看板 Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Over two years in the hive, two years of incredible moments, trophies and memories. We are very proud of the legend you have become, you will always be engraved in the history of Vitality. Thank you @misutaaaCSGO and good luck in your next adventure https://twitter.com/TeamVitality/status/1557007084222300160 From 17 to 19 My story with @TeamVitality come to an end after 2 years, thanks everyone for the support every day, every game. It was a beautiful journey with ups & downs, a lot of emotions, meeting amazing & lovely people It’s time for another chapter https://twitter.com/misutaaaCSGO/status/1557016100684107781 不知道小蜜蜂之後要補誰進來 不過確實是他是隊伍近期表現最不佳的 沒被續約正常 小蜜蜂之前這陣容就是前段班吊車尾的 磨合那麼久磨不出東西 -- 為了生活我可以忍,但看到大奶就不行 http://imgur.com/eFvSlac Sent from my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1660057754.A.C17.html
leon020315: 應該是Spinx 買斷的談判已經有進展了 08/10 00:38
Ten6666: 這rumor滿久了吧 可以期待一下Spinx能否維持高檔輸出 08/10 08:03
ghoster7: 感覺沒有全法文 沒辦法讓zywoo發揮100%啊 08/10 09:53
sfh20230: 載物 啥時候走啊 08/10 14:26
ray102004: boldapex這氣氛大師什麼時候退休 08/12 15:07