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最後四個避難所 等到這四個避難所的翻譯問題解決後,避難所系列也功德圓滿了 正史:Fallout 1/2/3/New Vegas/4,以及所有衍生漫畫 半正史:Fallout Tactics、Fallout Warfare、Official Fallout Game Guides 非正史:上面沒提到的 ======================================= Vault 112 112避難所(Fallout 3) http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Vault_112 Vault 112 is one of the vault series of fallout shelters developed by Vault-Tec. It is located in the southwest part of the Capital Wasteland, underneath Smith Casey's garage, west of Evergreen Mills and south of the Charnel House. 112避難所位於首都廢土西南方、Smith Casey's garage之下、Evergreen Mills西邊、 Charnel House南邊。 Background 背景 Vault 112 was one of the last to be constructed. The construction started in November 2068, and finished in June 2074. It was intended for only 85 occupants, suspended in a virtual reality world for the indefinite duration of the vault's experiment. The vault was built to house and tend to the needs of its overseer, Dr. Stanislaus Braun, creator of the Garden of Eden Creation Kit. Within it, Braun installed a virtual reality simulator and cryogenics system, initially containing several simulated utopias, the last of which being the Tranquility Lane simulation. The system should have permitted a select few to live a 'perfect life' virtually, if not practically, forever. 112避難所是最晚建成的避難所,2068年11月興建、2074年6月完工。它的原始設計只能住 85人,避難所實驗的內容是讓這些人處於持續時間不定的虛擬實境中。該避難所完全以監 督Stanislaus Braun博士的要求來設計,這個人也是G.E.C.K.的發明者。Braun在避難所 內安裝了虛擬實境模擬器和冷凍睡眠裝置,創造了數個模擬烏托邦,這整套被稱之為寧靜 巷模擬系統。這套系統會讓受試者過著虛擬的「真實生活」,而且沒意外的話會持續到永 遠。 What Vault 112's occupants didn't know was that once they entered the virtual reality pods, Braun would exercise complete control over the simulation; they had no means of leaving on their own. They became his playthings, completely at his mercy. Dr. Braun, after becoming bored of various simulated worlds, would proceed to virtually "kill" each one of them. Each time after killing them he would wipe their memory and resurrect them within the program. 112避難所居民並不知道,他們只要一進入虛擬實境艙,Braun就能透過模擬系統完全控制 他們,他們無法依自己的意願離開。他們成為了他的玩物。Braun博士要是厭倦某個模擬 世界,就會「殺掉」每個人,洗掉他們的記憶,並在新世界中使他們復活。 ======================================= Vault 113 113避難所(Fallout 4)(mentioned-only) http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Vault_113 Vault 113 is a Vault-Tec vault that was planned for Fallout 4. 這句懶得翻譯 Background 背景 In the files of Fallout 4, there is an unused texture for Vault 113. An image of a man dressed in a Vault 113 jumpsuit appears in The Art of Fallout 4. 《Fallout 4》檔案中有個未被使用的113避難所圖樣,是一個穿著113避難所連身幅的男 人,出現在The Art of Fallout 4。 Appearances 登場 Vault 113 was cut from Fallout 4. 113避難所被砍掉了。 ======================================= Vault 114 114避難所(Fallout 4) http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Vault_114 https://fallout.gamepedia.com/Vault_114 Vault 114 is an unfinished Vault-Tec vault located in the Commonwealth, accessed by going through Park Street station. By the year 2287, Vault 114 is controlled by the Triggermen and is used as their base of operations. 114避難所是位於聯邦區的一個未完工避難所,可由Park Street station抵達。2287年時 ,114避難所被Triggermen控制,作為他們的基地。 