核戰後 世界需要的士兵。因此實驗並未暫停,哪怕研究團隊正在透過驗屍尋找問題的來源。沒人 知道白噪音會影響受試者的腦神經,引發頭暈、噁心、以及慢慢失去感知和動作控制的能 力,有時會導致精神病。更糟的是避難所本身就是個大陷阱,本身位置距離地下水源近到 很危險,使避難所狀況惡化的很嚴重。管線和設備上到處都被腐蝕、導致漏水和其他損害 ,但狀況最糟的是低樓層地區,水泥牆壁惡化的到處都是裂痕。儘管技術團隊盡最大努力 加固牆壁,但他們是在打一場註定會輸的仗。 Against this grim backdrop, the tragedy of Vault 92 entered its next act. Within a month, another twelve incidents happened: Ten dwellers succumbed to the white noise signal's adverse effects, with seven fatalities; men torn limb from limb by once respected representatives of the musical profession. Malleus pleaded with the Overseer to abandon the project and salvage the situation. The Vault, isolated from the devastated outside world, was on its own. Rubin ignored the Professor's pleas, dismissing the deaths as a necessary sacrifice. However, to prevent the spread of "insanity" through the Vault, he implemented a command phrase in the signal: Sanity is not statistical. It was meant to provide the guards with an easy pacification method against citizens afflicted with white noise. 92號避難所的悲劇在這嚴酷的背景之下邁入了下一章節。一個月之中又出現了12名案例: 十個居民被白噪音影響,並在互相殘殺中死了七人,這些原本在音樂領域上備受尊崇的人 把彼此的軀幹撕開。Malleus請求監督放棄計畫以挽回整個事態,因為孤立於滿目瘡痍的 外界的避難所只能自力更生。Rubin沒有理會,說那些死亡是必要的犧牲。不過為了避免 「瘋狂」散佈整個避難所,他透過訊號發佈一道命令:「理智無法統計」,這道命令的用 意是要讓警衛能用比較和平的手段對付被白噪音折磨的人。 However, this was not enough to prevent the situation from degenerating further. As 30% of the Vault's population (close to 70 people) was estimated by Malleus to be clinically insane and with 35 dead, the Professor deemed the entire experiment a failure. He believed the white noise inadvertently resulted in the degeneration of humans into savage, mindless brutes. The solution was as desperate as it was daring: Malleus proposed abandoning the Vault completely, as the situation became untenable and outright dangerous for the rest of the inhabitants. But before they would go, the Professor needed to learn the truth. 然而這道命令無法阻止事態惡化。Malleus估計大概有30%的避難所居民(將近70人)發瘋 ,而有35人死亡,教授認為整個實驗已經失敗了。他相信是白噪音導致人類退化成野蠻、 沒心肝的畜生,而他想到的解決方法既大膽又危險:Malleus建議完全放棄避難所,因為 倖存居民的情況已經變得既不穩定又很危險。但在他們能走之前,教授需要知道整個真相 The Overseer refused to act according to the Professor's plans. Even as he realized the command phrase ceased to work and he lost control of the situation, he refused to recognize the fact that the Vault was already lost. Instead, he ordered his security force to kill Professor Malleus, in the vain hope that doing so would stop the violence from spreading. Some inhabitants took it upon themselves to secure arms in the face of half the Vault going insane, but alas, it was too little, too late. As the Vault crumbled around him and the orgy of violence reached its apex, Malleus learned the truth, from a mortally wounded security guard. He understood that the experiment he helped carry out was always controlled by Overseer Rubin. That the White Noise emitters were hooked up throughout the dorms, rather than just the studios, leading to exposure in sleep. No controls. No observation. Half the Vault dead, the other half divided between the lunatics and their victims. Malleus did the only thing he could: He confronted the Overseer, to make him pay for his sins. 儘管知道命令訊息沒作用,自己已經無法控制情況,監督仍拒絕教授的計畫。他拒絕理解 避難所已經確定淪陷的事實,反而命令保安部隊殺死Malleus教授,徒勞的希望這樣能停 止暴動擴散。但一切努力太過微小、也太遲了,避難所開始崩潰,而整個暴力的狂歡節到 達了頂點。Malleus從一名傷重瀕死的警衛那邊瞭解了事實,他理解到他協助完成的實驗 從頭到尾都在監督Rubin的控制之下,白噪音發射器不只裝在音樂工作室,還遍佈整個宿 舍區,連睡覺時都會被影響。沒有控制組,就無法觀察,半數的人死了,剩下的分成瘋子 和他們的受害者。Malleus做了他唯一能做的事:面對監督,要他為他的罪行付出代價。 