看板 Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Mixer: https://e3.mixer.com/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/E3/featured Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/twitch/events E3 2019 Schedule: All Press Conferences Dates, Start Times https:/ www.gamespot com/articles/ e3-2019-schedule-all-press-conferences-dates-start/1100-6465962/ [縮址] http://bit.ly/2ZhDExc 台灣本地時間 Jun 10, 4:00 AM -- Microsoft XBox Conference 8:30 AM -- Bethesda Press Conference 10:00 AM -- Devolver Press Conference 時區轉換參考 https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ (1) Microsoft XBox 6/10 (一) 4:00 https://www.twitch.tv/xbox https://mixer.com/Xbox http://www.youtube.com/xbox https://www.facebook.com/xbox 給所有玩家的邀請 收看 Xbox E3 簡介會 https://www.xbox.com/zh-tw/e3?xr=shellnav How to watch Microsoft's Xbox E3 2019 conference https:/ www windowscentral.com/ how-watch-microsofts-xbox-e3-2019-conference [縮址] http://bit.ly/2ZgLsPK (rumor) Cyberpunk 2077, Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order new Xbox Game Pass subscription (2) Bethesda 6/10 (一) 08:30 https://www.twitch.tv/Bethesda https://mixer.com/Bethesda https://www.youtube.com/Bethesda https://www.facebook.com/BethesdaSoftworks/ BE3 2019 – What You Need to Know! https:/ bethesda net/en/article/52azFxdpywY2cpf2XDkBLT/ be3-2019-what-you-need-to-know [縮址] https://beth.games/2Zc9XgJ 發表會觀賞獎勵 The Elder Scrolls Online Watch the BE3 Showcase and earn five Ouroboros Crown Crates and a Clouded-Senche Leopard mount for ESO! (PC/Mac) 連結ESO帳戶以及Twitch帳戶; 於E3 Bethesda 發表會時登入觀看 https://www.twitch.tv/Bethesda (PS4/XBOX1) Log into ESO on June 9 between 3pm EDT and 11pm EDT and kill any one monster in the game. RAGE 2 Get the exclusive Twitch Assault Rifle skin just for tuning into the Showcase on June 9. You’ll receive your skin during the week of E3. (3) Devolver Digital 6/10 (一) 10:00 https://twitch.tv/twitch https://www.twitch.tv/devolverdigital https://twitter.com/devolverdigital THE FUTURE'S FUTURE 2019 https://devolverdigital.com/propaganda/the-futures-future-2019 Devolver Digital E3 2019 Press Conference - How to Watch https:/ www twingalaxies com/feed_details.php/5493/ devolver-digital-e3-2019-press-conference-how-to-watch/6 [縮址] http://bit.ly/2ZfEg6s //若內文資訊有錯誤不足還請推文糾正補充,感謝 -- 勇於做笨蛋!!!!!!!!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1560093178.A.96A.html ※ 編輯: flyingwhale ( 臺灣), 06/09/2019 23:21:25
horseorange: \新手把會不會來呢/ 06/09 23:23
CJROCK: 推整理 06/09 23:55
user324352: 期待到時廠商們的展示 :) 06/09 23:57
rhox: Devolver Digital是每年E3的高潮 06/10 00:29
simplewish: 戰慄深邃:流亡 加入game pass nt30元就可以玩 06/10 00:43
jim8596: 快給我最後一戰喔 06/10 02:24
f12345678900: 舞臺真的是一年比一年猛 06/10 04:00