Background 背景 Vault 114 was primarily built and intended for housing Boston's upper class and their families. Only high ranking members of local and state government, local luminaries and business people were accepted as part of the social experiment. Future members of the vault were also made aware that they would be cohabiting solely with others of similar wealth and power. 114避難所一開始是要蓋來給波士頓的上層人士及其家庭住。只有地方政府及州政府的高 階主管、當地有名望的人和大商人才能進來避難所。這些未來的住戶也會注意自己到時候 是否跟有相近財富及權力的人一起住。 Even though the initial residents were of upper social class status, the "luxury" aspect of the vault was highly exaggerated to the future residents. Multiple families, chosen randomly, were to live and sleep in single-room apartments. Dining and bathing would be shared in quarters and the provision of amenities would be minimal. 儘管這第一批居民都是頂層人士,但這避難所的「豪奢」程度對他們來說也太誇張了。不 同家庭隨機分配,在同一單間房一起生活和睡覺、用餐和洗澡都在一起,而且沒什麼禮儀 規矩。 The Vault 114 personnel were interviewing individuals for the overseer position. The vault personnel's goal was to find someone with no supervisory or government experience and a strong anti-authority bias. Human Resources told them that the interview process vetted many viable candidates for the position. 114避難所員工透過訪問以找到適合當監督的人,他們的目標是要找到沒有監督或行政經 驗,並且對權威高度反感的人。人力資源部告訴他們(譯註:這句不確定)。 An overseer was chosen when the interview process dredged up a man known only as "Soup Can Harry." He refused to provide his legal name (which he referred to as a "rank and number" branded by the government) and believed that the government used taxes to fund "illuminati free mason sex parties". Soup Can was presumably homeless, as he implied that he slept in dumpsters. He also appears to have eaten Abraxo cleaner before, as he is heard to say "I seen the back of them Abraxo boxes. 'Not for consumption'? Don't you tell me what to do, I'll eat what I want!" 透過訪談,他們找到了一個被稱之為「Soup Can Harry」的男子作為監督。他拒絕告訴其 他人自己法律上的名字(他說那是被政府烙印上的「等級和數字」),並相信政府用稅金 資助「(譯註:什麼東西的)性愛趴」。Soup Can沒有家,因為他說他睡在垃圾箱裡。他 似乎也吃過Abraxo清潔劑,因為有人聽到他說「Abraxo清潔劑的盒子後面寫『不可食用』 ?你不准告訴我怎麼做,我會吃我想吃的任何東西!」 As Soup Can so perfectly exemplified what Vault-Tec desired in an overseer for this vault, his interviewer offered him the position on the spot. Soup Can accepted, but cautioned that he "ain't wearing no goddamn tie... or pants". Soup Can完全符合Vault-Tec對於114避難所監督的需求,訪談者請他來擔任監督,Soup Can答應了,但警告說他「不會穿任何天殺的領帶…或褲子」。 Vault 114 personnel were also told by Vault-Tec Management not to "undermine the new Overseer's authority at all during the experiment, even (and especially) if it may cause physical discomfort, embarrassment, or harm to residents." Vault-Tec管理階層也告訴114避難所的員工不要「在實驗過程中破壞新監督的權威,儘管 (特別是)不這麼做的話可能會導致監督和居民間物理上的衝突、尷尬和傷害」。 By taking away the luxury and authority these groups saw in surface life, while simultaneously subjecting them to the whims of a dangerously incompetent overseer, they hoped to study the residents' reactions in stressful situations. 這群居民原本在地表擁有的財富和權威被奪走,還被一個想法瘋狂又無能的可怕的監督管 。研究人員希望能觀察這些人在壓力中的反應。 The Vault was never used and remained in its incomplete condition until the 23rd century. It is a mystery what happened to the vaults previous inhabitants, but when a band of small time crooks from Goodneighbor were muscled out of the old neighborhood by bigger players, Skinny Malone's band of Triggermen claimed it as their own. Although this is a perfect hideout for the band of criminals, they were finally undone when the gang held Nick Valentine hostage, and were subsequently slaughtered during his rescue. 