看板 Stock 關於我們 聯絡資訊
I don't think trading strategies are as vulnerable to not working if people know about them, as most traders believe. If what you are doing is right, it will work even if people have a general idea about it. I always say that you could publish trading rules in the newspaper and no one would follow them. The key is consistency and discipline. Almost anybody can make up a list of rules that are 80 percent as good as what we taught our people. What they couldn't do is give them the confidence to stick to those rales even when things are going bad. by Richard Dennis -- 陰陽中道 教化以正 大地龍蛇 卓然興盛 好人獨占世間福 手執干戈如破竹 黃藍黑白悉顯明 東北西南穀全熟 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1554738203.A.251.html
winds4141: 紀律才是重點 04/08 23:44
roder: 阿鬼 04/08 23:55
stockdog: 還好我都看得懂 04/09 00:08
sasaogidada: 守紀律就是一切 04/09 00:13
Jetrel: 海龜讚讚 04/09 00:14
kline: 閱 04/09 00:43
meRscliche: 推海龜,但文章沒頭沒尾的肯定被噓 04/09 01:37
Chrkamp: 是的 04/09 01:46
qqq5890003: 跟著推就是了 不然別人以為我看不懂 04/09 02:37
nocebo: 光每天嚷嚷守紀律其實不會賺錢,守紀律就能賺錢程式隨便寫 04/09 07:26
nocebo: 就隨便賺了,人有比城市守紀律?賺錢的關鍵在別的地方 04/09 07:26
genius86: 對啊對啊 04/09 07:48
iamala: 科科,因為守紀律是笨蛋唯一能做好的事,不這麼說怎麼引 04/09 09:58
iamala: 更多人入坑。 04/09 09:58
SweetLee: 關鍵在於叫別人守紀律 這樣才容易抓出別人的規則來破解 04/09 11:07
SweetLee: 股市就是互相競爭 就像猜拳 只要對方出拳守紀律 你找出 04/09 11:08
SweetLee: 他的出拳規則就贏了 04/09 11:08
SweetLee: 如果守紀律有用 現在市場上主宰的就是判斷式的ai 而不會 04/09 11:11
SweetLee: 有人想發展機器學習的ai 04/09 11:11
skdef37372: 如果大家都有紀律,這樣就很好操作啦,一漲就暴漲一跌 04/09 14:10
skdef37372: 就暴跌 04/09 14:10
GSWA: 還好我按推,不然會被笑 04/09 21:44
Petrovsky: 本魯是不會想把自己的投資策略公諸於世啦 XD 04/09 23:14