RushMonkey: 天外世界!!!! 06/10 04:03
a880512003: 挖幹 基努李維 06/10 04:23
XtinaGrimmie: 基努里維 Pog 06/10 04:23
XtinaGrimmie: 蠢驢太扯啦 06/10 04:23
Hateson: Pog 06/10 04:23
brian96tw: 太扯了基哥 06/10 04:24
peter0825: 幹 我要射精了 雞皮疙瘩完全跑出來 06/10 04:24
RushMonkey: 幹 基哥!!!!!!! 06/10 04:24
r594547: 蔣沃克! 06/10 04:24
RushMonkey: 是不是不能在2077裡殺小動物了.... 06/10 04:25
rey123123: John wick!! 06/10 04:25
XtinaGrimmie: 2020 4 16 豪久 06/10 04:26
Hateson: 2077 2020/4/16上市 06/10 04:26
RushMonkey: 比想像中快呢....本來想說還要等個兩三年 06/10 04:26
rey123123: ...還有一年是怎樣, 難怪講完就跑了 06/10 04:27
RushMonkey: 忍者蛙耶... 06/10 04:28
patrickleeee: 風格不太對 06/10 04:29
patrickleeee: 音樂有點像DQ 06/10 04:29
aaron68032: 2020 Pog 06/10 04:33
imlouislee: 那是邊緣3嗎? 06/10 04:36
aaron68032: 微軟竟然要開PC的遊戲訂閱制 蠻猛的 06/10 04:44
Jerrylin1212: Cyberpunk 後一路無聊到現在 06/10 04:52
Jerrylin1212: 終於有3A了 06/10 04:53
patrickleeee: 這什麼鬼TRAILER 06/10 04:54
RushMonkey: 來了 傳說中那個老賊跟馬丁的合作... 06/10 05:19
Jerrylin1212: 這次微軟遊戲預告都好無聊,要跟uni學學啊 06/10 05:42
patrickleeee: 3A都CG TRAILER比較多 有點空虛 06/10 05:43
Jerrylin1212: 打錯uni->ubi 06/10 05:43
Malpais: B社的開始了 06/10 08:31
imlouislee: B社爆成那樣這麼多鐵粉哦 06/10 08:37
Malpais: Todd Howard 還敢拿76出來講喔zzzzz 06/10 08:38
TotalBiscuit: 人類NPC XDDDDD 06/10 08:45
TotalBiscuit: 76 BR XDD 06/10 08:48
imlouislee: 76 大逃殺== 06/10 08:48
imlouislee: Fornite 76 06/10 08:50
TotalBiscuit: Todd Howard:感謝大家相信我們 06/10 08:51
imlouislee: 給我doom啊啊啊啊啊喔 06/10 08:51
TotalBiscuit: ghostwire tokyo 06/10 08:52
imlouislee: 這個英文讓我想起asus在computex的演講... 06/10 08:53
kyaniteptt: 這畫面好猛 06/10 08:55
TotalBiscuit: 滿滿的手遊 06/10 09:11
jacky3838: B社怎麼可以這麼爛= = 06/10 09:25
TotalBiscuit: 期待看到更多deathloop的消息 06/10 09:28
torahiko: 上古6呢? 06/10 09:28
RushMonkey: B社的觀眾也太嗨了...有些小消息也可以到全場歡呼.... 06/10 09:36
supernation: 沒上古6也沒starfield B社RIP慢走不送 06/10 09:52
chenyenpo: f76還有在修正,嗯,今晚重新下載回歸了 06/10 09:53
aaron68032: 今年E3應該就是2077以外都是糞 06/10 10:06
imlouislee: Doom 的續作還行吧 06/10 10:12
chenyenpo: 到現在,的確是2077是最大亮點,但還有一週時間,看其 06/10 10:12
chenyenpo: 他家有啥… 06/10 10:12
aaron68032: 說糞好像是有點過頭 改成沒太有看頭好了 06/10 10:14
imlouislee: MHWI已經香到不能再香了 06/10 10:16
chenyenpo: B社的德軍總部看來還可以 06/10 10:18
flyingwhale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YusO47cGJdI 06/10 10:24
flyingwhale: Messenger free DLC "Picnic Panic" 7/11 06/10 10:38
flyingwhale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-L0_TJ4i-o 06/10 10:40
flyingwhale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwgrsjHlqas 06/10 12:03
boppin: 這次B社把指揮官基恩拿出來了,現在還有人知道這遊戲? 06/10 17:42
user324352: 基本上知道的要嘛電子遊戲迷,要嘛就有經歷過DOS時代 06/10 20:09
user324352: 的起碼30歲以上的玩家。以指揮官基恩現今乏人問津地位 06/10 20:11
user324352: 出在行動平台上我覺得還好,只是這款新作的玩法與舊作 06/10 20:14
user324352: 相比改變實在有點大。新世代玩家我不知道,但我對玩過 06/10 20:16
user324352: 舊作的老玩家們能否對這款作品擁有好感抱持疑問... 06/10 20:19