The Vault, the silent witness of the violence that transpired within, kept its secrets safe as best it could. With its maintenance crews dead, it succumbed to flooding from the underground lake. The once human shelter became a haven for all manner of animals and mutated creatures alike. An empty husk deep beneath the ground. 避難所自身靜靜的見證發生在其身體內的暴力事件,完美隱藏了秘密。負責維修的人死光 之後,水沖了進來,形成一個地下湖。曾經的人類庇護所變成了各種動物和變種生物的天 堂,變成了一個深埋在地下的空殼。 ======================================= Vault 95 95號避難所(Fallout 4) https://fallout.gamepedia.com/Vault_95 Vault 95 is a Vault-Tec vault located in the Commonwealth in 2287. It is located at the northeast edge of the Glowing Sea. 95號避難所位於聯邦區,Glowing Sea的東北邊緣。 Background 背景 Designed for 72 dwellers, Vault 95 was specifically designed to house individuals who were addicted to drugs, offering them the chance to be rehabilitated and sheltered from nuclear fallout. Isolation is cited as the primary means of recovery: by not providing any drugs to vault dwellers they aimed to eliminate chances of relapse. There were also daily meetings to help the addicts through their recovery. Vault-Tec's Overseer manifest describes their position as "not to be considered a position of power, but rather a position of support and servitude." Infractions were dealt with using positive reinforcement and encouragement; together they shared the same path and were as a family. As Overseer and she should not prevent a resident from continuing their own personal journey. Sealed away inside the Vault after the Great War, the inhabitants eventually overcame their addictions. By 2082, five years after the War, they've managed to get clean and form a functioning society within the Vault, continuing to adhere to the Vault-Tec Rehabilitation Program (The Program, as they called it) even after it succeeded. 95號避難所能容納72個人,而這些人都是毒癮患者,避難所讓他們有機會在核戰後慢慢恢 復並受到庇護。治療的最主要手段是孤立:不給他們任何藥,使他們消除任何毒癮復發的 機會。他們每天還會跟監督有一次面談以幫助復原,這裡的監督形容這個職位「跟權力沒 半點關係,比較像是支援和僕役」。如果有出軌舉動,會以正向輔助和鼓勵來處理。大家 分享一切,都是同一個家庭。監督不能阻止任何一位居民追尋自己生涯的旅程。在大戰爆 發、避難所封閉之後,居民們最終都客服毒癮了。大戰後五年,每個人身上都沒有毒癮, 並在避難所內組成了一個很有效率的社會,繼續堅守Vault-Tec病人復原計畫(他們對這 計畫如此稱呼),儘管這計畫已經成功了。 One of the Vault dwellers, R. Guttierrez was an undercover Vault-Tec Corporation employee posing as a fellow addict. Their job was to blend in with the other vault dwellers and ensure nobody knew of their confidential role within the Vault. To carry out the second phase of the experiment, Gutierrez was supposed to open a secret stash of various addictive chems and alcohol sealed inside the living quarters section that was to be opened after five calendar years, as the second part of the Vault's overall experiment. Soon after the stash of drugs was found the Vault fell into chaos, with fighting and killing breaking out as the rest of the inhabitants succumbed to their former addictions. 其中一個居民,R.Guttierrez是一名潛伏的Vault-Tec員工,他的工作是融入眾人並確保 沒人知道避難所的機密規則。為了啟動避難所實驗的第二階段,Guttierrez應該要開啟一 個秘密儲藏室,裡面有各種成癮性藥劑和酒精。這個儲藏室就在生活區,而就算沒人開啟 ,在實驗開始後五年也會自動打開。很快的,儲藏室的藥物讓避難所陷入混亂,在戰鬥和 殺戮過後,剩下的居民再度臣服於毒癮之下。 By 2287 Vault 95 has been taken over by Gunners, who have moved into the installation after overwhelming the vault dwellers. Most of the installation is heavily damaged, as much by the fighting as by the passage of time. The Vault's reactor is offline and partially buried under tons of rock, with the remainder showing great wear and tear. The Gunners have cleaned out the Vault's major areas, but lack the technical acumen necessary to fix it up properly. 2287年時,槍手在殺光了原居民後佔據了95號避難所。