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原文標題: 2 Top Canadian Crypto Stocks to Buy in May 5月來買2檔加拿大頂級加密貨幣股票 原文連結: https://reurl.cc/zb9XZp 發布時間: Daniel Da Costa | April 30, 2021 原文內容: The last year has seen a tonne of stocks and different assets rally rapidly. Crypto stocks, along with cryptocurrencies, have been some of the top performers over the last 12 months. But after a massive rally, many investors wonder if these are still some of the top Canadian stocks to buy in May. With cryptocurrencies and crypto stocks, much of the potential is long term. This might be hard to wrap your head around, considering the industry is known for its incredible rallies in such short periods of time. Nevertheless, much of the potential cryptocurrency has will be long term. So, although the entire industry is going through a major revolution and gaining a tonne of popularity now, just because the rally slows down doesn’t mean it ’s time to abandon the investment. The cryptocurrency industry started with Bitcoin and has grown rapidly since then. Today, there are thousands of cryptocurrencies, and while some are purely speculative, others have incredible technology with tonnes of long-term potential. The industry, though, is especially volatile. Not only that, but it can go through periods of major growth and then periods where the coins generally trade sideways. When this happens, some of the higher leveraged assets begin to lose their premium, creating an exciting opportunity to buy shares while they’re undervalued. That’s the case today, which is why these are the top two crypto stocks to buy in May. A top Bitcoin mining stock There are several Bitcoin mining stocks to consider today. However, one of the best is Hut 8 Mining (TSXV:HUT). For almost two months now, Bitcoin has been trading sideways, as it cools off from its massive rally. However, during that time, HUT 8 has lost over 33% of its value. Of course, the crypto stock was trading with a premium before the selloff. However, losing 33% while Bitcoin was flat (and actually slightly higher in value) is a bit excessive and shows the incredible discount investors can get the stock at today. Many of these cryptocurrency mining stocks will offer value like this, but Hut 8 is one of the best stocks to buy in May because of its top-notch operations. Bitcoin mining is extremely competitive and all about computing power. Plus, Hut 8, being one of the oldest Bitcoin miners, has a tonne of experience, which is a crucial asset the company has. It also holds over 3,000 self-mined Bitcoin, helping position the company well for the future. So, if you’re bullish on Bitcoin’s long-term potential and want exposure to the cryptocurrency, Hut 8 is one of the top stocks to buy in May. A bargain crypto stock to buy in May Hut 8 is one of the best Bitcoin mining companies you can buy. However, the problem some investors may have with Hut 8 is that it’s only exposed to Bitcoin. That’s why a stock I personally favour over Hut 8 is HIVE Blockchain Technologies (TSXV:HIVE). HIVE is