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各位同學好,我們是送佛計畫的教學團隊!! 針對4/27的的口說,以及獨立寫作 幫大家整理了參考解答,請上送佛計畫社團的檔案區下載 https://www.facebook.com/groups/592346577485162/ 建議大家考試前多開口,多打鍵盤練習 口說和寫作,不會用"看"的練習會唷!! 口說1&2題請用簡單的句子表達就好 想出一個有邏輯的論點,加上完整例子或是details即可 善用自己的生活經驗當作例子,回答起來會更輕鬆 口說一 Which person do you like to learn more about? Explain why! 示範解答 I would like to get to know more about my English teacher. He not only taught me about the English subject but also developed my attitude in acquiring any new studies and skills. First, when I began to learn English, I felt very frustrated because I didn’t know enough vocabulary and reading was difficult to me. I hated the subject so much. When he noticed that, he came to me and taught me how to look up the dictionary to solve the problem. Not only that, he encouraged me to join the English Singing Club to develop my interests in English learning. He actually guided me to have the positive attitude to face any difficulties in the future. To me, he is a successful, passionate and patent teacher. I would like to get to know him more. 解題提醒 這一題的題目key words是: person、 learn more about,更重要的是 why這個字。因為 我們都正在考托福,所以用English Teacher很好聯想。原因:老師教我英文,教我人生態 度,所以我想更認識他。 同學在準備人物篇的example時,必須對於自己選擇的人物要很熟悉。如果要講Jordan,那 麼當然自己要對籃球的相關英文單字很熟,例如要知道灌籃,三分球,控球等術語。才足以 在15秒之內講出有料的答案,才有辦法真正的去elaborate ideas. 獨立寫作最重要的就是邏輯,千萬不要離題 兩個清楚易懂的論點,加上完整的例子就能獲取高分 如果題目比較類型,請記得把比較的論述寫出來 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technology designed to make people's lives simpler but make people's lives more complicated. 4分鐘構思架構 立場:disagree 論點1:improved the way people work at office→例子:我跟我爸爸都是會計師,在他 那個年代,幫客戶查帳需要很多人手,花很多時間記錄和計算。可是現在我只需要一台電腦 和一個助理就可以搞定,科技真的讓工作方便太多 論點2:makes learning much easier→例子:我的大學同學Tom在山地部落教書,透過網路 教學,它可以讓山上的部落小孩跟都市小孩一樣,也學習到MIT的開放課程 First, advanced inventions like fax machines, computers and the internet have dramatically improved the way people work at office. That is to say, technology makes people's work much easier and save a lot of time than in the past. What is more, there are more and more people allowed to work at home as we so-called the SOHO and that is really a sound proof to show how technology makes our life simpler. Advanced technology also makes learning much easier, especially those students who live in the mountain or rural area. In the past, those students might have to take hours to the school and the education resources they get are definitely less than in the urban cities. Thanks to the internet technology, these problems are now can easily solved. 完整版請上送佛計畫社團下載唷!! 送佛教學團隊送大家到哈佛,史丹佛,或丹佛!!! 相信自己,你們一定可以的!! http://beattoefl.pixnet.net/blog http://www.beattoefl.com.tw/ https://www.facebook.com/beattoefl -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1398445995.A.C40.html