看板 Stock 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.原文連結: ※過長無法點擊者必須縮網址 https://reurl.cc/EzRj7g 2.原文內容: (Reuters) - Shares of?Nikola Corp?(O:NKLA) fell 8% on Thursday after Hindenburg Research shorted the stock and labeled the electric truck maker a "fraud" in a scathing report, evoking a sharp response from the company, which accused the short-seller of manipulating the high-flying stock. Hindenburg accused Nikola's founder Trevor Milton of nepotism and said it has gathered enough evidence to show that Milton made false statements to form partnerships with large automakers. The short-seller said Milton appointed his brother, Travis, to lead the Hydrogen Production/Infrastructure unit, despite not having any substantial experience related to the sector. "Nikola has been vetted by some of the world's most credible companies and investors", the company said in a statement. "(We) will not waver based on a report filled with misleading information attempting to manipulate our stock." Hindenburg alleged Milton misled partners into signing agreements by falsely claiming to have extensive proprietary technology. Earlier this week, automaker General Motors Co (N:GM) took an 11% stake in Nikola and said the two companies will join forces to build electric pickup trucks and fuel cell commercial trucks to take on Tesla Inc (O:TSLA). "Nikola seems to be bringing nothing to the partnership but concept designs, their brand name and up to $700 million they will be paying GM for costs related to production," Hindenburg said on Thursday. General Motors said it stands by the statements it made while announcing the partnership. "We are fully confident in the value we will create by working together," GM said in a statement. Shares of Nikola, which have more than quadrupled in value this year, fell 7.7% to $39.09 in late morning trade. GM's shares dropped nearly 3%. =============================================================================== 3.心得/評論: ※必需填寫滿20字 簡單說 NiKOLA 老總Hindenburg 放空自己公司股票被抓到 現在NiKOLA股價大跌9% TSLA電梯向___ ? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1599753916.A.D70.html ※ 編輯: sluttervagen ( 臺灣), 09/11/2020 00:06:00
dalyadam : 馬克斯: 09/11 00:05
patrickk : 放空被抓還大跌 撈一波到牢裡爽 09/11 00:06
timothy2580 : 腦袋到底裝的是? 09/11 00:12
kenmylife : 它不是一個機構? 怎麼變成老總了 09/11 00:13
johntu : 笑死XDD 09/11 00:13
dslite : 你的英文好像怪怪的 09/11 00:15
EvilDoom : 你的心得跟新聞寫的東西完全不一樣.... 09/11 00:16
jimmyid4 : 你看得懂英文嗎? 09/11 00:18
VAIO911 : 你的心得在亂寫啥 09/11 00:19
Anahata : 心得是小精靈幫你寫的嗎 09/11 00:20
jimmyid4 : 害我多花一分鐘找放空自己股票寫在那一段 09/11 00:20
gofigure : 英文爛就不要丟臉 09/11 00:22
gooddogleg : 產品都還沒量產出來...GM要被坑了嗎 09/11 00:23
kline : 樓下看不懂但也跟著一起罵 09/11 00:23
avecmoi : 你在說什麼? 09/11 00:25
seemoon2000 : 這傢伙真得莫名其妙 到底誰在買他們公司股票 09/11 00:26
rockyao : 這家本來就詐騙公司www 09/11 00:28
rockyao : 下面還有更精采的www 開間電商說我們豪厲害結果也是 09/11 00:30
rockyao : 是騙 09/11 00:30
Akitsukineko: 亂寫當然亂噓 09/11 00:34
ecllyhpqno19: 高招啊!故意被抓跌的更多! 09/11 00:40
Akitsukineko: zzz 09/11 00:42
botonchou : 亂翻一通...還各種自己腦補... 09/11 00:44
EugeneSue : https://hindenburgresearch.com/nikola/ 09/11 00:45
seemoon2000 : 不過評論不太對 是HR機構認為這間公司是詐騙 09/11 00:45
EugeneSue : 做空公司的公告內容,看這比較直接。 09/11 00:46
EugeneSue : https://hindenburgresearch.com/about-us/ 09/11 00:48
EugeneSue : 這家公司以前的戰績,參考一下。 09/11 00:48
shawncarter : 看不懂英文不要瞎掰好嗎 看不懂英文學人家做什麼美 09/11 01:00
shawncarter : 股 09/11 01:00
leopam : 大大英文跟誰學的啊? 09/11 01:00
lance8537 : 以為英文很強貼英文新聞結果洗臉 09/11 01:09
EugeneSue : Nikola staged a video called “Nikola One in Mot 09/11 01:25
EugeneSue : n” which showed the semi-truck cruising on a ro 09/11 01:25
EugeneSue : at a high rate of speed. Our investigation of t 09/11 01:25
EugeneSue : site and text messages from a former employee r 09/11 01:25
EugeneSue : eal that the video was an elaborate ruse—Nikola 09/11 01:25
EugeneSue : ad the truck towed to the top of a hill on a rem 09/11 01:25
EugeneSue : e stretch of road and simply filmed it rolling d 09/11 01:25
EugeneSue : n the hill. 09/11 01:25
BelieveRich : 笑死 是被抓到謊報技術遭到放空好嗎 09/11 01:27
EugeneSue : 手機推文怪怪的,改貼圖 09/11 01:27
EugeneSue : https://i.imgur.com/KiivzGk.jpg 09/11 01:28
EugeneSue : 這段蠻經典的,如果是真的話。 09/11 01:28
EvilDoom : 上面這個做假方式太爛了吧... 09/11 01:41
jimmyid4 : 上面那個有點好笑,直接推下山 09/11 01:45
how870927 : 你的英文老師看到這篇會哭 09/11 02:53
sc2x2 : 你還是放棄英文好了 09/11 05:31
jerrychuang : 可以先用google翻譯一次 09/11 06:22
poisonB : 你的心得跟內文完全不一樣 09/11 06:40
joujima : 你的英文能力真讓人直搖頭 09/11 10:14
joujima : 連做空報告機構跟創辦人的名字都能搞混.. 09/11 10:18
Akitsukineko: っz 09/11 11:00
dougho : 亂翻一通 hindenberg明明就是放空機構的 09/11 12:12
tran628 : 你的英文已經不只是堪憂了..... 09/11 21:12