看板 SuperHeroes 關於我們 聯絡資訊
在下我這幾個禮拜很愛買電子書來看, 現在在讀Robin War系列, 剛看完Part 2也就是Grayson #15, 但有些地方我不太懂, 就是當Dick和Duke一對一訓練的時候, 有四少在討論訓練羅賓的回憶畫面, 對話如下: Jason: "He thinks he's being subtle. That's the funny part." Tim: "I don't presume to know what he thinks. It is fairly safe to observe that if subtlety was intended, It was not used successfully." Damian: "The Original is manipulating us. As if we don't know what he's doing. We're Robins. We know." Dick: "Subtlety? Was the Bat subtle? Is that what he was going for? Didn't you guys ever get it? When you saw the upteenth crook run from that cape and ears act? Just because they know what you're doing, doesn't mean you're doing it wrong." 我很慚愧地說,這一大段我看不太懂是在談論什麼事情, Jason所說的He指的是誰?   Damian提到的The Originals又是誰?感覺是一個團體或組織,因為有多次提到這名字, 連Grayson #15的副標題都是The Originals 加上後來,機甲蝙蝠俠拿到了一段錄音,也是重複著剛剛迪克說的那句話, 感覺是什麼重要的事情,但還是看得一頭霧水 (雖然之後的劇情看懂了,但就是那段回憶還是很疑惑) 上網爬了一些討論區或Review,也沒找到相關討論, 所以上來詢問大家,和大家討論看看。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SuperHeroes/M.1451250870.A.42A.html
lucifiel1618: 我想The Originals指的是這幾位「真正的Robin」 12/28 16:33
lucifiel1618: 而在這些"The Orignals"對話中的"The Orignal"指的 12/28 16:34
lucifiel1618: 是Dick。因為他剛講了一堆屁話,其他人在嘲笑他裝 12/28 16:35
lucifiel1618: 神秘。 12/28 16:35
rick0905: 這樣就通了!我沒有把這些回憶畫面串在一起看 12/28 23:20
rick0905: 難怪有點卡卡的。感謝解說~ 12/28 23:20