看板 Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
手機排版請見諒 想請大家推薦roguelike類的遊戲 玩過的有nethack,dcss,tome4 暗黑地牢,邊緣世界,DF ,CDDA等等 不知steam上還有沒有這類的優質遊戲? 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1523875936.A.0CF.html
blc: necrodancer 04/16 18:53
flyingwhale: 請在標題加上文章分類標籤[問題]。 04/16 18:53
gcobc12632: Dead Cell、Sundered 04/16 18:54
Exmax1999: the binding of issac risk of rain 04/16 18:56
lordlpg: Sword of the Stars: The Pit 04/16 18:57
josiah: Fast than light 04/16 19:09
webermist: 死亡細胞 04/16 19:12
WiNdexEX: Nuclear Throne, FTL, Dead Cells, Rogue legacy, Spelu 04/16 19:17
WiNdexEX: nky, Enter the Gungeon 04/16 19:17
jacky5859: Enter the gungeon 04/16 19:17
tool5566: UnReal World 04/16 19:24
aCCQ: Desktop Dungeons 04/16 19:31
gohow: Dead Cells 04/16 20:06
righthandcat: steam分類下 評價好的基本都不錯 04/16 20:06
MADAOTW: teleglitch,有一陣子免錢 04/16 20:16
CMC677: Into the Breach 有環太平洋的 fu 喔! 04/16 20:19
P2: Elona ADOM 04/16 20:52
bilisi: 謝謝大家的推薦,我發現推文裡有好多我都玩過了QQ 04/16 20:55
peter41308: The Curious Expedition《奇妙探險隊》 04/16 21:06
darkbuffoon: 片道勇者 04/16 21:11
P2: Neo Scavenger 04/16 21:24
kingcrab1994: 大推enter the gungeon 04/16 21:43
p21077: Hand of Fate,Slay the Spire,Monster Slayers 04/16 21:52
p21077: Streets of Rogue還在EA階段,但我蠻看好的 04/16 21:52
p21077: 幫上面板友補充,片道勇者=One Way Heroics 便宜但有趣 04/16 21:54
p21077: Elona是免費遊戲,在Steam上沒有 04/16 21:55
linjin81117: ptt 有 RTS 版有相關討論 歡迎喔~ 04/16 22:09
ecco: Risk of Rain 04/16 22:26
Tr3e: into the breach 04/16 22:33
bilisi: 好的,會去RTS版看的:) 04/16 23:06
broskwlin: RTS是指即時戰略吧 跟Roguelike不是指同一類型... 04/16 23:32
Kaede5908: crypt of the necrodancer 04/17 00:05
KevinAce: rts是即時戰略 04/17 00:26
KevinAce: 跟roguelike沒有關係 04/17 00:26
CMC677: 還有一款剛出的含簡中 RPG Ash of Gods 04/17 01:17
i9602283: risk of rain 很容易上癮 04/17 02:16
Sinful: Wayward 04/17 02:16
geken: 是想推SLG版推成RTS版吧... 04/17 03:57
blc: 爐石的狗頭人地下城 04/17 10:23
a8500249: 狗頭人與地下城XDDDD 04/17 12:15
jesse425b: risk of rain大推,遊戲配樂旋律頓時浮現 04/17 12:33
jamod: Hero Siege 04/17 15:26
smallcar801: FTL, INTO THE BREACH 04/17 15:28
gg068187: nercodancer 04/17 21:34
qo7835110: Binding of isaac 04/17 23:12
nickbanana: heart & slash 04/18 11:31
redline012: Dead cells大推 04/18 11:35
StarTouching: 不可思議的幻想鄉好像也是Roguelike 但pc非Steam版 04/20 17:38