看板 TOEFL_iBT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好,我是SK2的Rosa, 今天我們來練習換字吧!大家都知道換字很重要,但是通常沒辦法很隨意的 變換字或是句型,今天我們以下面這題為例,練習paraphrase,當你可以練 到自由變換字和句型,就成功囉! 首先,為什麼要學會換字(paraphrase)呢?TOEFL Official Guide裡面有 寫5分的高分作文,必須符合以下這點, It displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity, although it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors. 也就是ETS要看你是否能夠在文章裡面展現些許變化的能力。 所以變換字以及變換句型是重要的,目的是讓評分官知道你單字量和句型不 少。 以這題為例, Do you prefer a job with high salary but easy to lose or a stable job with lower salary? 假如我選的理由分別是money, challenges, reputation,我們可以先用以 下最簡單的句型套入三個理由。建議同學先印出來這篇文章,練習寫寫看, 再看我的解釋會更有幫助,並且把句子唸出來內化句型。 I focus on ____, and a job with higher salary but easy to lose can provide me with _____. 像這樣, I focus on money, and a job with higher salary but easy to lose can provide me with more money. I focus on challenges, and a job with higher salary but easy to lose can provide me with more challenges. I focus on reputation, and a job with higher salary but easy to lose can provide me with higher reputation. 接著,我們再來練習換動詞, I focus on money, and a job with higher salary but easy to lose can provide me with more money. I ________ challenges, and a job with higher salary but easy to lose can _____ me more challenges. I ________ reputation, and a job with higher salary but easy to lose can _____ me higher reputation. 想得到可以放什麼動詞嗎? focus on的相似詞有 care about, place emphasis on, be concerned about, 等,而provide...with可以替換成give..., offer, 等。 注意!這些片語是慣用語,所以要用的話就要用對喔!可以記住三種你最常 用的動詞、句型,然後考試時內化,就不用花時間去想句型了,也不會冒著 寫錯的風險。 如此一來,就變成了以下這三句話, I focus on money, and a job with higher salary but easy to lose can provide me with more money. I care about challenges, and a job with higher salary but easy to lose can give me more challenges. I place emphasis on reputation, and a job with higher salary but easy to lose can offer me higher reputation. 這樣其實已經夠有變化了,不過我們還可以藉由增減字來改變一下三句話。 所謂的增減字,顧名思義即增加或是減少一個字換字或是換句型, 譬如: a job with higher salary but easy to lose = choosing a job with higher salary but easy to lose(增加字) = a job with higher salary but higher risk(減少字) 此外,也可以用剛剛的方法—變換動詞,譬如: choose= select= pick 因此,綜合運用以上兩種方法—增減字以及變換動詞,三句話就會變成 I focus on money, and a job with higher salary but easy to lose can provide me with more money. I care about challenges, and choosing a job with higher salary but easy to lose can give me more challenges. I place emphasis on reputation, and selecting a job with higher salary but easy to lose can offer me higher reputation. 如此一來,三個主題句就有足夠的變化了。 迷思:此時,你可能會想,這三句話的邏輯是否會太像?而且理由本身 (money, challenges, reputation)難道不用變換字嗎? 一、邏輯一致是好的,讓讀者能夠更簡單地看懂你的論點。第二、理由的概 念在主題句裡面重複能夠加強讀者的印象,在例子裡面換字即可。 因此,我們做個小總結, 換字的兩種方法: 一、找動詞或是轉折詞的同義字,例如:focus on變成care about,Therefore 變成Thus, 二、增減字,例如:在a job with higher salary but easy to lose前面多加 個動詞choosing 換字很重要,但是確實需要時間練習,並且內化自己熟悉的用詞遣字。祝同 學寫作都能夠獲得高分!更重要的是,透過練習作文的過程中,對於英文寫 作越來越有心得,也更有信心。 Cheers, SK2 Rosa ^_____^ PS 想要瞭解更多寫作技巧嗎?不確定如何看一篇作文的好壞嗎? 歡迎版上的同學免費進班聽課,學習怎麼寫出清楚的主題句以及好作文的元 素, 有興趣的同學請寫信至 [email protected],主旨註明 “日期_ 寫作課進班聽”,內容請附上中英文姓名。 任選一梯次: 2/7(二)14:00-15:30 (Rosa教獨立寫作審題想點) 2/8(三)14:00-15:30(Show教口說評分標準以及1, 2題) 2/9(四)9:30-11:00(Rosa教獨立寫作審題想點) 2/10(五)9:30-11:00(Rosa教整合寫作如何記筆記) 2/11(六)14:00-15:30(Show教口說評分標準以及1,2題) 2/14(二)14:00-15:30(Rosa教整合寫作如何記筆記) -- Consultant David. iBT 118, R29/L29/S30/W30 Consultant Rosa. iBT 116, R30/L30/S26/W30 SK2 TOEFL Consultant Group. http://SK2toefl.blogspot.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1486394235.A.828.html
jplix: 大推!! 02/06 23:25
※ 編輯: sktwotoefl (, 02/07/2017 01:14:34
titi5678: 大推!! 02/07 11:25
Rusnake5566: 換字 and paraphrase are not exactly the same 02/07 14:05
Rusnake5566: thing, just so you know. 02/07 14:05
NCTUbigGG: Rosa <3 02/09 19:42