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拜登將提 2兆美元 美國基礎建設方案 Biden's Infrastructure Bill Could Be $2 Trillion Behemoth —Here's What Goldman Sachs Is Expecting https://reurl.cc/GdjxzG Mar 1, 2021 TOPLINE With President Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus bill now making its way to the Senate, analysts from investment giant Goldman Sachs laid out their expectations for his forthcoming infrastructure spending initiative— the second phase of his ambitious plan to revitalize the American economy. KEY FACTS In a research note late Sunday, Goldman Sachs’ analysts said they expect the proposal will be worth at least $2 trillion—and potentially even double that —over the next 10 years based on previous proposals and estimates of how much investment will be necessary to shore up U.S. infrastructure. They also note that the upcoming package could be broader in scope than expected and has the potential to expand beyond infrastructure, green energy, and climate change initiatives to include a spate of Democratic priorities including childcare, healthcare, and education initiatives, though the Washington Post reported last month that Democrats are far from united on what the final proposal should look like. Goldman’s analysts expect that lawmakers will introduce tax increases, especially on corporations and capital gains, to pay for at least some of the initiative (prior Covid-19 relief legislation has been financed with debt). Those tax increases will offset up to about $1 trillion of the total cost of the final package, the analysts said. The analysts also expect Biden and Democrats to undertake a longer effort to reach a bipartisan consensus with Republicans than they did on Covid-19 relief, though they add that they “doubt this will succeed” given the disagreements that are likely to crop up over climate spending and the tax hikes that will be necessary to offset the bill’s steep price tag. Neil Bradley, chief policy officer at the right-leaning Chamber of Commerce, told the Financial Times last week that corporate tax hikes in the bill will “make American companies less competitive at the very moment that we need a broad economic recovery” and will “make passing a bill probably next to impossible.” BIG NUMBER Between 2% and 9%. That’s how much Biden’s infrastructure plan could boost GDP in the short run, according to Bank of America. The long-run impact would be “considerably more,” the bank said. CRUCIAL QUOTE “We are so far behind the curve,” Biden said last month ahead of a meeting with labor leaders to discuss his stimulus and infrastructure legislation. “ We rank something like 38th in the world in terms of our infrastructure— everything from canals to highways to airports.” He added that the United States needs to do “everything we can do...to make ourselves competitive in the 21st century.” KEY BACKGROUND A pledge to revitalize the United States’ aging infrastructure and invest heavily in clean energy and domestic manufacturing was a key tenet of Biden’ s presidential campaign, and the push has taken on a new urgency after powerful winter storms caused widespread blackouts and water shortages in Texas last month. House Democrats passed a $1.5 