看板 StudyGroup 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. 自介:工程師一枚,英文能力可做基本溝通。 2. 對象:英文文法有一定基礎並希望持續精進英文寫作的成員, 其中有能力批改他人寫作者尤佳 3. 目標:希望關於各種寫作題型都可以輕易上手 4. 原因:招募新血 5. 地點:線上 6. 時間:每週一由成員輪流決定寫作題目,每周日24:00為寫作繳交截止時間。 一個月可請假一次,但於隔週起算兩週內需補上請假週的寫作暨錄音 7. 方式:於Line群組內執行 8. 範圍:目前是成立第三十週,內容從生活相關簡答題,漸漸轉為短篇(近200字)寫作 。目前有商業信件、部落格文章分享、『指定使用特殊句型』的新年新希望分享。 多數成員都順利完成每週任務且有所進步。未按時提交的群主會毫不留情請你離開群組。 9. 人數限制:內建8人,希望再招募至少10人,批改組至少6人,非批改組至少3人。 10.解散條件:暫無解散打算。 11.運作規則: 每週由成員輪流決定主題,並根據主題設計1~5道題目, 每題會根據題目可發揮程度限制字數下限(50~200字不等), 題目最低字數量較多時,總題數會少一些。 成員每周日24:00前需以寫作形式留言回答所有題目 & 錄音複誦寫下的答案。 每個月可請假一次,但於隔週起算兩週內需補上請假週的寫作暨錄音。 未請假且未準時於24:00提交合乎字數標準的回答,將被退群;抄襲者亦立即退群。 (錄音目的是確保未來被問及相關問題時,無論打字或口說,你都能回答無礙) 批改組每周會交換配對夥伴,並有一周的時間與夥伴互相批改上周寫作,沒有請假機制。 非批改組則不用批改寫作,同樣的群組內也沒有無償提供寫作建議的風氣,只有每周繳交 寫作的壓力。 擷取成員於群組上傳的任務內容作為範例 ---題目---- 2021.03.01-2021.03.07 --- Blog Post --- Write a short blog post about a problem you solved. Tell a story about it, including what the problem was and how you solved it. In your story, you can describe people, places, actions, and feelings. (words: 180) ----成員之一寫作內容---- How to Teach Students Most Efficiently– A Novel Pedagogy It is education that determines the competitiveness of a country. However, teachers always have trouble training students; ironically, students also struggle with following their advisors all the time. Herein, we proposed a novel pedagogy, its standard operating procedure (SOP), and an example for readers to refer to. Firstly, create a handout of the course contents and a question list. Then, send them to your students and announce they can find the answers to all the questions. In each class, you could hold a small quiz according to the handouts. Consequently, when they strive to find the solution themselves, they preview the course contents thoroughly. After the test, pick some students and then to explain their concepts and answers to their classmates. Their classmates can acquire this knowledge from diverse perspectives. Also, given their similar background, the peers could offer a much understandable view. Furthermore, we can reexamine and improve the handouts if they cause any misunderstanding. For example, when I was teaching General Chemistry Laboratory, I was shocked to discover that even considerable time being spent on writing preview reports, students still had problems conducting the experiments. To cope with that obstacle, I requested them to write down their procedure and gave them five related questions, which would show up in the test and the experiment. We reviewed those exams right away, and the longer time we discussed the questions in class, the fewer problems they encountered during the operation. Sometimes, students proposed insightful thoughts and fantastic explanations, so not only their classmates but I truly obtained the benefits from this method. Here is the introduction of my instruction approach. I believe this is equally applicable to any form of teaching with minimal assistance. (290) 12.報名方式 站內信並用英文回答下列三個問題 1. What’s your job? Try to describe your duties in detail. 2. Food safety scandals have happened several times in Taiwan. Which one affects you the most? What do you think people can do to tackle this problem? 3. The company you work for is about to launch a new product, and you are required to provide methods to promote the new product. In the writing, you need to decide on what the new product is, and then provide methods and explain how you are going to promote the new product so that it can attract customers and bring in profits for the company. (涉及隱私,答案可杜撰,但務必詳細) 另外請註明報名『批改組』或是『非批改組』 13.備註 來信並不一定有機會加入群組,但我必定會回信告知是否合格。 如果您合格將會請您提供Line ID,屆時請務必確認隱私設定。 無法收到非好友訊息又不確認好友邀請者, 若在你未回覆訊息的這段時間群組人數已招滿只能跟你說下次再聯絡。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/StudyGroup/M.1618113675.A.9B5.html ※ 編輯: rinrinhello ( 臺灣), 04/11/2021 12:02:10 ※ 編輯: rinrinhello ( 臺灣), 04/11/2021 12:03:14