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排行 股票名稱 成交 漲跌 投信買 外資買 1 2002中鋼 29.2 +0.2 5650 23566 2 2886兆豐金 31.65 +0.55 5034 9465 3 2882國泰金 42.55 -0.2 2832 49 4 1303南亞 77.1 +0.8 1929 3209 5 2603長榮 161 +7.5 1708 11831 6 1513中興電 55.8 +1.2 1685 1706 7 2347聯強 58.8 +0.6 1104 1243 8 8069元太 178 +9 1032 1646 9 2885元大金 22.3 +0.2 1004 13293 10 2353宏碁 24.85 +0.1 952 662 11 2606裕民 44.5 +1.2 919 1775 12 3035智原 172 +8.5 884 1187 13 2454聯發科 728 +23 838 1675 14 2308台達電 302 +6.5 647 2783 15 2368金像電 100.5 +1.8 541 1386 資料來源:https://tinyurl.com/xratrhts 以上 謝謝 -- "When you live in the right way or you just given everything to whatever you're doing, things happend organically and it's not supposed to make sense but it just happens" LeBron shares his fondest memories of Kobe -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1669283625.A.59C.html