看板 Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
HUMBLE BLACK FRIDAY VR VOYAGER'S PACK GAMES BUNDLE 網址: https://www.humblebundle.com/games/black-friday-vr-voyagers-pack?hmb_source=&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_1_layout_index_1_layout_type_threes_tile_index_1_c_blackfridayvrbundle_bundle 縮網址: https://reurl.cc/7jRvQk 圖: https://i.imgur.com/rw0DVCs.png
Pay at least US$12 for these 11 items 還有20天可以考慮購買 遊戲組包內容: 1. Steam - Cook-Out https://store.steampowered.com/app/1523720/CookOut/ 所有評論:極度好評 (121) STEAMDB RATING:81.15% 歷史低價:NT$ 238 at -25% 雲簡介: 無中文,VR版分手廚房,可單機可連線 遊戲已發售一段時間,公開房應該很難找 而且我沒朋友 2. Steam - Acron: Attack of the Squirrels! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1094870/Acron_Attack_of_the_Squirrels/ 所有評論:極度好評 (120) STEAMDB RATING:84.03% 歷史低價:NT$ 190 at -40% 雲簡介: 無中文,至少需要一台VR設備與1-?台手機(朋友),VR者當樹,其他人當松鼠 松鼠負責偷走種子,樹要阻止他們 3. Steam - Until You Fall https://store.steampowered.com/app/858260/Until_You_Fall/ 最近評論:極度好評 (15) 所有評論:極度好評 (2,513) STEAMDB RATING:90.63% 歷史低價:NT$ 189 at -50% 雲簡介: 有繁中,中二砍殺類Rougelite,評價很高 4. Steam - The Wizards - Dark Times https://store.steampowered.com/app/1103860/The_Wizards__Dark_Times/ 所有評論:極度好評 (338) STEAMDB RATING:75.30% 歷史低價:NT$ 189 at -50% 雲簡介: 有簡中,據說畫面算不錯,想當巫師的可以試試 5. Steam - Sairento VR https://store.steampowered.com/app/555880/Sairento_VR/ 所有評論:極度好評 (1,377) STEAMDB RATING:81.88% 歷史低價:NT$ 344 at -50% 雲簡介: 有簡中,看介紹中二度又爆表了,但最好要有VR Leg,不然容易暈 6. Steam - SUPERHOT VR https://store.steampowered.com/app/617830/SUPERHOT_VR/ 最近評論:褒貶不一 (71) 所有評論:極度好評 (5,947) STEAMDB RATING:72.02% 歷史低價:NT$ 199 at -60% 雲簡介: 有繁中,曾被評為最適合VR的遊戲、有種駭客任務的感覺 7. Car Mechanic Simulator VR https://store.steampowered.com/app/1088770/Car_Mechanic_Simulator_VR/ 所有評論:褒貶不一 (210) STEAMDB RATING:61.12% 歷史低價:NT$ 275 at -27% 雲簡介: 有簡中,看起來是個修車遊戲? 8. Steam - I Expect You To Die https://store.steampowered.com/app/587430/I_Expect_You_To_Die/ 最近評論:極度好評 (13) 所有評論:壓倒性好評 (1,720) STEAMDB RATING:90.39% 歷史低價:NT$ 151 at -60% 雲簡介: 有繁中,好評如潮的解謎遊戲 9. Steam - Shooty Fruity https://store.steampowered.com/app/666100/Shooty_Fruity/ 所有評論:極度好評 (125) STEAMDB RATING:84.67% 歷史低價:NT$ 95 at -70% 雲簡介: 無中文,用槍打水果的發洩型?射擊遊戲,雖然年代久了點,但評價不錯 10. Steam - The Curious Tale of the Stolen Pets https://store.steampowered.com/app/1099500/The_Curious_Tale_of_the_Stolen_Pets/ 所有評論:極度好評 (201) STEAMDB RATING:83.50% 歷史低價:NT$ 74 at -60% 雲簡介: 有簡中,感覺是個溫馨可愛的解謎故事 11. Steam - A Fisherman's Tale https://store.steampowered.com/app/559330/A_Fishermans_Tale/ 所有評論:極度好評 (748) STEAMDB RATING:87.81% 歷史低價:NT$ 98 at -67% 簡介: 有簡中與中文配音,一款短而精悍的解謎遊戲,得過不少獎項 心得: 如果沒有太多已有的遊戲,這包遊戲品質都還不錯 是很值得購買的一包 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1668833775.A.1CA.html ※ 編輯: OOLoop ( 臺灣), 11/19/2022 13:26:12
alanjiang: +1的好包w 11/19 12:58
NDGG: 推 11/19 13:06
OOLoop:轉錄至看板 VR 11/19 13:30
widec: 阿阿 +11 11/19 14:33
letni: 太多VR pass 11/19 16:58
sunways: 推 11/19 17:18
DPP48: 目有VR,PASS 11/19 20:07