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法國大革命為背景的魂類遊戲 Steelrising(鋼之崛起) 繼先前釋出的動畫PV和劇情PV後 再釋出Titans實機預告影片 有機械人軍團的法國大革命題材 這算蒸汽龐克嗎? Steelrising Gameplay trailer: Titans https://youtu.be/U-pii4ZK6wg
Paris, 1789. The city is in the grip of terror. The Revolution has been suppressed with bloodshed by Louis XVI and his merciless mechanical army. It falls to Aegis, an engineering marvel, to take on the king's ranks of automatons and change the course of history. 巴黎,1789年。整座城市瀰漫著驚駭的情緒。路易十六與他無情的機械大軍,血腥 鎮壓了大革命。一切得靠工程奇蹟艾吉絲來對抗國王的自動機軍團,並改變歷史的 進程。 As Paris burns and bleeds during the Revolution, you are Aegis, an automaton masterpiece made by Vaucanson, an engineer in the service of the Clockwork King. Make the most of your mechanical prowess to adapt Aegis to your style of play and become a fearsome warrior, a deadly dancer, or a virtuoso of elemental arts. 正當巴黎陷入大革命的燒殺與血流成河之際,你便是艾吉絲,由服侍發條國王的御 用工程師沃康松精心打造的自動機曠世巨作。好好發揮你的機械高超本領,以讓艾 吉絲適應你的遊玩風格,並成為一名駭人聽聞的戰士、致命的舞者,或原始藝術的 行家。 Engage in ruthless and intense fights against technological marvels that are as complex as they are unforgiving. Your nerves and skills will be tested to their limits at every moment spent battling these relentless enemies and epic bosses. 參與無情又刺激的戰鬥,對抗既複雜又冷血無情的科技奇蹟。與這些殘酷敵人和史 詩首領戰鬥所耗費的每分每刻,都將測試你的神經與技能的極限。 The City of Light has been plunged into darkness and needs you. Use your energy, flexibility and tools to navigate the streets, rooftops, neighborhoods and castles of Paris and reveal hidden secrets. 光明之城已遁入黑暗之中,且急需你的協助。運用你的能量、靈活度與工具,探索 巴黎的街道、屋頂、社區及城堡,並揭露隱藏的秘密。 Delve into an enthralling alternate history filled with formidable mechanical enemies and potential allies with questionable motives. You are the only one you can count on to untangle the knots of history and ensure the Revolution succeeds! 投身一段引人入勝的架空歷史,面對難以對付的機械敵人,與意圖不明的盟友展開 合作。若想解開歷史的糾結及確保大革命成功,你只能倚靠你自己了! 動畫PV:https://youtu.be/xULwmjajeRI
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walkxd136: steam才七百欸 07/09 04:18
j1551082: 七百好便宜喔 07/09 04:23
fman: 看起來不錯,不過還是等上市後評價吧,類魂遊戲操作與打擊手 07/09 07:17
fman: 感還是很重要的,不順玩起來就會卡卡的 07/09 07:17
Orenjifurai: 題材不錯,可是動作看起來很幻燈片 07/09 10:44
esor: 動作看起來滿流暢,只差不知道實際手感如何 07/09 11:33
labeck: 魂系+歷史改編 這個我吃 07/09 14:40