看板 Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
雖然是上個禮拜的消息了,還是來提一下好了,不知道到底是真是假 From Software RPG Written By George R.R. Martin Is Called Great Rune https://wccftech.com/from-software-george-r-r-martin/ By Francesco De Meo May 21 Back in March, a rumor regarding a new RPG developed by From Software started circulating online. While it’s no surprise that the developer is working on a new game, the fact that this game is allegedly written by A Song of Ice and Fire author George R.R Martin made the rumor quite noteworthy. And it seems like this game is indeed real and will be announced soon. 三月的時候就有謠傳From Software在開發新遊戲,但這本來就不意外, 意外的是流言指出冰與火之歌的作者George R.R Martin有參與其中。 Following the airing of the Game of Thrones series final, George R.R. Martin shared on his blog that he has been consulted on a video game out of Japan. George R.R. Martin 在部落格上說他被一個日本電玩公司諮詢。 A post on 4Chan shared more details on this game, which is apparently going to be called Great Rune and it will have a Norse Mythology theme. The game is considered to be the true successor to the Dark Souls game, but it will bring some drastic changes to the formula. The game will apparently be announced during Microsoft’s E3 2019 press conference. 4Chan上的一篇貼文透漏了更多細節,這個遊戲叫做Great Rune(偉大的符文?), 它是以北歐神話作為主題,並且應該是魂系列的繼承者,大約在2019 微軟 E3會發表。 From Software has yet to speak about the matter, so we have to take everything with a grain of salt. The Microsoft’s E3 press conference is being held on June 9th so we are a little over two weeks away from a potential reveal, so the wait is definitely going to be bearable. From Software並沒有對此做出回應,所以我們不需要完全相信這個流言,E3會在6/9舉行 距離E3還有一些時間,因此我們還是要等著看看這是不是真的。 -- 北歐神話+JRRM+From Software 如果是真的,那玩家應該是會死得比隻狼更兇...... -- realtw: 經濟學人?哈 原來加上這四個字 連人名都沒有的就變權威了11/16 14:19 realtw: 我也是經濟學人 我權威嗎 11/16 14:19 realtw: 台日韓新某經濟學家=全世界=權威 11/16 14:21 realtw: 知道啊 經濟學人是英國一個小報啊 就是故意留梗啊 11/16 14:42 realtw: 本來就是酸這個野雞雜誌有沒有權威性 你還較真上了XD 11/16 14:43 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1559130811.A.E94.html
makiyosadata: 我好興奮啊 05/29 19:58
TotalBiscuit: 好幾個不同的人都說幾年前就知道在做Great Rune 05/29 19:59
cc9i: 太神啦! 雖然他冰與火小說大概又要有生之年了 05/29 20:13
Onyxia: 結果結局一樣交給D&D寫 05/29 20:31
MEVIUS: 北歐不死人 05/29 20:41
cheeseup: 就不能先把小說生出來膩啊 05/29 21:09
dbjdx: 結果是gamecube上 rune的續作就有趣了 05/29 21:16
cannedtuna: 八成玩了30分鐘主角就死了然後換人 05/29 21:17
tony780504: 冰與火讀者:你他X的給我先寫書啊! 05/29 21:58
yangtsur: 觀眾:第八季會爛都是你不寫書啦! 05/30 00:23
cliffwun1027: 馬丁錢賺夠根本不想寫了吧 05/30 00:48
Vilehawk: 第八季拍這麼爛 不先把現有作品處理好 還開新的線 怒噓 05/30 02:37
sillymon: 這是什麼絕對會死vs絕對會不死的矛盾大挑戰嗎 05/30 05:50
s6598744: 會不會有一堆雞雞啊 05/30 14:01
bigwate: 便當發起來.. 05/30 14:11
widec: 馬丁已經是富姦等級了 本業不搞 拼命搞副業 05/30 14:32
MiyaKami: 馬丁不是長年生病臥床寫不出來嗎? 05/30 15:47
Irenicus: 玩家角色死了就死了 換一個繼續(? 05/30 17:17