看板 Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
steam內的新聞 : TWD 最終季將由 Skybound Games 接手完成。 ※ 引述《andypb (A.D.)》之銘言: : 有鑑於 telltale 日前大量裁員,今天又爆出僅剩的25位員工也要被開除, : 雖然最終季玩到目前為止都還不錯,可是玩不到結尾的遊戲不如從來沒玩過...... : 7/24 預購,想說看看可不可以退,如果最後有出完再會買回來,結果如下: : 我們目前無法提供退款到 PayPal。該次購買內有部分產品的遊戲時數已超過 2 小時( : 退款政策的上限)。 : 我在原因欄寫了一大堆東西,想說你們看都不看就給我用2小時政策拒絕是怎樣, : 結果在回信下面很不起眼的地方有一段英文: : We are aware of the recent business announcements from Telltale Games. : Telltale shipped episode two of The Walking Dead: The Final Season to : Steam customers on September 24, and has informed us that they are still : working to release episodes three and four. : As the remaining content is still expected to be released, : we will not be granting refund exceptions at this time. : 大意是說 tell tale 向 steam 表示 他們仍會繼續努力完成三四章, : 因此steam "暫時"不會處理 TWD 最終季的超時退款。 : 換句話說, Steam 並沒有否決未來可以退款的可能性,當 tell tale 真的無法把遊戲完 : 成時,應該可以成功退款才是。 https://www.pcgamer.com/the-walking-dead-the-final-season-will-be- finished-by-skybound-games/ Skybound Games, a division of Robert Kirkman's Skybound Entertainment, today announced they've picked up the rights to The Walking Dead: The Final Season from Telltale Games. "Let's wrap up Clem’s story right!" they tweeted. "More details to come soon." Skybound Games 將接手 TWD 最終季,後續才公布詳細的情報。 Kirkman, the creator of the original Walking Dead comic series, also brought it up at a panel at New York Comic Con, saying, "We've successfully negotiated with Telltale Games for our company Skybound to come in and see Season 4 of the Telltale game to completion.” TWD 漫畫創作者 Robert Kirkman (Skybound Entertainment 擁有者)表示, 他們成功和telltale協議成功,確定由他們完成第四季的製作。 A statement from Skybound quoted by IGN suggests that some of Telltale's former staff will be working on it, perhaps a slight silver lining for employees who were laid off without severance. "Skybound will work with members of the original Telltale team to finish the story in a way the fans deserve", they quoted. "Skybound will continue to update fans on the status of the game on Skybound.com, Twitter, and Facebook." Skybound 將會讓原 Telltale 員工及團隊(或部分)加入製作。 The second episode of The Walking Dead: The Final Season was released last month, shortly after the announcement of a majority closure at Telltale, though it was then removed from sale on digital storefronts. Skybound have published several videogames, including an adaptation of another Kirkman comic, Thief of Thieves. Skybound 介紹。 看來似乎是不用斷尾了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1538891190.A.C1B.html ※ 編輯: andypb (, 10/07/2018 13:48:45 ※ 編輯: andypb (, 10/07/2018 13:49:13 andypb:轉錄至看板 PlayStation 10/07 13:53
kabkglomr: 太好了 10/07 14:01
jay54867: 太好了~~ 10/07 14:16
DPP48: 太好了~太好了~ 10/07 14:31
kuninaka: 善終 10/07 14:31
cycutom: 簡單來說,就原作者看不下去,自己收回來做了。 10/07 14:37
cycutom: 做出來的東西,會更接近原作吧 10/07 14:38
kuninaka: 不是看不下去,是根本斷尾 10/07 14:39
kuninaka: 遊戲沒做完公司就要倒了 10/07 14:39
cycutom: 就看不下去了啦。合約在要倒掉的這間公司身上。不去管的 10/07 14:42
cycutom: 話,這系列就是斷在這家公司身上。 10/07 14:42
cycutom: 所以才要跟這間公司「再協議」啊 10/07 14:44
cycutom: 當初就是原作公司賣版權給telltale做遊戲 10/07 14:47
lynnlin: 太好了!我腦補telltale高層早就預見公司要倒了,還上架 10/07 15:05
lynnlin: 撈一筆...好在有人看不下去,要幫忙善後了。 10/07 15:07
kuninaka: 這錢應該也是Skybound回收吧 10/07 15:18
cycutom: 看這次的「協議」是怎麼談的。本來是很單純的賣版權而已 10/07 15:20
cycutom: 現在狀況就變比較複雜,以及兩間公司各自己底線在哪。 10/07 15:21
sandpool: 所以員工的資遣費呢 10/07 15:45
GroveStreet: 太開心啦~~!! 10/07 16:37
broskwlin: 原作漫畫感覺也暴走多次... 不過至少遊戲有個結束 10/07 18:40
albertwu: 版權回歸,那之後的twd銷售額也要歸skybound吧 10/07 18:55
albertwu: 不太懂telltale想法,沒給資遣費明顯犯法的事也做得出 10/07 18:58
albertwu: 來,是要賭沒有員工敢提訴訟嗎,最後官司一定打輸又有 10/07 18:58
albertwu: 訴訟費用,多划不來 10/07 18:58
kabkglomr: 歐美的話你不用幫他們擔心吧,又不是在鬼島 10/07 19:52
DendiQ: 原團隊 10/07 21:18
AlcoNic: 出完我就掏錢 10/08 10:09
timbercc: 不過我個人是遇到在第一章、只要按暫停畫面就卡住沒辦法 10/08 10:39
timbercc: 動的狀態...希望sky接受後這個能處理 10/08 10:39
Emask: 讚 只是感覺要等很久 10/08 11:02
cmcmcmcm2: yes 10/13 14:18