看板 Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Dear Escapers! We are glad to present you the preliminary patchnotes for the upcoming 0.12.4 patch! Added: Interchange location has been reworked Interchange location lighting has been updated New interactive objects, new location exfils Various problems with culling, physical colliders have been fixed New mechanics, overweight. The character receives various debuffs while carrying a certain amount of weight (increased equipment noise, movement speed limits, increased stamina consumption, etc.) Fatigue effect debuff has been added, which appears if the character keeps the stamina at a low level for a long time. Energy consumption increases with this effect. Now The character's stamina indicator is divided into arms and legs. The arm's stamina is consumed when aiming, throwing grenades and fighting with melee weapons. The legs stamina is consumed during sprinting, jumping, changing body positions, etc. Also, the legs stamina starts to drain when the hand's stamina drops to zero. The "trading "flea market", "inventory" buttons have been added to the bottom panel of the interface for quick access. New hand grenades based on the VOG-17 and VOG-25 prototypes. The resolution of your screen is automatically determined and applied as standard settings, at the first start of the game. New weapon mods New sets of character customization and equipment New BEAR top called “Telnik” New BEAR pants called “Tiger” New USEC top called “TIER2” New USEC pants called “Commando” New SCAV top “Olimpic shirt Russia” New body armor, tactical vests, backpack, helmet, active headset Grenade case New barter loot and new trading schemas requiring this loot New hideout crafting schemas New quests with new outfits as a reward Optimization: Minor lightning optimizations Minor decals optimizations Various server stability optimizations Fixed: Fixed a bug in which saving the weapons preset, all inventory, and trading operations could freeze Fixed part of inventory display bugs at 2k (or 1440p) screen resolution Fixed a bug where AI corpses could disappear during reconnect Displaying of notifications while receiving weapons from a SCAV box has been fixed Fixed a bug when the production timer might not be updated when the generator ran out of fuel Fixed a bug when it was impossible to enter the hideout after transferring graphics cards from the Bitcoin farm Fixed a bug when the context menu did not appear on items brought by SCAV Fixed a bug when the item could remain unexamined after production Fixed a bug when you, with a pistol or melee weapon, press the sprint button twice, the character runs in place Now you won’t be kicked to the main menu, after receiving a “the stash is full” error Fixed hideout bug which allowed to appear a window for transferring items from the first-person view Fixed pop-ups which can appear not in the center of the screen A bug while the pop-up with a list of missing items appears beyond the screen Fixed a bug which caused errors at the flea market while there are barter offers Another various bug fixes and corrections Changed: Stimulants parameters have been adjusted, debuffs became weaker The weight of various items has been adjusted The flea market is now available from the 15th PMC lvl (was lvl 5) Small reflex sights marks were downscaled (aimpoint, romeo, trijicon) Accuracy values in weapon characteristics are now displayed in Minutes Of Angle We added a weapon name to the standard weapon presets, which they relate to TRANSLATIONS: German translation of the news can be found here. Thanks to our Austrian Emissary @icelaptop Turkish translation of the news can be found here. Thanks to our Turkish Emissary @SolidMemo Korean translation of the news can be found here. Thanks to our Korean Emissary @lih2677 CZ/SK translation of the news can be found here. Thanks to our CZ/SK Emissary @Snork_Svk Portuguese translation of the news can be found here. Thanks to our Portuguese Emissary and Moderator @FLP French translation of the news can be found here. Thanks to our French Emissary and Moderator @LePatrick Japanese translation of the news can be found here. Thanks to our Japanese Emissary and Moderator @giraffy Italian translaton of the news can be found here. Thanks to our Italian Emissary and Moderator @VonGron Spanish translation of the news can be found here. Thanks to our Spanish Emissary and Moderator @NoisyCosmos Chinese translation of the news can be found here. Thanks to our Chinese Emissary and Moderator @Mage_Elminster Hungarian translation of the news can be found here. Thanks to our Hungarian Emissary @Settenke Arabic translation of the news can be found here. Thanks to our Arabic Emissary @TN-Punisher 看得懂 || 能理解 的簡單翻幾點 1.超重懲罰 超重後移動會更大聲、速度更慢、體力消耗更多 猜測為為能攜帶超過最大重量限制(?)然後會有懲罰 2.耐力系統細分為腿部與手部, 跑步、跳躍會減少腿部耐力、丟手榴彈、用刀砍及瞄準會消耗手部耐力。 3.新增任務與獎勵 4.跳蚤市場解鎖等級提升,由 5 級提升為 15 級解鎖。 5.修改槍枝穿模Bug murmur:難怪要 wipe 耐力與力量,看來耐力現在要練兩份? 連結有簡中翻譯可以看,但是看起來是機翻。 -- 作者 poeta (鍵盤詩人) 看板 Steam 標題 [閒聊] 全境封鎖2標準版 又80+1元啦 時間 Thu Feb 27 19:05:50 2020
t90961248: 79元在買 不然感覺虧了一個億==02/27 19:08
korsg: 之前賣80現在81是怎樣? 貴了這麼多02/27 20:40
ooox: 貴死了 1塊可以買多少個營養午餐了02/27 20:42
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1584028692.A.35B.html ※ 編輯: wuyiulin ( 臺灣), 03/12/2020 23:59:31