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1. 標題:Reddit files to go public 2. 來源: CNBC (公司名、網站名) 3. 網址:https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/15/reddit-files-to-go-public-.html (請善用縮網址工具) 4. 內文: 重點摘要翻譯 剩下內文有興趣附在下面可自行閱讀 Reddit on Wednesday announced that it has confidentially submitted a dr aft registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission to go pub lic. 米國批踢踢Reddit在美國時間週三宣佈已經遞交文件給SEC 準備IPO The social media company announced the filing, but it did not make the filing pu blicly available. Most recently, the company announced that it had raised a $700 million round in August 2021 at a valuation of more than $10 billion. Reddit宣佈他已經在今年8月份募資7億鎂 而當時的估值高達百億鎂 Reddit on Wednesday announced that it has confidentially submitted a draft regis tration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission to go public. The social media company did not make the filing publicly available. The company also did not say how many shares would be offered nor the price range for the p roposed offering. Although Reddit was created in 2005, it has taken a unique road toward going pub lic. Conde Nast Publications acquired Reddit in 2006. The social media services remai ned a part of the publication company until it was made an independent subsidiar y in 2011. Since then, it raised a series of funding rounds from venture capital firms. Most recently, the company announced that it had raised a $700 million round in August 2021 at a valuation of more than $10 billion. At the time of that funding round, the company said that it had reached $100 mil lion in advertising revenue during the second quarter of 2021, up 192% from a ye ar prior. 史壯敗!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1639626737.A.FB8.html
sumarai : 中資的形狀,恐怖12/16 11:52
jc761128 : 掰惹蒂普12/16 11:53
※ 編輯: Yginger1 ( 美國), 12/16/2021 11:54:06
littenVenus : 好強 這會被美國鄉民買爆ㄅ 12/16 11:54
goddarn : 騰訊是股東 12/16 11:54
littenVenus : 喔喔 12/16 11:54
banbee100 : 中資跳過,哪天維尼又起肖 12/16 11:54
billy56 : 不是被騰訊買走大部分了? 12/16 11:55
jamescyt : 台灣PTT呢? 12/16 11:55
fg008kimo : PTT要不要也來IPO 12/16 11:55
JuiFu617 : 中資吸金用吧 12/16 11:55
EvilJustice : 哈,真的假的,美國鄉民很嗨 12/16 11:56
Argos : 穩死 千萬別買 12/16 11:57
ritterwort : 那估,私給普 12/16 12:00
closedltw : 最近IPO的很多聲勢都非常大,結果卻都非常慘 12/16 12:00
nivii : 這不是小威廉斯她老公的 12/16 12:00
lastphil : WSB會喜歡這隻嗎 12/16 12:00
fenix220 : 支資還是下去吧 12/16 12:01
k1k1832002 : 這種東西上市是有點奇怪就是了 12/16 12:01
a12838910 : 歐印 12/16 12:02
thegiver210 : 左膠概念股 12/16 12:05
nk10803 : 中資? 12/16 12:06
cityport : 穩死+1 12/16 12:09
heinzblack : 第一波衝上去賣掉小賺就好 12/16 12:10
bobboy8755 : ptt如果上市我一定買一張支持== 12/16 12:11
makono : 美國很多新創都喜歡融資,不意外 12/16 12:11
orzzroGC : ptt很難吧,之前有人跟創世神說要贊助,創世神還酸 12/16 12:11
Toge : 你買了錢都被騰訊賺走了 12/16 12:11
orzzroGC : 人家,好偉大的官威壓 呵呵 12/16 12:11
abel0201 : 哪會奇怪...有人潮就有錢潮 賣廣告就賺翻了.. 12/16 12:13
rabbit542254: 美國鄉民嗨起來~~~ 12/16 12:14
seemoon2000 : 這股價不知道會不會跟騰訊連動 12/16 12:15
questioner : 台灣IPO的話拜託別讓政客入股 12/16 12:21
idontbirdu : 台灣ipo 一定變成綠共的形狀 12/16 12:22
jatj : 看這邊鄉民這麼捧 就知道會是地雷 12/16 12:24
rewisyoung : ptt定位是學術網站 拿那種商業性質來比是在想什麼… 12/16 12:30
chanel1259 : 泰國ptt先來 12/16 12:32
dergnj : PTT整天一堆仇女 噁男文 說是學術網站XDDDDDD 12/16 12:33
dergnj : 我都當嘴砲平台來用 12/16 12:34
foolwind : 中資又要來騙了 12/16 12:39
shiwa : 終於要上了喔 不敢買但期待後續 12/16 12:48
KingChang711: 低卡要上市櫃的機率還比較大,不過資本額近四千萬 12/16 12:51
KingChang711: ,可能還要增資好幾次 12/16 12:51
HCLP : 韭菜概念股 12/16 13:17
s1014072 : 應該又有一群新鮮韭菜要被割了 12/16 15:34
g5637128 : 有趣 12/16 15:40
labiron : PTT上市我一定買來當傳家寶 12/16 16:38
broodkey : 肯定割 12/16 20:43
potatososo : well 12/17 06:03
FlynnZhang : 要IPO也是Dcard會先吧 02/23 16:29