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原文標題: Boeing posts loss as it grapples with delays on commercial and defense programs 原文連結:https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/27/boeing-ba-1q2022-earnings.html 發布時間:WED, APR 27 2022 7:31 原文內容: (不負責機器翻譯) - Boeing’s first-quarter sales and revenue missed analysts’ estimates. 波音公司第一季度的銷售額和收入低於分析師的預期。 The manufacturer says it is pausing 777X production and that it doesn’t - expect deliveries to start until 2025. 該公司表示,目前正暫停777x 的生產,預計到2025年才會開始交貨。 - The company said it’s ramping up 737 Max output to 31 a month in the second quarter. 該公司表示,在第二季度,它將把最大產量提高到每月31台。 Boeing reported a wider adjusted loss and lower revenue than analysts expected as the company faced higher costs on both commercial and defense aircraft and charges tied to the war in Ukraine. 波音公司報告了更大範圍的調整後虧損和低於分析師預期的收入,因為該公司面臨著更高 的成本,包括商業和國防飛機,以及與烏克蘭戰爭有關的費用。 The manufacturer said it will pause production of its 777X plane, which has not yet been certified by U.S. regulators, through 2023, a plan the company says will create $1.5 billion in abnormal costs starting in the second quarter. 這家製造商表示,它將暫停777x 飛機的生產,直到2023年,該飛機尚未得到美國監管機 構的認證。該公司表示,從第二季度開始,該計畫將產生15億美元的異常成本。 Boeing also doesn’t expect deliveries of the plane to start until 2025, more than a year later than it previously forecast. Its shares were down more than 4% in in premarket trading after reporting results Wednesday morning. 波音公司也預計2025年之前不會交付飛機,比之前預計的晚了一年多。在週三早上公佈業 績後,其股價在盤前交易中下跌超過4% 。 Boeing has enjoyed a resurgence in demand for its 737 Max plane, which returned to service in late 2020 after two fatal crashes. But production problems and certification delays have hampered other aircraft programs. 波音公司的737max 飛機在經歷了兩次致命的墜機事故後,於2020年年底恢復服役,需求 量再度上升。但是生產問題和認證延誤阻礙了其他的飛機項目。 “Through our first-quarter results, you’ll see we still have more work to do; but I remain encouraged with our trajectory, and we are on track to generate positive cash flow for 2022,” Boeing’s CEO David Calhoun said in a note to employees Wednesday. “We are a long-cycle business, and the success of our efforts will be measured over years and decades; not quarters.” 波音公司首席執行官大衛 · 卡爾霍恩在週三給員工的一份報告中說: “通過我們第一季 度的業績,你會發現我們還有更多的工作要做; 但是我仍然對我們的發展軌跡感到鼓舞, 我們正在為2022年創造積極的現金流。”。“我們是一家週期很長的企業,我們的努力是 否成功,將以數年乃至數十年來衡量,而非季度。” Boeing said it submitted its Dreamliner certification plan to the Federal Aviation Administration, a step toward getting regulators to sign off on resuming deliveries of the wide-body jets. Those handovers to customers has been suspended for most of the last 18 months, and buyers like American Airlines said they scaled back some international flying in response. 波音公司表示,已向聯邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)提交了夢幻客 機(Dreamliner)認證計畫,此舉旨在讓監管機構批准恢復寬體客機交付。在過去18個月的 大部分時間裡,移交給客戶的服務都被暫停了。美國航空(American Airlines)等買家表 示,作為回應,他們縮減了一些國際航班。 The company posted a net loss of $1.2 billion in the first quarter, wider than the $561 million loss it posted a year earlier. Revenue of $13.99 billion fell 8% from the first quarter of 2021 and short of analysts’ estimates. 該公司公佈第一季度淨虧損12億美元,高於去年同期的5.61億美元虧損。收入為139.9億 美元,較2021年第一季度下降8% ,低於分析師預期。 The company recorded a host of charges, including $212 million pretax tied to the Ukraine war. It also reported a $660 million charge on delays and higher costs on the Air Force One program and $367 million on the T-7A Red Hawk program. 該公司記錄了一系列費用,包括與烏克蘭戰爭有關的2.12億美元稅前收入。報告還指出, 空軍一號項目的延誤和更高的成本造成了6.6億美元的費用,T-7A 紅鷹項目造成了3.67億 美元的費用。 Here’s how Boeing performed in the first quarter compared with analysts’ estimates complied by Refinitiv: 以下是波音公司第一季度業績與 Refinitiv 提供的分析師預測的比較: ‧Adjusted results: A core loss of $2.75 a share vs. an expected loss of 27 cents a share. ‧調整後的結果: 核心損失為每股2.75美元,而預期損失為每股27美分。 ‧Revenue: $13.99 billion vs. $16.02 billion, expected. ‧收入: 139.9億美元,預計為160.2億美元。 The company said it’s ramping up 737 Max output to 31 a month in the second quarter. It delivered 95 planes in the first quarter up from 77 from the same period last year, but revenue in its commercial aircraft unit fell 3% from last year to $4.16 billion as 787 Dreamliner deliveries remained halted. 該公司表示,在第二季度,它將把最大產量提高到每月31台。該公司第一季度交付了95架 飛機,高於去年同期的77架,但其商用飛機部門的收入比去年下降了3% ,為41.6億美元 ,因為787夢幻客機的交付仍然停滯。 Boeing reported negative operating cash flow for the quarter, but still expects to be cash-flow positive in 2022. 波音公司公佈第二季度營運現金流為負值,但仍預計2022年現金流為正值。 Boeing shares are down 17% so far this year through Tuesday’s close, outpacing the S&P 500′s 12.4% drop. 截至週二收盤,波音股價今年迄今已下跌17% ,超過標準普爾500指數12.4% 的跌幅。 心得/評論: ※必需填寫滿30字,無意義者板規處分 人人都能預期BA財報不好了.不過前兩周各家航空公司給出了對解封旅遊的預期 加上BA不死鳥的特性,還有軍火行情加持,這幾天大概會有人撿來放吧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1651063001.A.04D.html
bill1478963 : 利空出盡 來繼續上 04/27 20:43
ck326 : 自從covid之後,他每一季財報都這樣 04/27 20:45
和我記憶不太一樣 我記得無限QE的時候 財報再怎麼爛都會漲
bing6715 : 爛股 04/27 20:57
※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 04/27/2022 21:01:38
ck326 : 我的意思是covid之後他財報都虧爆 04/27 21:03
Severine : 這倒是 04/27 21:06
donkilu : 737 max之後就不想買了 04/27 21:16
egg87346 : 已經全部轉空巴了 04/27 21:25
ealleneee91 : 其實qe波音沒漲到阿 ... 04/27 21:59
Severine : 應該是說被QE續命 沒有說他會賺到 但他硬是活了很久 04/27 22:05
ealleneee91 : 利害了 現在股價摔的比疫情前還更深-.-..2018.2019 04/27 22:09
ealleneee91 : 都沒這麼慘 04/27 22:09
blanka : 波音的737 MAX是美國政府硬救起來的 真的是很糟糕 04/27 22:20
woofwoof009 : 疫情受災股 抄底的現在還是賺爛 04/27 22:55
woofwoof009 : 哪像假貨科技成長股一堆早就跌回原點 04/27 22:55
woofwoof009 : 不要太不滿 04/27 22:55
Severine : 跌回原點不打緊 有的跌回出生時... 04/27 23:07
wangsuck : 厲害了,已經回到2020年4月價格 04/27 23:08
ealleneee91 : 787到底哪十供貨 04/28 08:07
AaronWang : Don't worry, 華航要買787了 04/28 08:27