看板 TOEFL_iBT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《shoess (shoes)》之銘言: : 大家好 : 小弟已經準備托福一段時間 : 目前閱讀很大的問題是 : 做題時間很趕 : 爬文/檢討後發現我會把全部的文章看完 : 細節也看得很仔細 : 所以占掉許多時間 : 曾嘗試過不看整篇文章 : 而用關鍵字定位 : 但實際測試後發現這樣對於文章的理解十分破碎 : 抓不到文章要表達的意思 : 目前處境相當尷尬 : 要了解整篇文章才有把握達題 : 但要花上相當多的時間 : 用關鍵字定位或抓段落大義的閱讀方式 : 又會無法分辨此段落是需要精讀的段落 : 還是可以略讀過去 : 所以到頭來還是把整篇都仔細看完了 : 還請板上各位高手指點一條明路與實際的練習方式 : 感激不盡!!!! 版友好,我是SK2的Rosa, 針對這位同學的疑問,連假時比較有時間,上來做些分享, 相信很多同學也有共同的問題,覺得聽大家說要用關鍵字定位,但是實際做了之後 反而花了更多的時間,到底問題出在哪裡呢? 常會有同學覺得閱讀明明應該是最容易拿分、最容易練習的科目了,為什麼 實際考試時卻會如此不穩定呢?有時候可以到26,然後下次考試又掉到21 分,整個很打擊信心。 閱讀最難做到的莫過於時間掌控了,假如一篇可以做兩小時,那麼當然可以 慢慢把答案找到,但是托福考試一篇大約700字的文章只給你20分鐘的時 間。要讀懂文意又要選對答案,確實有些難度。 而面對充滿著各式專有名詞以及複雜句型的文章,通常同學只使用了一種閱 讀方式—細讀。也就是一個字一個字慢慢看,翻譯理解後再看下一句話。再 試著去理解每句話之間的關聯性,最後看完一整個段落,還有整篇文章。 也就是說,一般同學除了靠自己的英文實力硬看之外,沒有其他種閱讀方 法。 這不是很奇怪的事情嗎? 面對這麼難懂的文章,時間又是如此短的情況下,居然沒有其他工具幫助你 戰勝托福考試? 這就像是同學玩快打旋風的電動時一樣,假如不會任何招式,不知道任何大 絕,卻希望靠著亂按鍵盤,用蠻力跟他硬拼,妄想打贏三場比賽,一樣地不 合乎邏輯。 其實,閱讀要穩定考到28分以上的關鍵秘密在於你是否能夠自由地運用scan 與skim。 scan與skim這兩種閱讀技巧真的是在準備托福閱讀裡的大絕招了。 以下讓我來好好介紹這兩種不同的閱讀技巧。 (部分文章擷取自:Skimming And Scanning: Two Important Strategies For Speeding Up Your Reading,有興趣的讀者歡迎再自行閱讀原文) skim與scan都是適用於時間限制下的閱讀方式。如果同學能夠掌握skim與 scan,而且於考試時依照不同情境,使用不同的閱讀方法,那麼閱讀實力便 會大福提升,也能夠輕鬆選對答案了。 首先先來看scan,scan是指瀏覽、尋讀。目的為快速地找到特定資訊。 什麼時候要使用scan呢?當問題問的是特定資訊的答案時,就會使用scan, 例如:detail 題,purpose題,等。 注意:scan不需要讀每個句子,單純使用眼睛快速尋找相關的keyword,定 位後再讀懂該句即可。 scan的關鍵在於,選答案前必須要根據自己找到的資訊,在腦海中有清楚的 想法,再選答。 當你可以很快辨認題型,以及確實使用scan時,便能夠在45秒內答對一題 detail題。 我們現在使用TPO 34裡面的題目試試看這樣的閱讀技巧。 現在請用手機開始計時,測試你需要花多久時間scan。 According to paragraph 1, floral nectar and extrafloral nectar are alike in that…. 此時,當你看到了題目要的是特定資訊,有特定的keyword,就能夠運用題 目裡面的keyword來scan整個段落。 看完題目後,你會抓什麼關鍵字? 把關鍵字記在腦中,試著從下文中快速定位。 Many plants – one or more species of at least 68 different families – can secrete nectar even when they have no blossoms, because they bear extrafloral nectaries (structures that produce nectar) on stems, leaves, leaf stems, or other structures. These plants usually occur where ants are abundant, most in the tropics but some in temperate areas. Among those of northeastern North America are various plums, cherries, roses, hawthorns, poplars, and oaks. Like floral nectar, extrafloral nectar consists mainly of water with a high content of dissolved sugars and, in some plants, small amounts of amino acids. The extrafloral nectaries of some plants are known to attract ants and other insects, but the evolutionary history of most plants with these nectaries is unknown. Nevertheless, most ecologists believe that all extrafloral nectaries attract insects that will defend the plant. 找到keyword了嗎?你需要多久時間? 這題我會這麼做, STEP 1: 首先題目中先抓keyword, According to paragraph 1, floral nectar and extrafloral nectar are alike in that…. 此時,我會想著 F nectar vs. E nectar,文中哪裡有比較兩種不同的 nectar? STEP 2: 快速掃過整段,發現在第八行有出現比較類的字眼。 