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【莫清崴老師從詞「形、音、綴」的觀點解析高頻率的字彙】 (字母A部分5) abet v. to encourage or help, especially in wrongdoing; to instigate; to incite; to urge on (唆使;煽動,慫恿) ad + bet a + bet[d deletion] to + bait 【推測詞義】借自古法語abeter。利用誘餌來「唆使」、「煽動」他人。 【衍生詞】abettor n. inciter, instigator (教唆者,煽動者) 【常用片語】to abet an ill-doer 助紂為虐 to aid and abet ((法律) 教唆作案;共謀) abridge v. to make (a meeting, period of time,etc.) shorter; to contract; to retrench; to curtail (縮短(會議,期限等),削減),summarize; epitomize; condense (將文章 、故事、報告等)摘要,節略,作簡要的敘述) ad + bridg + e a + bridg + e[d deletion] to + short + v. 【推測詞義】借自古法語abregler。而古法語借自拉丁語abbreviāre。使變短,使簡短 →縮短 → 削減。 【衍生詞】abridged adj. synoptic (節略的,摘要的) abridg(e)ment n. 縮短;刪節;摘要版 【常用片語】(a) to abridge a report (報告作簡要的敘述) (b) an abridged edition 節錄本 【常用例句】a. The book is abridged from the original work. b. An abridgement is a shortened or condensed work. adroit adj. very able or skilled; cleverly skillful;highly competent ; dexterous; deft(靈巧的,熟練的);resourceful (in handling difficult conditions)(足智多謀的, 臨機應變的) ; ingenious; clever ((處事)精明的) ad + droit a + droit[d deletion] to + right 【推測詞義】借自古法語a droit,其中a為「朝向」之意,droit為「右方」之意,所以 「朝向右方」,隱喻成「靈巧熟練」的意思。因通常用右手做事時較為靈巧熟練。 【衍生詞】adroitness n. 靈巧 adroitly adv. 靈巧地,熟練地 ★更多完整內容圖文對照版請見:http://goo.gl/szzAsv -- ▶最新課程開班資訊:http://goo.gl/TsqYjf ▶五月優惠資訊:http://goo.gl/cFFswC ▶托福百大高分心得:http://goo.gl/kp8rPB ▶美加文教臉書分享:https://goo.gl/p9hOCf -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1463554984.A.5D4.html