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原文標題: AMD to buy Pensando for $1.9 billion to build out its data center business 原文連結: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/amd-to-buy-pensando-for-19-billion-to- build-out-its-data-center-business-2022-04-04?mod=investing 發布時間: April 4, 2022 at 8:13 a.m. ET 原文內容: Shares of Advanced Micro Devices Inc. AMD, 0.87% rose 0.2% in premarket trading, after the semiconductor company announced a deal to buy privately held Pensando for about $1.9 billion. AMD aims the deal for the provider of computing, networking and security services, which is expected to close in the second quarter, to expand its data center offerings. "To build a leading-edge data center with the best performance, security, flexibility and lowest total cost of ownership requires a wide range of compute engines," said AMD Chief Executive Lisa Su. "Today, with our acquisition of Pensando, we add a leading distributed services platform to our high-performance CPU, GPU, FPGA and adaptive SoC portfolio." AMD's stock has tumbled 24.8% year to date through Friday, while the PHLX Semiconductor Index SOX, 1.00% has shed 14.7% and the S&P 500 SPX, 0.49% has slipped 4.6%. 機器翻譯 AMD宣佈以約19億美元的價格收購私人控股的Pensando。 AMD的目標是與計算,網路和安全服務提供者達成交易,預計將於第二季度完成,以擴大 其數據中心產品。 AMD 首席執行官 Lisa Su 表示:"要構建具有最佳性能、安全性、靈活性和最低總擁有成 本的領先數據中心,需要廣泛的計算引擎。今天,通過收購Pensando,我們將領先的分散 式服務平臺添加到我們的高性能CPU,GPU,FPGA和自適應SoC產品中。 心得/評論: ※必需填寫滿30字,無意義者板規處分 好像前幾天有版友說AMD應該重啟併購 忘了是買甚麼 不過不是這家就是了. 這點小東西 買著還好吧QQ 不是很懂這方面 所以找了一點yahoo鄉民的評論 1) Pensando’s data-flow and fully programmable packet processor capabilities combined with AMD’s high-performance CPU, GPU, FPGA and adaptive system-on-chip (SoC) portfolio is a very, very smart move for Lisa and team and differentiates AMD even further from the pack. The software stack extending beyond applications capabilities to smart switches/networking and security rounds things out beautifully. Addressing multiple infrastructure services simultaneously is the game and AMD just bagged it. 2) The acquisition of Pensando (and Xilinx) further bolsters Hans Mosemann's BULL CASE that AMD is a DATA CENTER play, This all goes to building customer relations. They will have solutions NOBODY else has, one stop shop. They are JUST GETTING STARTED! 3) Just another piece of Lisa's road map strategy to move into other areas by buying Pensando.. Her plan all along has been to get to a point where AMD is not competing nearly as much with INTC directly in future, but moving into new areas with new TAMS.. Now with XLNX, she has the scale she has wanted and can offer that scale to huge customers going forward, to become a one-stop-shop in a sense? ;-) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1649094207.A.A57.html
rosefan1 : 蘇媽能救救股價嗎?04/05 01:48
a053971j : 99 AMD04/05 01:56