Many plants – one or more species of at least 68 different families – can secrete nectar even when they have no blossoms, because they bear extrafloral nectaries (structures that produce nectar) on stems, leaves, leaf stems, or other structures. These plants usually occur where ants are abundant, most in the tropics but some in temperate areas. Among those of northeastern North America are various plums, cherries, roses, hawthorns, poplars, and oaks. Like floral nectar, extrafloral nectar consists mainly of water with a high content of dissolved sugars and, in some plants, small amounts of amino acids. The extrafloral nectaries of some plants are known to attract ants and other insects, but the evolutionary history of most plants with these nectaries is unknown. Nevertheless, most ecologists believe that all extrafloral nectaries attract insects that will defend the plant. STEP 3: 此時再讀懂該句話。 Like floral nectar, extrafloral nectar consists mainly of water with a high content of dissolved sugars and, in some plants, small amounts of amino acids. 並且抓SVO,簡化該句話的訊息,才能夠在短期記憶中留下印象。 Like floral nectar, extrafloral nectar consists mainly of water with a high content of dissolved sugars and, in some plants, small amounts of amino acids. 這時候我腦海中的理解是 Both nectar have water with high sugar and acids. 切記,托福考各位的,便是信心。 請注意,當我看到amino acids時,我不會在內心大叫,天呀!這是什麼? 這會不會是答題關鍵?只要不懂就完了? 而是心想既然我不懂,我想大家都不懂,這是專有名詞,當成一般資訊處理 即可,假如我需要理解這個專有名詞,我相信他會解釋,於是便能夠很有信 心地不受任何專有名詞的影響,依然選對答案。 STEP 4: 此時,有了內心的想法,我才會去看答案選項,便能夠輕鬆選出答案。 1. According to paragraph 1, floral nectar and extrafloral nectar are alike in that A) they are likely to be produced by the same plants B) they basically consist of the same chemical components C) they attract only insects that will defend the plant D) they are produced by the same parts of the plant 同學選到答案了嗎? 有了清楚的想法,當然便能夠輕鬆選出正確答案。 我們再試一題,一樣請同學計時,看自己需要多久才能夠藉由scan找出正確 答案。 According to paragraph 4, what effect does the destruction of the corolla have on plants? One example shows how ants attracted to extrafloral nectaries protect morning glories against attacking insects. The principal insect enemies of the North American morning glory feed mainly on i ts flowers or fruits rather than its leaves. Grasshoppers feeding on flowers indirectly block pollination and the production of seeds by destroying the corolla or the stigma, which receives the pollen grains and on which the pollen germinates. Without their colorful corolla, flowers do not attract pollinators and are not fertilized. An adult grasshopper can consume a large corolla, about 2.5 inches long, in an hour. Caterpillars and seed beetles affect seed production directly. Caterpillars devour the ovaries, where the seeds are produced, and seed beetle larvae eat seeds as they burrow in developing fruits. 找到答案了嗎? 這題一樣,看到是細節題,需要特定的資訊,所以我決定用scanSTEP 1:從題目中抓keyword According to paragraph 4, what effect does the destruction of the corolla have on plants? 