trillion infrastructure plan last summer, but the vehement opposition in the GOP-led Senate, especially with regard to provisions designed to fight climate change, meant the bill never advanced any further. “This so-called infrastructure bill would siphon billions in funding from actual infrastructure to funnel into climate change policies,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said at the time. WHAT TO WATCH FOR The Associated Press reports that the White House could release its proposal sometime this month. Without Republican support, the Goldman Sachs’ analysts expect Democrats to advance Biden’s infrastructure spending bill through a lengthy budget process that will push its passage to July at the earliest and potentially as late as the fall. 心得/評論: 源源不斷的美元。請問美國再提出 2兆美元的基礎建設方案 在台灣的我們可以投資什麼呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1614685479.A.737.html
Jerry469 : .... 03/02 19:44
huk40199 : 有過再說 03/02 19:45
yt010004 : 無限資金 反正沒錢再印就有了XD 03/02 19:45
iamjojo : 米國版十大建設 03/02 19:46
a9940597 : 我可以自己印嗎? 03/02 19:46
ethan0419 : 年紀比川普大果然打算印更多錢 03/02 19:46
baka1412 : 好爽 03/02 19:47
ESandman : 四千成資金加空的也懂QE 03/02 19:47
CavendishJr : 美國前瞻 03/02 19:47
stockdog : 可以一直印錢 羨慕 學會川普的絕招了 03/02 19:47
CaTkinGG : 復甦期 驚驚漲 03/02 19:48
furnaceh : 印,都印起來 03/02 19:48
furnaceh : 印好印滿 03/02 19:48
Crushredkiss: 1.9兆不夠 再來個2兆 03/02 19:49
horseorange : including childcare, healthcare, and education 03/02 19:49
horseorange : initiatives 這些要兩兆喔? 03/02 19:49
aegis43210 : 要,美國水泥不便宜的 03/02 19:50
cuteSquirrel: 讚讚讚 美國十大建設 03/02 19:52
Jerry469 : 拜登給狗幹 03/02 19:52
peter080808 : 美國鋼鐵產量足夠嗎? 03/02 19:52
peter080808 : 中鋼起飛? 03/02 19:52
patrol : 好吧 年底應該不會回檔了..明天挑自己想要的標的買. 03/02 19:53
sunnyhung : 拜登真的做得比川普爛好幾倍也 03/02 19:53
patrol : 灑個沒完耶... 03/02 19:53
jerrylin : 美國打算搞哪方面的基礎建設? 03/02 19:54
MayorKoWenJe: 美國人真屌真的會選 03/02 19:54
pideo : 無限Q起來 03/02 19:55
peter080808 : 基礎建設要修的可多了 先把加州德州廢物電網全拆了 03/02 19:56
Leo4891 : 原物料要漲啦?? 03/02 19:56
peter080808 : 不過以美國營建業水準和效率恐怕是回饋很少 03/02 19:57
b0364864 : 鋼鐵要噴了沒 03/02 19:57
TyuzuChou : 銅鐵都要漲了 03/02 19:57
c7683fh6 : 一兆九狂發 03/02 19:58
peter080808 : 全世界最大的鋼鐵供應商是誰啊? 03/02 19:58
dickagent : fcx to the moon 03/02 19:58
DAEVA : 救救台泥救救他 03/02 20:00
house911 : 瘋狂印鈔機 03/02 20:00
house911 : 原物料股明天噴翻天?? 03/02 20:00
ZunYin : 拜登:showmethemoney 03/02 20:01
banbee100 : 高鐵快蓋一蓋啦 03/02 20:02
ianlin1216 : 嘉偉老師要重播了 03/02 20:02
js255076 : cat? 03/02 20:03
Beretta : 下個月又找個明目再印2兆 03/02 20:04
hate0322 : MAMA 03/02 20:04
bloodyiris : 台幣25? 03/02 20:04
seanww : 美國終於要蓋高鐵了嗎(誤 03/02 20:05
james025070 : 笑死人,加稅來基礎建設,最爛的政府政策,美股要 03/02 20:05
james025070 : 走中空格局了 03/02 20:05
bb55231 : 拜包子 大撒幣 03/02 20:05
SkyFee : 之後是10兆、20兆,現在只是起步 03/02 20:06
cutbear123 : 大爆噴噴噴爽 03/02 20:06
fleeaaa : 噴到宇宙去 03/02 20:06
lordwill : 拜登的登是公園路燈的登 03/02 20:07
Eide : 台幣繼續升,台股繼續跌 03/02 20:08
jack0216 : .... 03/02 20:09
capirex : 燈亮 路平 水溝通 03/02 20:09
shadow0326 : 什麼時候要推出新美元 03/02 20:10
LineageM : 敗家子 03/02 20:11
yipi1357 : 一上來就快印4兆... 03/02 20:12
kof70380 : 無限手套 03/02 20:14
rayzen : 你是不是忘記剛提了1.9兆 03/02 20:15
gtomina8810 : 錢從股市領 該崩了 03/02 20:16
ketter : 拜登:I am inevitable 03/02 20:18
agvnol : 我登威武 03/02 20:18
mecca : 2兆再2兆 噴噴再噴噴!! 03/02 20:19
mecca : 我可以自己印嗎?XD 03/02 20:20
wade00123 : 川普 無限QE 03/02 20:20