這間避難所從來沒被啟用,一直保持未完工的狀態直到23世紀。原本的居民發生什麼事不 得而知,但當混混團體Triggermen從Goodneighbor被轟出來時,他們在Skinny Malone的 領導下佔據此處。儘管這裡很適合作為他們犯罪的藏身處,但他們後來抓了Nick Valentine,然後在獨活者拯救他的過程中被殺光。 ======================================= Vault 118 118避難所(Fallout 4) https://fallout.gamepedia.com/Vault_118 Vault 118 is an unfinished Vault-Tec vault located on the Island in 2287, accessed by going through Cliff's Edge Hotel. 118避難所是位於The Island的未完工避難所,可從Cliff's Edge Hotel前往。 Background 背景 Buried beneath the Cliff's Edge Hotel, Vault 118 was designed to function as an ultra elite hotel to attract test subjects of appropriate wealth and status. It was a clandestine area of the hotel to ensure that individuals drawn to privilege and exclusivity would be present. The original plan called for making the Vault open to the public when the Activation Notice was sent out (in the event of the Great War) and selected from the local working class population. These subjects would be taken through the exclusive areas of the vault on entry, but thereafter confined to cramped second wing. The Vault would remain sealed until test results could be determined. 118避難所埋在Cliff’s Edge Hotel之下,當初打算要用超高級旅館來吸引具有合適財產 和地位的受試者。避難所位於旅館的隱密之處,以確保(譯註:這邊看不懂)。該避難所 原本的計畫是在收到(因應大戰發生而發送的)行動訊號後對大眾開放,並從當地勞動階 級中挑人進入避難所。這些勞動階級受試者被帶進避難所,然後就被關在一個狹窄的側翼 (譯註:求修飾)。接下來避難所會保持封閉,直到實驗結果出來。 The test group would include 10 ultra-rich, with every desire tended to by a robotic staff and placed above all legal restrictions in their interactions with the second group, numbering up to 300 people sequestered in uncomfortable, cramped conditions in the second wing. Any breach of ethics would be judged by the rich and any judgement enacted by the robotic staff. This classic bourgeois-worker set up was turned on its head when progress on construction of the second wing of the Vault completely stalled. Once the premiere area of the Vault was completed, funding was cut off. Ezra Parker, the key financier, simply pulled the plug, covering up with a story about troubles extracting payments from invited guests. Secondly, one of the subjects from Testing Group A (the rich) was a researcher for General Atomics on an advanced robotics program. He and his wife have convinced the other members of Group A that, with the international situation becoming tense, their best chance to outlast the war was to have their brains inserted into robobrains. When the Great War came around, the Vault was sealed. No outside persons were admitted, as the security protocols were taken over by the robobrains and the Overseer became the sole remaining human inside - the sole test subject in a Vault full of mad robobrains. 受試者包括十名超級有錢人,他們每個人都有一台機器僕從以滿足他們的任何需求,而且 在跟第二群人─擠在難受、擁擠的側翼的三百個一般人─交涉任何事都有優先權。所有事 情都由富人裁判、所有處置都由機器僕從執行。原本這是要觀察經典的勞資衝突,但因為 避難所側翼的建築工程完全停滯而出現變化。在避難所主要區域完工後,資金就被切斷了 。主要金主Ezra Parker編了一個沒辦法從客戶拿到錢的故事,終止了投資。其次,測試 群A(富人)的其中一人是通用原子中負責進階機器人計畫的研究人員,他和他老婆說服 其他A群的人,為了應對越來越緊繃的國際局勢,撐過戰爭最好的辦法就是把自己的大腦 插進生化機器人裡。最後當大戰爆發時、避難所被封閉,而包括測試群B(勞動階級)在 內的外者都無法進入避難所,因為保安程序被生化機器人控制了,而監督成為避難所內唯 一的人類─一個充滿瘋狂生化機器人的避難所內,唯一的受試者。 