大部分設備因過往的戰鬥而嚴重損 毀,避難所反應爐早已關閉,一部分還被成噸的岩石埋住,剩下那部分磨損破裂的很嚴重 。槍手清理了避難所的主要區域,但他們缺乏必要的技術以修復反應爐。 ======================================= Vault 100 100避難所(Fallout 3)(mentioned-only) http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Vault_100 Vault 100 is one of the Vault-Tec vaults which was due to appear in Fallout 3. 100避難所理論上應該要在《Fallout 3》出現。 Background 背景 The Vault's original purpose in the vault experiment is unknown, or if it even was part of the experiment. The exact location of the vault is also unknown. 100避難所的原本實驗內容、是否為實驗組、確切地點都未知。 Appearances 登場 Vault 100 was referenced in the game files of Fallout 3 in the form of a Pip-Boy icon for an unimplemented Vault 100 jumpsuit. This icon is also present in the game files for Fallout: New Vegas as legacy content. 100避難所只在《Fallout 3》遊戲檔案中,以一個沒用過的100避難所連身服的嗶嗶小子 圖標出現,這個圖標也在《Fallout NV》的作廢遊戲檔案中出現。 ======================================= (對我來說)比較重要是92號避難所 遊戲中會有個老奶奶請你進去找她親人的名琴,然後揭開92號避難所的秘密 等你拿到小提琴,還加幾份樂譜給老奶奶之後,以後就能透過廣播聽她拉小提琴 而且她每次演奏之前都會先感謝一次主角 這位老奶奶應該是整個Fallout系列中最優雅的幾個人之一了 另外如果把老奶奶幹掉,之後Three Dog會照三餐在廣播噴你 他到底怎麼知道的...... 請大家指正我的翻譯內容,感謝 --
gcobc12632 :一樓帥哥11/04 22:52
maple0935 :二樓帥哥11/04 22:52
howar31 :二樓帥哥11/04 22:52
howar31 :..11/04 22:52
maple0935 :五樓吃屎 11/04 22:53
maple0935 :幹 可以不要當簽名檔嗎... 11/04 22:53
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1511966923.A.714.html
playerlin: Three Dog知道的可多著呢~XD 11/29 22:52
o07608: 他真的是所謂秀才不出門能知天下事...... 11/29 22:53
playerlin: 但是沒事幹掉Agatha是要幹嘛...也沒好處... 11/29 22:54
o07608: 是沒好處,我是看巴哈精華區才知道的XD 11/29 22:55
playerlin: The vault wiki的Afatha's Song任務的note也有提這件事 11/29 22:56
playerlin: Three Dog會罵玩家 11/29 22:56
playerlin: "Suspect numero uno is you, vault-asshole." 11/29 22:57
playerlin: 我猜她會知道是因為她掛了,她的電台會disable... 11/29 22:57
playerlin: *我猜他會知道 11/29 22:57
o07608: 搞不好是被盜賊殺掉的阿030 11/29 22:58
o07608: Three Dog可是直接指著主角罵...... 11/29 22:58
playerlin: 因為觸發條件是該任務完成後才去殺她,所以...很明顯吧 11/29 22:58
playerlin: 如果沒完成該任務,或許真的是某個raider,但是LW才幫 11/29 22:59
o07608: 也有可能是任務完成後一段時間,她被盜賊殺掉 11/29 22:59
playerlin: 她之後就被幹掉,正常都會覺得LW嫌疑很大吧www 11/29 22:59
o07608: 主角又不能照三餐幫她守家 11/29 23:00
playerlin: 就算真的是之後被raider幹掉,但是LW是她生前最後已知 11/29 23:00
playerlin: 碰到的人,會很自然地就懷疑不是嗎? :P 11/29 23:00
o07608: 話又說回來,Three Dog也不會知道他們兩個碰過面阿 11/29 23:01
playerlin: Three Dog會知道的邏輯,在遊戲中就是,每次任務完成 11/29 23:01
o07608: 完成任務後直接幹掉的話,老奶奶也沒機會廣播 11/29 23:02
playerlin: 關於任務的相關錄音就會啟動(但有時因為bug而沒有) 11/29 23:02
o07608: 所以最後還是得歸因於Three Dog太神...... 11/29 23:02
playerlin: 可惜FO4沒有類似Three Dog的角色... 11/29 23:05
playerlin: 甚至也沒有類似GNR的電台... 11/29 23:05
playerlin: 嗯,想起鑽石城電台那個好像就是喔...||| 11/29 23:06
playerlin: Travis Miles跟Three Dog差太多,雖然角色設定類似... 11/29 23:07
skypeoss: (′・ω・‵) 11/29 23:41
Dsakura: 找琴老奶奶是FO3? 我只玩過FO4 聽了故事後很有興趣... 11/29 23:57
km101km: 推翻譯 不過原文說到低頻白噪音那部分有點奇怪 白噪音的 11/30 00:23
km101km: 定義應該是指0~20000HZ之間平均的聲音 11/30 00:24
km101km: 中高低頻應該是平均的 有點不合邏輯XD 11/30 00:25
o07608: 如果FO4的劇情真的有其他人說的一半差,那你玩FO3 11/30 00:39
o07608: 應該會想把FO4扔到垃圾桶裡去 11/30 00:39
SeijyaKijin: 推推推 11/30 02:05
righthandcat: NV跟3在劇情上還是太神了 希望5可以加油加油 11/30 04:30
ctes940008: 剛買了NV版,有空的話來玩玩看 11/30 04:46
taco20: 推 11/30 06:19
SinUpSexy: 謝謝你的翻譯,真的很有趣 11/30 06:37
handsome3437: 真的是推翻譯 11/30 07:34
cloud0607: 每天都等看翻譯 感謝推 希望你每天翻然後永遠翻不完(誤 11/30 08:51
gametv: 推 11/30 09:34
s8018572: 琴老奶奶的任沒解啊 11/30 10:05
andy763092: 推!! 11/30 12:07
SHCAFE: 推認真翻譯 11/30 12:15
o07608: 今天應該又要開天窗,因為燃燒王座開了 11/30 14:07
o07608: 而且這次正在翻的這篇又是「那個」避難所...... 11/30 14:07
suaowilliam: 101惡魔...... 11/30 15:32
playerlin: 101的內容不少阿www 11/30 19:18
sunandmoonof: 推 12/01 14:22