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原文標題: Eurozone inflation reaches new record high of 10% in September 原文連結: https://tinyurl.com/2p83475e 發布時間: Updated: 30/09/2022 記者署名: Alice Tidey 原文內容: Inflation in the eurozone reached double-digits and yet another new record high in September, according to preliminary data, as the negative consequences of Russia's war in Ukraine continue to inflict a heavy toll on European economies. 因為烏俄戰爭的負面影響持續對歐元區經濟造成沉重打擊,歐元區九月通膨來到雙位數, 同時也破了歷史紀錄。 Eurostat, the European Union's statistics agency, estimates that inflation in the 19-country euro area reached 10.0% in September, up from 9.1% in August. 歐元統計局目前預估歐元區十九個國家九月通膨為10.0%,比八月9.1%還高 The latest climb in prices was fuelled by energy — the cost of which is now 40.8% higher than during the same month last year — while prices for food, alcohol and tobacco are believed to have soared by 11.8% year-on-year. 通膨主因是因為能源,成本已經比去年同期增加40.8%,同時其他產品如食物、酒精、菸草 等年成長率也來到11.8% https://imgur.com/txKQF4q.jpg
Baltic countries remain the most severely impacted with the inflation rates at 24.2%, 22.5% and 22.4% in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia respectively. The lowest rate of 6.2% is observed in France with Malta and Finland following (7.3% and 8.4%). 波海三國依然是通膨最嚴重的國家,愛沙尼亞、立陶宛、拉脫維亞通膨分別為: 24.2%、22.5%、22.4% 最低的國家分別為法國6.2%,馬爾他7.3%,芬蘭8.4% The latest figures were released just as EU energy ministers reached an agreement at an extraordinary meeting in Brussels to curb high electricity prices. These include a mandatory electricity demand reduction, a cap on the revenues of non-gas electricity producers (also known as inframarginal producers), and the capture of so-called excess profits from fossil fuel producers —the latter two of which aim to see billions of euros redistributed to vulnerable households and businesses. 最新的數據發表的同時,歐盟能源部長群聚在布魯塞爾達成了一項協議 包括強制性節電、非天然氣發電能源公司的營收上限、石化燃料商超額利潤課重稅 其中後兩者將會把其數十億歐元轉為補貼給弱勢家庭和企業 Discussions are now expected to centre on how to bring down the price of gas which heavily influences the price of electricity in Europe. The latest eurozone inflation reading is also likely to add pressure on the European Central Bank (ECB) to carry out more interest rate hikes. The Frankfurt-based institution operated its sharpest rise ever — and first hike in 11 years — earlier this month by pushing its three key interest rates by 75 basis points. 現在討論將會集中在如何降低歐盟天然氣價格上面 最新的歐元區數據也讓ECB有更大的升息壓力,坐落於法蘭克福的ECB在月初才將三個主要 利率上調75個基準點,創下有史以來最大漲幅,也是11年來第一次升息 Its governing body said at the time that it expected to raise interests further over the "next several meetings" while forecasts were significantly revised upwards with inflation now seen at an average 8.1% this year and 5.5% in 2023. Economic growth meanwhile was seen slowing down to 3.1% this year and 0.9% next year. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) warned earlier this week that many countries across Europe, including economic powerhouse Germany, may be pushed into "a full-year recession in 2023", in case of winter energy disruptions. 理事會表示: 將在未來幾次會議中持續升息並擴大幅度,今年通膨率預計會在8.1% 明年希望能降到5.5%,經濟成長率今年放緩到3.1%,明年0.9%... OECD警告假如歐盟冬天碰到能源中斷,包括德國等經濟稍強的歐盟國家將會陷入衰退 https://imgur.com/AeJakQF.jpg
心得/評論: 1. 數據上顯示,波海三小國通膨持續上升,法國明顯輾壓其他成員國 捷克持續爆發大規模抗議,東歐政府可能會陸續崩盤 2. 歐盟能源部會想要設定一個天然氣購買價格上限,以免大家搶購讓窮國買不到 德國不太想鳥並表示: 請問買進來要怎麼"公平的分配"? 或是: 請問你能用這個價格買到"足夠的"天然氣? 事實上是蠻搞笑的,一個大家搶的商品消費者說要自已定價? 這個提案主要受到東歐國家的支持,法國也認同,德國ooxx 3. 海峽彼岸的英國首相也碰到極大的危機 提出了一個成本超高的補貼方案但卻沒有任何財源 結果財政部長還直接降稅,Truss表示: 窩不知道 目前Truss許多政策甚至在保守黨內都沒有受到支持 4. 英國零售商預期物價成長在未來的的一年內成長速度還會再加速 同時英國已經面臨多數許多基層勞資談判失利開始醞釀罷工 鐵路罷工已經開始了 而過去兩個月的英鎊重貶將帶來更嚴重的通膨危機 歐盟、英國都碰到極為嚴重的問題 德法很有可能進入一輪保護主義的階段,來自盟友的天然氣供應商該賺還是要賺 挪威碰到今年水情不好,也減少能源出售準備面臨冬天 就算美國澳洲兩國也大概會有明顯的能源保護主義政策 卡達新的天然氣井至少要到2025年才有辦法量產 英國的部分看起來壓力遲早會炸開,Truss能在位置上多久沒人知道 原本基層人力在脫歐之後就已經供不應求,現在開始搞大罷工外加英鎊大貶值 通膨即將受到極大挑戰: 薪資通膨、幣值造成進口成本遽增、能源成本飆漲、沒有財源 各位覺得東歐和英國能撐多久呢?XDDDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1664753771.A.567.html ※ 編輯: zzahoward ( 臺灣), 10/03/2022 07:37:01
mugigi : 這都不管台灣的事,準備狂暴漲停! 10/03 07:38
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poeoe : 很不錯啊 看歐洲能不能炸點經濟危機出來XDD 10/03 07:48
uller : 台灣凍漲 沒有通膨這種東西 10/03 07:53
peter98 : 我只期待美國10月中公布的CPI 10/03 07:55
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lyhorcish : 電來制定電價』還真特別 10/03 08:08
某些方面這種說法其實是對的XDD 電業自由化的下場 ※ 編輯: zzahoward ( 臺灣), 10/03/2022 08:19:15
winston11tw : 這是什麼第三世界聯盟?反觀台灣通膨可控 沒有通膨 10/03 09:31
iamten : 水電私有化真的很慘 收回國有就好了 10/03 15:21
patrol : 其實應該就踩腳踏車發電就好了,取暖與發電,兩個需 10/03 16:01
patrol : 求一起滿足 10/03 16:01
patrol : 踩腳踏車救台灣,覺O以後可能也會需要 10/03 16:02