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※ 引述《shellyself (零)》之銘言: : "He says most of those bubbles never make it past the belch." : 自已逐字翻是泡泡不會成功經過打嗝,完全不知所云! : 那些氣泡都逃不過打嗝的命運 : (一個大陸網站上的翻譯,對照上文是蠻有道理的) : 請問該如何翻譯分析這個句子呢? : 以下是上文 : Makino says heavy exercise—which causes a boost in CO2—might even alter the : body's bicarbonate enough to trigger a measurable effect on the eye. "I don't : think it's known whether your vision changes under conditions of vigorous exer : cise. So that'll be an interesting question for the experimental psychologists : and the psychophysicists." And if you're eyeing your club soda as a shortcut : to CO2? He says most of those bubbles never make it past the belch. 我是謝忠理,對於 60-Second Science 上這句話的意思理解,說一 下我的解析方式: ============================================================ 原則: 翻譯文章,首先是要將英文看懂,然後轉換成對應的中文表達,最後 如果有需要,修飾一下中文。 ============================================================ 有單字不會的,就先查字典。原文中的 make itpast the belch 可能看不懂,拿出字典,配合這些字在文章中的詞性,查到如下的定義: ------------------------------------------------------------ 來自 Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 11th Edition ※ make it phrasal 1. a. : to be successful [成功] <trying to make it in the big time as a fashion photographer — Joe Kane> b. : to be satisfactory or pleasing [令人滿意] <if it isn't danceable, it doesn't make it for me — Judy Hyman> 2. : to have sexual intercourse 3. : survive, live [存活] <half the cubs won't make it through their first year> ------------------------------------------------------------ ※ past II. preposition 介系詞 Date: 14th century 1. a. : beyond the age for or of [(年齡等)超過…, 逾…)] <past playing with dolls> b. : after [(時間)超過…; 過了(…分鐘)(((美))after)] <half past two> 2. a. : at the farther side of : beyond [在 <某場所> 的前方, 在經過…的地方] b. : in a course or direction going close to and then beyond [經過 <場所、人等>] <drove past the house> 3. obsolete : more than 4. : beyond the capacity, range, or sphere of [超出, 超越] <past belief> ============================================================ 根據字典上多個定義,找出合理的前後文搭配意義: make it 存活 past the belch 通過/經過 打嗝 ============================================================ 轉換英文為中文: "He says most of those bubbles never make it past the belch." 粗略的中文意思:他說 大部分的那些氣泡 無法存活 經過打嗝 修飾後中文表達: 「他說,大部分的那些氣泡,在經過打嗝之後,都沒法留下來。」 至於大陸網站上翻譯: 「那些氣泡都逃不過打嗝的命運。」 是經過再一層的意思理解後整理出來的文字。 ============================================================ 以上過程,提供大家當個參考。 謝忠理 [email protected] oketw.blogspot.tw -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1428795103.A.896.html
wawi2: 精闢! 推! 04/12 11:08