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1.原文連結: https://reurl.cc/lV2Za6 2.原文內容: United States Oil Fund Receives Green Light to Issue New Shares By Reuters June 12, 2020 USO's registration of 1 billion new shares has been declared effective by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the fund said, and hence it can once again allow authorized purchasers, or market makers for exchange-traded products, t o issue new USO shares. USO shares were little changed on Friday at $26.35. On April 21, the fund stated that it had issued all of its registered shares a nd was thus suspending the creation of new shares. As a result of the suspensi on, there was a significant discrepancy between the fund's trading price and t he performance of the oil futures it held. Following a sharp plunge in oil, in which expiring May U.S. crude contracts tr aded at negative prices, USO took in heavy inflows from investors betting on a rebound. Oil prices have in fact risen substantially since then. Even with losses this week, U.S. crude was trading near $36 a barrel on Friday, about $10 higher tha n a month ago. Even so, because later-dated oil futures are currently trading at higher price s than nearer-dated futures - a phenomenon called contango - USO's structure r equires it to sell cheaper futures to buy more expensive ones as nearer-dated contracts expire. As a result, investors who hold USO could wind up with losse s. 3.心得/評論: 雖然不是"很新的新聞" 但還是分享一下 USO被停至少8週不得新增單位期間,被唯一期貨商RBC暫停買期貨合約,USO (不得不找合 作商) 5/28新增合作期貨經紀商-Marex Spectron 現在這時候又准它再增新單位(賭盤再開) 不過持有合約還是繼續跨月,目前最多還是12月的 還是分享一下Fed Observer的評論 對最後他的疑問也是心有戚戚… https://youtu.be/lF_qjCeGkqY
什麼都包進ETP,你看似"公開交易流動性很好",retail就通通可以交易,結果背後他掛 鉤的是別的商品市場,流動性又是另一回事,但是個人造業個人擔 。面向大眾的公募基 金不開放商品(黃金.能源.地產),只能投公司股票,但包成ETP就可以了。 再核准新賭盤,不代表買了一定又貼近真實油價,還是要勸世一下,不要買了忘記 想個矛盾心裡,擺長無法避免多數時期的contango,即使有時會補血,但哪個心裡不是希 望長期看好未來油價上漲,那為什麼要期待靠時間然後遇到補血情況。 下面來源是bloomberg文章,截圖來源:https://reurl.cc/8GR587 主要重點在,當WTI今年來下跌40%時,USO價值蒸發70%…。 https://i.imgur.com/y3mJz1U.jpg
影片也有 比較 XOM vs USO 走勢,當作勸世,其實板上之前也有很多人作這樣的衡量, 因為還是看到身邊很多人跳入這檔商品的情況,還是提供一下資訊參考。 https://i.imgur.com/CAPWfRd.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1592104743.A.6B4.html ※ 編輯: z22744388 ( 臺灣), 06/14/2020 11:19:41 ※ 編輯: z22744388 ( 臺灣), 06/14/2020 11:20:21 ※ 編輯: z22744388 ( 臺灣), 06/14/2020 11:21:12
zaqimon : 下次想抄底原油直接買遠月期貨擺著就好 06/14 11:36
yjjia : 其實我在想很多油期都買在12月,萬一年底疫情再爆發 06/14 11:40
yjjia : 那一堆油期會不會迎來第二次負價格? 06/14 11:41
zaqimon : 那就提早轉倉到明年12月 繼續擺著 06/14 11:41
we147121 : 買USL就好,不要想太多,這個禮拜油崩影響較少 06/14 12:05
Merkle : 原油一直轉超遠期 被正價差吃豆腐就吃到飽 06/14 12:20
LANGUNG : 現在正價差又不高 06/14 12:33
AGODC : 簡單說,沒抄在最低都是死 06/14 12:51
AGODC : 提早轉倉也沒用,這種管理型基金都是要扣很重的管理 06/14 12:53
AGODC : 費,光油價持平到12月你就直接先扣1~20%管理費了 06/14 12:53
dsfaghjkl : 樓上好厲害,可以算出1-20%管理費... 06/14 13:08
bboy1117 : 可能會被收0-100%管理費 06/14 15:51
z22744388 : 抄最低 怎麼知道會不會突然再來個反分割 06/14 17:16