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Century-Old Vaccine Investigated as a Weapon Against Coronavirus 彭博社 Bloomberg https://tinyurl.com/wcz3guf A vaccine that’s been used to prevent tuberculosis is being given to health-care workers in Melbourne to see if it will protect them against the coronavirus. The bacillus Calmette-Guerin, or BCG, shot has been used widely for about 100 years, with a growing appreciation for its off-target benefits. Not only is it a common immunotherapy for early-stage bladder cancer, it also seems to train the body’s first line of immune defense to better fight infections. With an immunization specifically targeted against the pandemic-causing Covid-19 disease at least a year away, the World Health Organization says it’ s important to know whether the BCG vaccine can reduce disease in those infected with the coronavirus, and is encouraging international groups to collaborate with a study led by Nigel Curtis, head of infectious diseases research, at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Melbourne. “It can boost the immune system so that it defends better against a whole range of different infections, a whole range of different viruses and bacteria in a lot more generalized way,” said Curtis, who’s also a professor of pediatric infectious diseases at the University of Melbourne and head of the infectious diseases unit at the city’s Royal Children’s Hospital. Hospital staff who volunteered to be part of a six-month trial in Australia involving 4,000 health-care workers will be randomly allocated to be vaccinated starting Monday against seasonal influenza and TB, or the flu shot only. A placebo vaccine won’t work as a control in this case because the BCG shot typically causes a localized skin reaction that leaves a scar, making it obvious which group received the TB vaccination. Similar research is going on in the Netherlands. Curtis, in an interview Saturday, said he’s in discussions with potential trial sites in other Australian cities as well as Boston. Although the inexpensive vaccine, which is used to immunize some 130 million newborns worldwide each year, may potentially offer protection to a broader group of people, the priority is on health workers who are at higher risk from being infected with coronavirus while caring for sick patients. “We need to think of every possible way that we can protect health-care workers,” Curtis said. “And there’s going to be a particular need to reduce the amount of time that our health-care workers are absent.” Studies in infants in Africa have shown that the BCG vaccine offers protection against TB and other pediatric infections, probably by enhancing the body’s innate immune system -- specifically white blood cells that target non-specific pathogens before an antibody response has kicked in usually days later. Blood samples taken at the start and end of the trial will determine who was infected with the coronavirus, while participants will log any symptoms during the trial period. The study’s data monitoring committee will review the results after three months to look for any signs that the approach is working. “We wouldn’t be doing this if we didn’t think that this might work,” Curtis said. “We cannot guarantee that this will work. And of course, the only way to find out is with our trial.” -- 非醫學專業不敢亂翻譯QQ 但大致上是因為開發新疫苗太久 WHO鼓勵世界各國專家找找舊的方法 有人想到某種結核疫苗(卡介?) 能讓免疫系統廣泛的對抗病毒和細菌 因為是百年前研發的疫苗 很安全 現在讓很多前線醫護人員人體試驗中 大概就是彭博社這則新聞過後 小道開始狂拉 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1585548147.A.D25.html
peter080808 : 到底要幾篇這種文章啊 03/30 14:03
peter080808 : 是不是要把上百種藥物炒一遍 03/30 14:03
icedog122 : 空軍的鬼故事今開始發酵了... 03/30 14:04
※ 編輯: pttmaster ( 臺灣), 03/30/2020 14:04:45
