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原文標題: Ark Invest Tesla Stock Price Target May Be Outrageous, But Elon Musk Says It Is Worth $3,000 A Share 'If They Execute Really Well' 原文連結: https://tinyurl.com/awew7rx7 發布時間: 2021/09/05 23:46 原文內容: Tesla Inc (NASDAQ: TSLA) CEO Elon Musk has told its employees that he agrees with Cathie Wood-led ARK Innovation ETF (NYSEARCA: ARKK) that Tesla is worth $3,000 a share "if they execute really well". What Happened: In a recent interview, Cathie Wood said that her base case on Tesla is $3,000 a share. "Our estimate for Tesla's success has gone up. The main reason for that is their market share. So instead of going down from year-end 2017 to today, it has actually gone up fairly dramatically," Wood said. However, Wood's price tag for Tesla looks outrageous. Tesla is currently trading at $733 a share, and it would have to go up above 300% to reach that price target. Ark Invest believes that Tesla is going to deliver between 5 and 10 million vehicles as soon as 2025. It also says Tesla will deliver a completely autonomous ride-hailing network, known as Tesla Network, that is going to bring in a lot of money with a high margin. In an email to Tesla employee obtained by Electrek, Musk highlighted Ark's new $3,000 price target and added that he concurs with Ark's analysis. "If we execute really well, I agree with Ark Invest," Musk said. A $3,000 share price would put Tesla's valuation at $3 trillion and make it the most valuable company in the world. At present, the automaker is the most valuable automotive company globally at over $730 billion. Why It Matters: Musk has often commented on Tesla's stock price. Last year when Tesla's stock was reaching a new high, Musk told his followers on Twitter, "Tesla stock price is too high...imo." A Tesla investor sued Elon Musk and the company board, saying the CEO's "erratic" tweets violate a settlement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. His comment resulted in a more than $13 billion loss in Tesla's market value. Last month, Ark Invest shed less than half a percent of its position in Tesla as Wood's firm holds large bets in Tesla, which it predicts will hit the ,000 mark 心得/評論: 內容大意 女武神對特斯拉估值為每股3000鎂 馬爸爸在內部員工信 對此消息按讚表示有可能 馬氏投顧再次上線 特斯拉開飆? 感謝馬爸爸賜我吃 賜我穿 阿們 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1630899131.A.8A8.html
JuiFu617 : 崩09/06 11:34
xsoho : 若ARK完全沒持有Tesla就有可能09/06 11:35
互相抱團取暖? ※ 編輯: boyen3 ( 臺灣), 09/06/2021 11:36:45
Hecc : 行銷能力 > 投資能力 09/06 11:39
kevinmeng2 : 你信不信去musk 的Twitter 貼這張狗狗迷因圖 09/06 11:40
kevinmeng2 : 他也會點讚 09/06 11:40
eipduolc : 按讚不是閱的意思嗎 09/06 11:41
realbout : 面具男欣賞乾媽 09/06 11:45
towierc : 等NASDAQ上3萬有可能 09/06 11:45
Hbodo : 韭菜女神 09/06 11:51
sturmpionier: 底越打越高 看不懂 酸的噓的還是老樣子 :) 09/06 11:54
HCLP : 馬皇快帶我飛 ↗↗↗ 09/06 12:06
xsoho : 你是說跟Pltr一樣韭菜底越來越高嗎? 09/06 12:06
cute15825 : 如果拉ARK 五年目前還是屌打QQQ 這樣算行銷>投資? 09/06 12:08
cute15825 : 還是鄉民這五年隨便都四倍以上.. 09/06 12:09
xsoho : 沒有人在看過去,基金規模不同、熱度不同 09/06 12:13
xsoho : 你若要看過去也去看木頭姐過去管理的基金,還不是 09/06 12:14
xsoho : 做到快不行就換了 09/06 12:14
happyman2015: AI day都直接火力展示差距了但霉體只愛講機器人 空 09/06 12:17
happyman2015: 空繼續幻想其它傳統或新電車車企會是對手 看不懂就 09/06 12:17
happyman2015: 乖乖台股買航運跟麵粉當韭菜 09/06 12:17
sturmpionier: 在說特斯拉 ~ 誰跟你 PLTR 09/06 12:24
xsoho : 全球一堆散戶上車不怕嗎? 09/06 12:30
xsoho : 人家天天在創新高,阿是回到之前高點了嗎? 09/06 12:31
naloer : 股價這幾年打臉各大投顧n次了 這次我看還是安靜不要 09/06 12:55
naloer : 說話比較好 09/06 12:55
xxxxxnick : 今年有誰績效輸ARK嗎 09/06 12:59
xsoho : 今年正常人應該至少要贏QQQ 09/06 13:08
LimYoHwan : Musk的推特有時候還是很神 他在5/19 說了 09/06 13:12
LimYoHwan : Tesla has diamond hand 結果5/19是這波上漲的起點 09/06 13:12
dslite : 那你還減碼? 09/06 13:13
smallcar801 : ai day外行一直吹連展示機都沒有的機器人,內行看 09/06 13:37
smallcar801 : 到auto labeling + simulation都高潮了 09/06 13:37
sky5566 : 先出一半了 希望還有便宜可撿~ 09/06 13:48
Exusiai : pltr對手太多了 光snow就屌打 09/07 02:48
poem5566 : 哈哈 PLTR又到28多了 樓上 09/18 08:55