aegis43210 : 幫賽靈思買的,要攻NIC市場04/05 02:08
aegis43210 : 在GG產能有限、i皇削價競爭、老黃進攻HPC市場三重夾04/05 02:11
aegis43210 : 擊下,提升蘇媽在DC和NIC市場的漲價能力04/05 02:11
※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 04/05/2022 02:16:10
a000000000 : 就做dpu跟老黃幹的04/05 02:50
a000000000 : 半導體現在第四大市場就nic這種惹04/05 02:50
a000000000 : 路上跑的有整套solution的剩兩家 小的就這間04/05 02:51
a000000000 : 以startup來講已經有客戶 只是營收很少04/05 02:52
ymlin0331 : 滿手現金,不買新玩具,難道發給員工嗎?04/05 02:57
Severine : 感謝說明QQ04/05 03:12
※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 04/05/2022 03:12:57
CORYCHAN : 謝謝04/05 03:28
a000000000 : nic這塊我是覺得很微妙 大咖的不囉康馬沒有跟老黃04/05 03:32
a000000000 : 都不是躺者混飯吃的 不過毛利實在太高惹04/05 03:33
a000000000 : 大概都七成 尼去看不囉康的財報會感覺進入不同世界04/05 03:33
a000000000 : 老黃蘇媽牙膏這幾家的財報方式還比較像04/05 03:33
a000000000 : 蘇媽要在這塊打出有意義的市站三五年內大概很難04/05 03:34
a000000000 : 一般長期投資人的角度看兩年內就差不多惹04/05 03:35
a000000000 : 所以說真的就 微妙04/05 03:35
a000000000 : 最理想狀況4蘇媽兩年內拿出整合好的cpu+nic平台04/05 03:35
a000000000 : 像亞麻去年底講graviton3的時候也包惹nitro04/05 03:36
vgil : 請問教主 AMD現在這價位可以繼續捏嗎04/05 04:05
a000000000 : 怕屁 捏04/05 04:12
a000000000 : 現在就大概之前xlnx的股東看不懂在跑04/05 04:12
a000000000 : 過陣子我看跑掉的都會再回來04/05 04:12
a000000000 : 軍公航太佔xlnx營收一半 算起來差不多合併後10%04/05 04:13
a000000000 : 地緣政治玩到現在 那些賣武器的公司股價都噴惹04/05 04:14
a000000000 : 賣晶片的沒噴 合理嗎 就投資人還不懂而已04/05 04:14
SILee : 二月剛開戰在大跌的時候,我還跟朋友說飛彈裡面都是04/05 04:16
SILee : XLINX的晶片,縮下去就對了XDDDD04/05 04:16
vgil : 謝教主信心加持 繼續加倉了04/05 04:17
crc2121 : 四月開始,AMD扶搖直上200元(我內心的希望)。04/05 04:18
crc2121 : 110起跳,一天漲10元就好,拜託大家了。04/05 04:19
crc2121 : 學學特斯拉一天漲50元,要到4/22才會出現2000元!04/05 04:20
KANGTA23 : 聽教主的!04/05 04:29
peterliam : 感謝教主分析04/05 05:52
sonofman : 憋了這麼久。期待接下來的大報射04/05 06:56
jerrychuang : 坐等20004/05 06:56
aegis43210 : 10%也不算多,要漲回去高點也只能靠炒作了04/05 07:07
boombastick : AMD目前沒有switch asic 可惜了04/05 07:54
bagaalo : 教主難得開金口了04/05 08:54
beagle2001 : 教主說的晶片,我也是想某個程度 nVdia 也算軍工產04/05 09:08
beagle2001 : 業了04/05 09:08
Severine : 不囉康是什麼東東?04/05 09:08
aegis43210 : 博通04/05 09:11
fdkevin : broadcom?04/05 09:12
phylen : broadcom 04/05 09:13 感謝大大們 剛睡醒 想不過來XD
Appleaday : 噗04/05 09:18
a000000000 : 老黃離軍工距離遠很多 xlnx是營收一半在軍工航太04/05 09:37
我也覺得太遙遠 老黃東西那麼高階那麼貴 用途又不夠專精 用在軍火太浪費 ※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 04/05/2022 10:10:47
bunjie : 推教主分析 不過今年五月開始預期升息幅度大 04/05 11:17
bunjie : AMD NV這類股票 股價能夠守住就已經不錯了 04/05 11:18
bunjie : 要漲回原來高點幾乎不可能惹 04/05 11:18
amongolu : 馬沒有是Marvell 04/05 11:25
CORYCHAN : EPYC一直揍Xeon揍到叫媽媽就還有機會 毛利實在太香 04/05 12:03
moike22 : 重點就是 捏 04/05 12:09
boombastick : 當初期待AMD去買Innovium 壯大DC這塊的說 04/05 13:37
boombastick : 不過Broadcom這幾年都買infrastructure software的 04/05 13:43
boombastick : 公司,這塊毛利才真的高 04/05 13:43
kevin850717 : 還以為是收購Monsanto轉型真農企 04/05 14:33
YJJ : 美就是希望軍工晶片在美生產配合明年tsmc*amd*xlnx? 04/05 15:16
Dreamer77 : 一直很好奇台企為啥做不了這一塊 04/05 17:03
Dreamer77 : nic 04/05 17:05
a000000000 : 大M有在做 有打進去 剛開始一點點而已 04/05 17:06
a000000000 : nic整塊很大很多很雜 不像cpu那樣 04/05 17:07