eipduolc : 彭博很敢講XD 03/30 14:04
zeristso : 重點是你還信WHO 03/30 14:05
whaskey : 不是,看原文只是在說提高身體免疫力而已,不是說他 03/30 14:05
DustToDust : 難怪 03/30 14:05
cblade : 勇者去古文明找解藥救世界的故事 03/30 14:05
whaskey : 對冠狀有效果,不然台灣跟日本人都不會得啦。 03/30 14:05
tamama000 : 笑到射X 病急亂投醫 03/30 14:05
peter080808 : 全世界誰沒打過卡介? 03/30 14:06
Skabo : 全世界媒體都會捕風捉影 不要臉程度有點差別而已 03/30 14:07
whaskey : 國外很多地方是沒有全面施打的,美國就是。 03/30 14:07
whaskey : 而且成年人打其實效果不彰,意義不太大, 03/30 14:08
zithromax : 卡介苗在坐都有打過哈 不過卡介苗是活菌副作用多 03/30 14:10
zithromax : 國外是不會打的 現在台灣也沒強制要打卡介苗 03/30 14:10
zithromax : 而且更麻煩的是打卡介苗結核菌測試會陽性 國外醫師 03/30 14:11
zithromax : 會很緊張 03/30 14:11
peter080808 : 卡介用處只是讓免疫系統脆弱的新生嬰兒認識細菌感 03/30 14:11
peter080808 : 染而已 03/30 14:11
hisashi : who反指標? 03/30 14:11
CaTkinGG : 童話故事 03/30 14:12
q888atPt : 大家都陽性就不恐慌了 利多? 03/30 14:12
peter080808 : 過了嬰兒期 我們每天接觸上億細菌 卡介苗有屁用喔 03/30 14:13
peter080808 : 03/30 14:13
gk1329 : 也不是不可能 卡介苗剛出生就打 成年後抗體變弱 03/30 14:13
dodoorca : 拍胸口哼歌 03/30 14:13
dodoorca : 喔喔喔喔喔 爪爪 03/30 14:13
gk1329 : 可以解釋為何年齡越低 症狀越輕 03/30 14:14
peter080808 : 活到武漢肺炎危險年齡的人 免疫系統該認識的細菌早 03/30 14:14
peter080808 : 就認識光了啦 03/30 14:14
gk1329 : 可以研究看看啊 03/30 14:14
donkilu : 連卡介苗都搬出來,想解藥想瘋了... 03/30 14:15
gk1329 : 而且有朋友說這只病毒特性跟肺結核很像 都很會藏 03/30 14:16
eipduolc : 卡介長大還要打耶 03/30 14:18
eipduolc : 還是現在一劑就好?以前不是到12歲左右還要再打 03/30 14:18
gk1329 : 現在應該取消第二次再打了 03/30 14:19
bing6715 : 這種新聞也敢拉股票 貪 03/30 14:19
eipduolc : 媽的以前白挨針了 03/30 14:19
peter080808 : 是B肝炎才要打兩次吧…… 03/30 14:19
peter080808 : 卡介苗就是讓你留疤痕的那一劑 出生打就好了 03/30 14:20
gk1329 : 肺結核到現在都還沒辦法消滅 就是因為很會藏 03/30 14:20
gk1329 : 無症狀超多 也驗不出來 等你抵抗變弱 就跑出來惹 03/30 14:21
super1314159: 癌症也很會藏啊 乾脆以後感染個案都直接抓去化療電 03/30 14:21
super1314159: 療好了 03/30 14:21
eipduolc : 啊知,我打過兩次啊 03/30 14:22
pisu : 難講喔 說不一定卡介就是解藥 03/30 14:22
super1314159: 卡介苗已經不是出生打了 03/30 14:22
pisu : 卡介可用疫苗 難說?Y 03/30 14:22
peter080808 : 現在這種啥藥可能有效的消息 根本只是炒股而已 03/30 14:23
itoyukiya : 是想解藥想瘋了嗎 ... 03/30 14:24
azure : 釋放希望 然後失望 這個是實驗,遠遠不是結果 03/30 14:24
pinkg023 : 所以台灣沒爆是因為大部分都打了卡介苗? 03/30 14:30
pisu : 很好奇 其他國家沒像台灣都有打卡介疫苗? 03/30 14:32
j955369 : 卡介苗wwwwwwwwwwww 記者是在亂三洨啦wwwwwwww 03/30 14:33
peter080808 : 一個免疫細菌 一個免疫病毒 你跟我說卡介有效? 03/30 14:36
a000000000 : 中國好像有打 03/30 14:36
a000000000 : 還不是死一堆 03/30 14:36
peter080808 : 那同樣是RNA病毒的A流感疫苗不是更有效 03/30 14:36
peter080808 : 教主 美國人有打卡介嗎? 03/30 14:37
alau : 病毒疫苗很少吧 03/30 14:38
new2 : 真的假的 03/30 14:39
shitboy : 卡介苗在台灣一堆人有打過,對支那肺炎有用?存疑 03/30 14:46
iceonly : 台灣就有小孩子中鏢的,你是在說那個小孩沒打卡介苗 03/30 14:46
iceonly : ? 03/30 14:46
ru04hj4 : 卡介苗就是去日本認證櫻花妹用的 03/30 14:59
may0723 : 解藥就是無限QE+國安護盤 03/30 15:00
ru04hj4 : 台灣人疫苗幾乎是打好打滿 只有歐美一些人不想打 03/30 15:00
eipduolc : 台灣也是有一撮人不打的 03/30 15:05
eipduolc : 對公衛來講這群人大概就是破口 03/30 15:05
eipduolc : 我記得這種人就學要寫切結書什麼,忘了 03/30 15:06
JuiFu617 : 疫苗只要有6成有防護力,就能達群體免疫 03/30 15:07
handsomegg39: 已反應 03/30 15:09
laieshen : 這WHO真夠廢 03/30 15:16
brabra : 卡介苗打兩次,一次出生時,另一次六歲附近 03/30 15:24
silentdriver: 中醫啊,大陸這次生化戰已經很多文章了,但是台灣 03/30 15:27
silentdriver: 不報導,台灣人也不相信或根本不看大陸的東西 03/30 15:27
zithromax : 卡介苗不是用來直接對抗病毒 是用來提升免疫力啦 你 03/30 15:38
zithromax : 以為醫師是智障啊 國外本來就沒有打卡介苗 試一試又 03/30 15:38
zithromax : 不會怎樣 03/30 15:38
ben108472 : 很多人不知道卡介苗可以用來治療膀胱癌呢 03/30 15:47
ben108472 : 就是類似免疫療法的一種 03/30 15:47
jerrylin : ......最好是疫苗可以這樣共用啦 03/30 16:53
jerrylin : 想用各種藥物試試看當然是沒差 死馬當活馬醫 03/30 16:56
jerrylin : 但是要說有效就太早了 03/30 16:56
ray90910 : 下一篇本草綱目 03/30 16:57
bryanyang507: 乾脆本草綱目全部試一遍好了 還不上萬二 03/30 17:20
wildwoof : 結果之前提到的藥到底哪一個有效?還是被治癒的都 03/30 17:55
wildwoof : 還是靠自身免疫力而已 03/30 17:55
Magicwind : 台灣大多數有打卡介苗,包括一開始中標的台商們 03/30 17:59
Magicwind : 對卡介苗不太熟悉的歐美人士才會幻想卡介苗有效 03/30 18:01
Coolspot : 為啥歐美這麼慘亞洲卻還好用卡介苗思考就有答案了 03/30 18:28
Coolspot : ! 03/30 18:28
jboys75 : 好了啦 趕快賣一賣 好睡覺 03/30 19:26
annler1218 : 本草綱目有好笑到XDDD 03/30 19:29
suckabian : 原來是疫苗版,我還以為是股版 03/30 20:31
MADAOTW : 卡介苗?台灣日本幾乎所有人都有打過 03/30 20:49