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TPO閱讀第一篇 Speciation in Geographically Isolated Populations 第六題 According to paragraph 3, separation of subpopulations by glaciers resulted in speciation in those groups of plants and animals that A Were reproductively isolated even after the glaciers disappeared B Had adjusted to the old conditions caused by the glaciers C Were able to survive being separated from their parent population D Had experienced some genetic divergences from their parent population 第三段是: Geographic isolation can also proceed slowly, over great spans of time. We find evidence of such extended events in the fossil record, which affords glimpse into the breakup of formerly continuous environments. For example, during past ice ages, glaciers advanced down through North America and Europe and gradually cut off parts of populations from one another. When the glaciers retreated, the separated populations of plants and animals came into contact again. Some groups that had descended from the same parent population were no longer reproductively compatible – they had evolved into separate species. In other groups, however, genetic divergences had not proceeded so far, and the descendants could still interbreed – for them, reproductive isolation was not completed, and so speciation had not occurred. 答案是A 但我選D 因為原文不是寫說冰河退去後,分開的物種又恢復連結 但A說Were reproductively isolated even after the glaciers disappeared "冰河退去後 物種繁衍被孤立" 這樣解釋不是相反了嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1469347901.A.294.html
qwerasd903: 題目是問冰河如何造成物種演化,你選的那個情況並不會 07/24 16:47
qwerasd903: 造成物種演化,原文裡面有提到,只有冰河退去之後也無 07/24 16:47
qwerasd903: 法互相交配才會達成物種演化,所以選A 07/24 16:47
leov72: 答案在這段 07/24 19:39
leov72: Some groups that had descended from the same parent po 07/24 19:39
leov72: pulationwere no longer reproductively compatible – th 07/24 19:39
leov72: ey had evolved into separate species. 07/24 19:39
naniu: 正好也有一樣的問題 感謝提問及各位解答! 10/21 20:41