看板 SuperJunior 關於我們 聯絡資訊
DONGHAE Documentary "HARMONY" [EP03. SING 'HARMONY'] https://youtu.be/5jAmqM1XMOk
fr:Donghae LEE https://www.bilibili.com/video/av91544011/ (中字-@淺光ShallowBlue) Finally, the 'HARMONY' is completed. I hope this song can reach you as a present. I wish everyone to always live in a playground with happiness and joy. Thank you for watching my documentary :) Love you all ! - DONGHAE(東海) x BewhY - 東海親自作詞作曲首張個人單曲《Harmony》 https://youtu.be/CTey8MmE1bI
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ying110407: 真誠溫柔的東海,想做什麼都去完成吧 02/24 12:57
※ 編輯: yihchii ( 臺灣), 02/25/2020 17:35:20