The robobrains continued to exist in isolation from the outside world, until a murder forced them to seek outside help: A detective. 這些生化機器人一直對外保持孤立,直到一場謀殺逼他們尋求外界的協助,而獨活者進來 了。 ======================================= 從11/8開始(事實上幾天前就開始在弄了) 到12/2結束 我總算把整個避難所系列的wiki/wikia翻譯做完了,也算是一個里程碑 有a過我ID的人,應該知道我過去也有做過翻譯,當時是做Endless Space的wikia 但那款遊戲的台灣客群小,反應不熱烈,加上我一向比較有興趣的都是故事、背景設定等 等到Endless族、各種族的故事翻譯完之後,沒什麼人回,我也慢慢的沒動力,最後就停了 這次可說是天時地利人和全部到齊 天時:死大學生時間多 地利:Fallout系列的故事性正好和我很搭 人和:Fallout系列的熱門和知名程度遠比大部分遊戲都大多了 所以我翻的很開心,而熱烈的反應也讓我有繼續翻下去的動力 尤其是看到「每天就等這系列的翻譯」,就會有一種辛苦得到收穫的感覺 感謝大家這麼捧場,也感謝大家不吝指正我的翻譯 現在避難所系列結束了,除非B社又出FO5(我覺得不太可能) 不過我會繼續翻譯Fallout系列下去的,而且也已經找到接下來翻譯的目標了 不會是陣營優先,我的FO腦粉朋友已經先翻譯了凱撒軍團惹 搞不好他現在已經在翻譯BOS了呢(丟球) 接下來我想翻譯的東西是: Fallout Timeline (幹) 請大家指正我的翻譯內容,感謝 --
gcobc12632 :一樓帥哥11/04 22:52
maple0935 :二樓帥哥11/04 22:52
howar31 :二樓帥哥11/04 22:52
howar31 :..11/04 22:52
maple0935 :五樓吃屎 11/04 22:53
maple0935 :幹 可以不要當簽名檔嗎... 11/04 22:53
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1512229481.A.885.html
o07608: 欸幹,把全文複製下來後我後悔了,可以投降輸一半ㄇ 12/02 23:49
skypeoss: ( ゚ω゚)不行 12/02 23:58
SinUpSexy: 辛苦了,真的每天都等著看 超期待的 12/02 23:58
scarofwind: 用心推 12/02 23:59
JackSmith: 辛苦了,這系列的文字量真的很龐大。 12/03 00:02
clifflid: 推推 內容超有趣 12/03 00:05
ieyasu: 辛苦了! 12/03 00:08
yscleria: 推 幫補充114 那是光明會/共濟會sex party (兩大陰謀論 12/03 00:12
yscleria: 團體的名字 都被指稱跟美國政府有秘密來往XD) 12/03 00:13
cs853: 感謝 12/03 00:18
ILoveElsa: 116? 12/03 00:25
RONC: 看到懶得翻三個字瞬間出戲 12/03 00:37
damm510: 推推 12/03 00:56
gametv: 推,沒玩FO但看得很爽 12/03 01:30
playerlin: 呃,google "illuminati" (加上"中文")就能查到了... 12/03 01:52
e04su3no: 推 12/03 01:55
shadow0326: 推 12/03 01:56
playerlin: V116是玩家做的mod喔,並非官方設定~ 12/03 01:58
TSMG: 辛苦了 :) 12/03 02:13
playerlin: 上面V116 mod連結貼錯,不是18102(NPC補完)是15589才對 12/03 02:14
shadow0326: 排擠成大 12/03 02:43
o07608: 育樂街大學洗洗睡(被打) 12/03 06:47
sunandmoonof: 推 12/03 08:52
bloodmoon16: 辛苦了! 12/03 09:03
sef96121: 辛苦大師了。 12/03 09:34
aq981334: 辛苦了,謝謝翻譯 12/03 09:59
j8630222: 112好酷 12/03 10:02
roy31317: 推 12/03 10:40
efreet: 光明會/共濟會性愛趴,其實他們自認為是某種儀式 12/03 10:45
efreet: 不少相關電影或小說會描寫到類似場景,不過最初成立時並不 12/03 10:46
efreet: 存在這種儀式就是了 12/03 10:46
jacky9992: (′・ω・‵)趴麩趴麩 12/03 11:31
GRJOE: 有fallout有推 12/03 11:46
NovaRain: timeline可以拿之前舊版本翻譯當底,翻新增的就好吧? 12/03 11:53
azjba89xz: 讚讚讚讚讚 12/03 13:09
vandervaal: 113被砍了QQ 12/03 13:51
hisb: 推 我每天進版都是先看fallout翻譯 12/03 14:02
TexasIeyasu: 推推 讚讚 12/03 14:17
playerlin: 光明會/共濟會的陰謀論很無聊其實...都是一堆腦補... 12/03 14:53
playerlin: 不過很多人買帳,那就隨便吧lol 12/03 14:53
playerlin: timeline大概兩個wiki都要看過一次,兩邊都有差異... 12/03 14:54
playerlin: 所以可能需要不少功夫我想。 :P 12/03 14:54
bvcde33wq: 推 12/03 15:20
milkkiss: 推 12/03 15:44
angell543: bos是超大坑的 12/03 15:56
august8585: 推推!! 12/03 15:58
mysl: 辛苦了! 12/03 16:31
Hsan: 推 辛苦了 12/03 17:22
nobc22: 推~~~ 12/03 20:22
o07608: timeline兩邊的再看看吧,看我有沒有那個心力 12/03 22:06
o07608: 然後今天(可能包括明天)也確定發不出來,我快累死了 12/03 22:11
playerlin: Take your time. :) (畢竟兩邊會有差異,會很麻煩) 12/03 23:08
info2000: 全部看完了!感謝原po這麼有毅力翻譯 12/03 23:32
Georgeliu: 人力資源部門那段是在說他們已經審查過多名具有潛力的 12/04 01:33
Georgeliu: 監督候選人了 12/04 01:33
Georgeliu: 118避難所那邊則是「確保特定對象能獲得專屬的特權」 12/04 01:38
darkdeus: 香港才投降輸一半,這裡是台灣 12/04 11:58
Chihuah: 感謝翻譯! 我看得很過癮 12/05 16:58
etetat2: 全部都看了 推啦 感謝翻譯 12/06 00:25
felix731205: 天啊 完結了!每天都期待的小故事沒了 12/06 09:46
north75566: 感謝翻譯 12/06 19:02
tooeasy: 感謝! 12/06 20:07