wade00123 : 拜登 2兆連發 頂尖對決! 03/02 20:20
tin123210 : 太誇張了吧,錢可以這樣印? 03/02 20:20
zakijudelo : 這臺印鈔機真神奇! 03/02 20:21
mecca : 這,只是剛開始!! 03/02 20:21
aa890051 : 4兆也沒難度阿,何不多印一點 03/02 20:21
porter7 : 看到沒,台灣8800e前瞻計畫算什麼 03/02 20:22
jamesLD : 請支援印鈔機圖 03/02 20:23
gju88888 : 看來美國要崩只能等全球聯手制裁了 03/02 20:23
hot8899 : https://i.imgur.com/Bh96ixN.jpg 03/02 20:23
odddriver : 米國兩兆雙星 03/02 20:24
scu96 : 先印2兆 不夠再印 03/02 20:25
mecca : 怎麼可能連手制裁 這一套各國當政者都愛吧 03/02 20:27
WWIII : 無限資金之術 03/02 20:27
mecca : 唯一不爽的只有存現金的人 03/02 20:27
peter510251 : 反正通膨全世紀一起攤 03/02 20:27
ntnuljg : 美國好爽哦 出事就印錢 03/02 20:29
darktasi : 民主黨灑幣灑上癮 03/02 20:29
kuanhunter : 拜登投顧上線了 03/02 20:31
nangle : 沒有人要美債了,殖利率上升也會慢慢鈍化 03/02 20:33
aegis43210 : 須注意十年期公債殖利率 03/02 20:34
nangle : 脫韁野馬式的資產膨脹將要來臨,狂歡吧,各位 03/02 20:34
aegis43210 : 個人不覺得會鈍化 03/02 20:34
nangle : 殖利率=利率上漲的觀點將會漸漸鈍化 03/02 20:35
seou : 美國印鈔自己爽 苦果全世界一起背 真‧垃圾國 03/02 20:36
crystal0504 : 印鈔機稼動率1000000% 03/02 20:36
sanwan : 2兆拼4兆 03/02 20:38
house911 : 垃圾美國 全世界一起資金氾濫??? 03/02 20:39
ce270651 : = = 03/02 20:39
aegis43210 : 但通膨可能在Q2快速爆發 03/02 20:39
jimmmy722 : https://i.imgur.com/zaZorJX.jpg 03/02 20:39
jose50203 : 瘋狂印 瘋狂爽 03/02 20:40
jimmmy722 : 銅價噴出~街口銅明天噴噴 03/02 20:40
stocktonty : 就說家家戶戶每人發一台專用印鈔機自己印不是更快 03/02 20:41
p155239 : 噴 03/02 20:42
nangle : 買農地保值啊各位,鈔票不值錢啊 03/02 20:43
nangle : 農地至少還有太陽能和糧食安全題材 03/02 20:43
nangle : 這年頭黃金美債都不能避險了,買農地吧各位 03/02 20:43
a27629394 : 他上任不到幾個月 達成印錢最快成就 03/02 20:44
nangle : 大家一起把土地 炒 起來 03/02 20:44
rhythm7321 : 原物料漲工人漲晶片漲未來加工品一起漲 全球要進入 03/02 20:45
rhythm7321 : 大通膨時代了 03/02 20:45
nangle : 漲吧 漲吧 漲吧 漲吧 漲吧 漲吧 漲吧 03/02 20:45
mchotdoggy : 又印鈔 03/02 20:47
r30385 : 印鈔登 03/02 20:49
poisonB : 爽 世界大多頭 03/02 20:51
koushimei : 今天道瓊應該會反應 03/02 20:51
chudly : 沒道理中國印了一堆美國不行啊,好事情 03/02 20:56
JACC : 靠 怎麼不發每戶一個印鈔機 每4小時生產100美金紙 03/02 20:58
JACC : 鈔一張怎麼樣? 03/02 20:58
honeypeanut : 把川普換下來上一個舔共失智喊口號老人 03/02 21:03
laechan : 大傻逼耶 03/02 21:05
m1234 : 上任不到100天就四兆! 03/02 21:09
jokem : 內文看一下吧 03/02 21:10
hugavin : 加稅是要加老百姓 還是大企業 值得觀察 03/02 21:16
hugavin : 如果如內文說加資本利得稅跟企業稅 這會對股市是利 03/02 21:17
hugavin : 多? 03/02 21:17
bengem510 : 原本預期三兆,已經省了一兆 03/02 21:17
loveadu : 投資鳳梨,再自己吃,重太少 03/02 21:22
creepy : 30倍的兩兆雙星 03/02 21:26
moike22 : 剛過1.9就要再2? 03/02 21:32
noreg0393933: 大撒幣 03/02 21:32
fallinlove15: 狂灑耶 天啊 03/02 21:37
garyasdf : 內文是分析師猜1.9兆應該會追加到2兆 03/02 21:39
piece1 : 錢對美國來說只是數字跟紙張而已!! 03/02 21:40
garyasdf : 甚至在十年內預算翻十倍...是沒人看得懂英文還是怎 03/02 21:40
garyasdf : 樣? 03/02 21:40
DAEVA : 川普:請中國人付錢啊 03/02 21:42
fj22 : 散裝航運 衝啊 03/02 21:53
chaoliu : 拜登又在慷國家之愷了 之後是不是要用這裡加稅摧毀 03/02 21:59
chaoliu : 自由美國== 03/02 21:59
aegis43210 : 加稅為什麼是催毀?財政赤字貨幣化不可太久 03/02 22:02
alex00089 : 主委加碼!!? 03/02 22:10
zxlar : 米國瘋狂印鈔搶全世界的錢,何時會被反撲? 03/02 22:25
a0953781935 : 貨幣戰爭真的屌 03/02 22:35
placo : 造橋鋪路金腰帶 03/02 22:39
xuane : 嘔嘔嘔,印美元把全球物資買走,真爽 03/02 23:13
smalmal : 印紙換資源這套系統 真的很low 03/02 23:15
a165423x : 中鋼起飛 03/02 23:15
eric112 : 垃圾失智老人 03/03 00:19
bingobin : 我看美國也不用納稅了。印鈔票就好了。 03/03 00:30
fajita : 乾脆發個拜登幣,程式寫一寫就有了 03/03 00:45
mc2834 : 一堆空軍各種崩潰…何必呢,無腦多就對了 03/03 02:27
XDDDpupu5566: 拜登新政,愛美建設 03/03 06:06
qaz12453 : 沒關係下個月忘了 再提一個兩兆 每個月都來一次 03/03 07:02
frank01 : 真的,每戶發一台印鈔機比較快 03/03 08:19
ilsr : 餓4年了 03/03 08:25
young000 : 美國的基礎建設大概效率是中國 1/10, 要引進 Amigo? 03/03 11:40
BearFather : 美國真的很會 選了美國馬英九 03/03 15:34
rich3710a : 又要撒幣 03/03 17:04