a lot like HUT 8. The one main difference, which is why I think it’s one of the top crypto stocks to buy in May, is due to its exposure to Ethereum. Ethereum has long been the most active blockchain. It has the ability to run smart contracts, which is truly revolutionary and offers tonnes of growth potential for years. So, over the last couple of months, while Bitcoin has trended sideways, Ethereum has continued to rally. Despite this, HIVE stock has been selling off, creating a significant discount in the shares. Ethereum’s price, valued in Bitcoin, has increased by more than 50% in just the last month. So, if you’re looking for a top crypto stock to buy for the long term, HIVE is one of the best stocks to buy in May. Looking for more top stocks to buy in May? Here's our TOP 10! The 10 Best Stocks to Buy This Month Renowned Canadian investor Iain Butler just named 10 stocks for Canadians to buy TODAY. So if you’re tired of reading about other people getting rich in the stock market, this might be a good day for you. Because Motley Fool Canada is offering a full 65% off the list price of their top stock-picking service, plus a complete membership fee back guarantee on what you pay for the service. Simply click here to discover how you can take advantage of this. 機翻如下: 去年,大量的股票和不同的資產迅速反彈。在過去的12個月裡,加密貨幣股票以及加密貨 幣一直是表現最好的一些股票。但是,在大規模反彈之後,許多投資者想知道這些股票是 否仍然是5月份值得購買的一些頂級加拿大股票。 對於加密貨幣和加密股票,大部分的潛力是長期的。考慮到該行業以其在如此短的時間內 出現令人難以置信的反彈而聞名,這可能很難讓你理解。 儘管如此,加密貨幣的大部分潛力將是長期的。因此,儘管現在整個行業正在經歷一場重 大的革命,並獲得了大量的人氣,但反彈速度放緩並不意味著是時候放棄投資了。 加密貨幣行業從比特幣開始,此後迅速發展。今天,有數以千計的加密貨幣,雖然有些是 純粹的投機,但其他的加密貨幣有令人難以置信的技術,有大量的長期潛力。 不過,這個行業特別不穩定。不僅如此,它還可能經歷重大的增長期,然後是幣價普遍橫 盤的時期。 當這種情況發生時,一些高杠杆資產開始失去其溢價,創造了一個令人興奮的機會,在它 們被低估的時候購買股票。 今天就是這種情況,這就是為什麼這兩隻加密貨幣股票在5月份要買的原因。 一支頂級的比特幣採礦股 今天有幾隻比特幣採礦股可以考慮。然而,最好的一個是Hut 8 Mining(TSXV:HUT)。 近兩個月來,比特幣一直在橫盤整理,因為它從大規模反彈中冷卻下來。然而,在這段時 間裡,HUT 8已經損失了超過33%的價值。 當然,在大跌之前,這只加密貨幣股票是以溢價交易的。然而,在比特幣持平(實際上價 值略高)的情況下,損失33%有點過分,顯示出投資者今天可以得到該股票的驚人折扣。 許多加密貨幣採礦股會提供這樣的價值,但Hut 8是5月份最值得購買的股票之一,因為它 有一流的業務。 比特幣挖礦的競爭非常激烈,都是關於計算能力。另外,Hut 8作為最古老的比特幣礦工 之一,擁有大量的經驗,這是該公司擁有的重要資產。它還持有超過3000個自行開採的比 特幣,幫助該公司為未來做好準備。 因此,如果你看好比特幣的長期潛力,並希望接觸到加密貨幣,Hut 8是5月份最值得購買 的股票之一。 5月要買的便宜的加密貨幣股票 Hut 8是你可以購買的最好的比特幣採礦公司之一。然而,一些投資者對Hut 8可能存在的 問題是,它只接觸到比特幣。 這就是為什麼我個人青睞於Hut 8的股票是HIVE Blockchain Technologies(TSXV:HIVE) 。 HIVE很像HUT 8。有一個主要區別,這就是為什麼我認為它是5月份最值得購買的加密貨幣 股票之一,是由於它對乙太坊的接觸。 長期以來,乙太坊一直是最活躍的區塊鏈。它有能力運行智慧合約,這確實是革命性的, 並提供了數年的增長潛力。 因此,在過去的幾個月裡,當比特幣呈現橫盤走勢時,乙太坊卻持續反彈。儘管如此, HIVE的股票一直在拋售,造成了股票的大幅折價。 乙太坊的價格,以比特幣計價,僅在上個月就增長了50%以上。因此,如果你正在尋找一 個可以長期購買的頂級加密貨幣股票,HIVE是5月份最好的股票之一。 正在尋找更多5月買入的頂級股票?下面是我們的TOP10! 本月最值得購買的10檔股票 著名的加拿大投資者Iain Butler剛剛為加拿大人列出了今天要買的10檔股票。因此,如 果你厭倦了閱讀其他人在股市中發財的故事,今天可能是你的好日子。 因為Motley Fool加拿大公司正在為他們的頂級選股服務提供整整65%的折扣,並且保證你 為該服務支付的全部會員費。只需點擊這裡,就可以知道你如何利用這一優勢。 心得/評論: 時間如果回到1636年 一棵鬱金香瘋狂上漲到價值3000荷蘭盾,可以交換8隻豬、4隻牛、2噸奶油、1000磅乳酪 、一個銀製杯子、一包衣服、一張附有床墊的床外加一條船。 大家都在玩,請問你玩不玩鬱金香? ......我比較保守,我去賣可以種鬱金香的花盆好了。雖然跌起來也一定很慘。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1619824277.A.D1B.html ※ 編輯: nangle ( 臺灣), 05/01/2021 07:31:41
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