腦中想著corolla destroy後會有什麼結果? STEP 2: 用scan回文中定位關鍵字 One example shows how ants attracted to extrafloral nectaries protect morning glories against attacking insects. The principal insect enemies of the North American morning glory feed mainly on its flowers or fruits rather than its leaves. Grasshoppers feeding on flowers indirectly block pollination and the production of seeds by destroying the corolla or the stigma, which receives the pollen grains and on which the pollen germinates. Without their colorful corolla, flowers do not attract pollinators and are not fertilized. An adult grasshopper can consume a large corolla, about 2.5 inches long, in an hour. Caterpillars and seed beetles affect seed production directly. Caterpillars devour the ovaries, where the seeds are produced, and seed beetle larvae eat seeds as they burrow in developing fruits. STEP 3: 此時再讀懂該句,並在選答案前做簡化。 Grasshoppers feeding on flowers indirectly block pollination and the production of seeds by destroying the corolla or the stigma, which receives the pollen grains and on which the pollen germinates. 一樣抓SVO簡化資訊。 Grasshoppers feeding on flowers indirectly block pollination and the production of seeds by destroying the corolla or the stigma, which receives the pollen grains and on which the pollen germinates. 一樣如果不懂pollination,當客觀資訊處理即可。真的必須看懂文意的 話,我會用production of seeds去理解。 STEP 4: 腦中想著destroy corolla會block pollination,再去選最相近的答案選 項。 A) It leaves the seeds exposed and unprotected. B) It prevents the stigma from developing. C) It keeps pollen grains from attaching properly. D) It prevents the flower from attracting pollinators. 是不是便發現答案只有一個?這兩題正確答案請版友留言作答!:D 此篇分享如何scan,記得scan的關鍵在於,你能夠多快在文中定位keyword 並且在腦中形成清楚的答案呢? 務必要把上述的幾個步驟完全內化,便能夠取得高分。 在此做個小總結: STEP 1: 題目中找關鍵字 STEP 2: 回文scan關鍵字 STEP 3: 簡化資訊腦海中有清楚想法 STEP 4:選答案 如果發現你很不會找SVO,那麼可以閱讀以下這本書, 黃玟君的觀念英文閱讀──從看懂句子開始 http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010440450 裡面介紹如何抓SVO,雖然很基本,但卻是很多同學在求快,背了大量單字 後,可能沒有顧到的部分。 好好練習scan,不論面對的是托福,或是其他種類的考試,都能夠在閱讀上 面穩定地取得高分! 下一篇會分享skim和scan的不同,如何使用以及使用時機!敬請期待!:D 如果同學真的急需了解skim的技巧,可以先看之前我寫過的文章, 相信對大家的閱讀會有幫助! skim的六大技巧: 為什麼GMAT/托福多念了一個月,分數仍然上不去? http://sk2toefl.blogspot.tw/2014/08/gmat.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1428063694.A.B53.html ※ 編輯: SKTWORosa (, 04/03/2015 21:01:39
yuusetaniten: 推! 04/03 21:02
chanwanchi: 感謝您的分享!! 04/03 21:04
m567321: 感謝分享!!! 閱讀有時候真的起伏滿大的。 04/03 21:26
Ouranos: 推!感謝分享~!! 04/03 21:49
addnh3: 推推~~! 04/03 22:40
KUANorKUAN: 很實用! 04/03 22:44
sympathetic: 大推scan及skim 04/03 22:46
cindyhung: 推! 04/03 23:58
j0711: 推漂亮Rosa 雖然語氣跟上課有差XD 04/04 10:45
will120: 謝謝,非常實用 04/04 16:38
susugu: 推一個 04/04 17:07
SHAOCHU: 推! 04/04 20:06
red0423: 推!上過課再推一次! 04/04 20:51
shunchi: 推! 04/04 22:49
MIKEmike07: Push 04/05 09:38
hunterlin: Push 04/06 15:56
TOEFLJJ: 推!skim and scan都是不管是什麼語言都是很重要的技巧, 04/06 18:05
TOEFLJJ: 尤其是在有時限的情況下,在有基礎實力上,能快速抓到重 04/06 18:07
silverbell: 推 好有用的技巧 04/06 23:01
koko54678: 多謝分享,若之後有你們的講座會去聽 04/07 00:26
oxygen7621: 推!感謝分享! 04/07 16:40
earnest: 推!學會好的閱讀方式,才是根本提升閱讀速度,同時正確 04/08 16:22
earnest: 解題的好方法! 04/08 16:22
eggjim: Skim and scan 感覺很難,但好像很強大!謝謝美麗的rosa 04/13 14:46
eggjim: 分享! 04/13 14:46