看板 TOEFL_iBT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好, 我是SK2的Rosa,今天要來和大家分享托福閱讀細節題的技巧, 也是最近和同學於顧問時間檢討閱讀時的心得。 這篇文章很適合細節題常錯時間掌控不好的同學看。 首先,請你現在先找十題細節題計時做做看, 做完了檢討完了,請你再繼續看下去,如此才能夠最有收穫。 做完了十題,你總共花了多少時間? a. 少於十分鐘 b. 二十分鐘內做完 c. 三十分鐘內做完 你選哪個選項? 注意到細節題是托福閱讀裡面相當簡單的一題,一題設定於45秒到1分鐘做 完, 也就是十題最多只能夠花十分鐘做完,十分鐘已經是極限了!不能夠再做更 久了! 假如你花了二十分鐘或是三十分鐘才做完的話,而且還不見得答對,就代表 你的答題思路很可能出了問題! 接下來,與同學分享三個最重要的步驟第一、只看定位句的資訊 detail題屬於小範圍的題目,是不需要整段看的,假如你發現自己常常整段 都看了,才定位得到,就代表你沒有使用scan(定位)的技巧。如此一來, 你會搞不懂文意,既浪費時間而且容易答錯。 注意!假如你會整段都看的話,很可能是你不太習慣只讀主要子句的訊息, 因此,會過於注重細節,導致整體理解力下降,建議你先學會skim(略 讀)。 閱讀滿分的關鍵祕密 Part 1:學會Scan http://sk2toefl.blogspot.tw/2013/04/part-1.html 閱讀滿分的關鍵祕密 Part 2:學會Skim http://sk2toefl.blogspot.tw/2013/07/part-2skim.html 第二、先有清楚的想法再做答 這個步驟很多同學都做得不夠好。一開始,不習慣先有想法再作答的同學, 請聽我的話,乖乖把答案選項用手遮起來,強迫自己要出來一個清楚的觀 念,再去看選項。此外,練習時,建議把想法寫下來做成筆記,如此才能夠 慢慢培養對於自己想法的自信。 第三、用筆記篩選答案選項 最後,一定要記得用你原本的想法去檢視每一個答案選項,只要跟你剛剛想 法不一致的選項,就刪掉了。切忌回去找答案選項。 TIP! 請比對答案選項裡面的新資訊! 練習畫每個答案選項的主要字句,尤其是VO的部分,只要答案選項裡面的新 資訊跟你剛剛的筆記觀念一樣就是正解囉! TIP! 小心相同字的選項! 記得要比對觀念,托福閱讀的出題者為了測試考生是真懂還是假懂,因 此,通常會故意把正確答案選項做個換字,不要預期能夠找到一模一樣的字 眼。看到相同字的選項時反而要額外小心,看看是否有陷阱。 TIP! 小心太過於細節的選項! 我發現同學常常會看到選項又回去文章找,但是你如果稍微留意,你會發現 該訊息其實是在修飾語裡面,根本不是整段重點,更跟你的筆記裡面記下的 想法無關,此時,這個答案選項便是托福故意設計的錯誤選項—錯誤的細 節,你回去找就輸了! 接下來我們就以TPO 34-R2的第七題為例,請先試著用上述的方法做完這題 之後,再看以下的講解。 In the early 1760s, a gifted young Scot named James Watt was drawn to a critical study of the steam engine. Watt was employed at the time by the University of Glasgow as a skilled crafts worker making scientific instruments. In 1763, Watt was called on to repair a Newcomen engine being used in a physics course. After a series of observations, Watt saw that the New comen’s waste of energy could be reduced by adding a separate condenser. This splendid invention, patented in 1769, greatly increased the efficiency of the steam engine. The steam engine of Watt and his followers was the technological advance that gave people, at least for a while, unlimited power and allowed the invention and use of all kinds of power equipment. According to paragraph 4, what was James Watt’s major achievement ? A) He was able to apply his understanding of physics to invent a variety of scientific instruments and tools for skilled crafts workers. B) He taught university physics courses to outstanding students whose observations led to many patented inventions. C) He improved the efficiency of Newcomen’s engine by preventing energy from being lost. D) He redesigned Newcomen’s engine so that it no longer needed a separate condenser. 第一、只看定位句的資訊 According to paragraph 4, what was James Watt’s major achievement ? 我會抓James’s major achievement,進去文章找的時候,因為題目裡面有 major,會預期有個重大或是正面的結果。 In the early 1760s, a gifted young Scot named James Watt was drawn to a critical study of the steam engine. Watt was employed at the time by the University of Glasgow as a skilled crafts worker making scientific instruments. In 1763, Watt was called on to repair a Newcomen engine being used in a physics course. After a series of observations, Watt saw that the New comen’s waste of energy could be reduced by adding a separate condenser. This splendid invention, patented in 1769, greatly increased the efficiency of the steam engine. The steam engine of Watt and his followers was the technological advance that gave people, at least for a while, unlimited power and allowed the invention and use of all kinds of power equipment. 看到了this splendid invention,以及上一句的Watt saw that…,知道這 個是個好的發明(由splendid可知),因此定位在這句話:This splendid invention, patented in 1769, greatly increased the efficiency of the steam engine.。 第二、先有清楚的想法再做答 接著,我只看句子裡的新資訊,並且寫成筆記提醒自己: increased efficiency TIP! detail題假如能夠練到又熟又快(十分鐘內能夠做對九、十題), 便能夠內化,改成用想的! 第三、用筆記篩選答案選項 A) He was able to apply his understanding of physics to invent a variety of scientific instruments and tools for skilled crafts workers. A選項的重點在apply understanding,跟我要的想法—增加效率—差太遠, 刪。 注意!有同學看到這個選項,會想要回去找,結果看到了最後一行的 unlimited power,所以選到A,這其實都已經是離定位句太遠的選項了,因 此還是老話一句,盡量用筆記作答,有想法再選,不要輕易回文章找。 B) He taught university physics courses to outstanding students whose observations led to many patented inventions. B選項在講taught courses,一樣跟efficiency 無關,刪。 C) He improved the efficiency of Newcomen’s engine by preventing energy from being lost. C選項談到了improved efficiency,是否真的跟筆記裡面記的—increased efficiency很像呢?保留。 D) He redesigned Newcomen’s engine so that it no longer needed a separate condenser. D選項講到了redesigned engine,其實這個選項本身已經沒有很直接了,因 為沒有談到了efficiency,但是假如你不確定的話,可以回去剛剛我們讀的 句子確定,After a series of observations, Watt saw that the New comen’s waste of energy could be reduced by adding a separate condenser. 你會發現這裏提到的是add condenser,但是D選項談到了不需要 condenser,就錯了。 最後選C。 提醒同學托福閱讀裡面簡單的題型—包含細節題、目的題、指示詞題、單字 ,看到選項後,盡量用你的想法篩選答案選項,假如真的覺得兩個選項的 主要子句都有談到你的想法時,此時才會回去文章比對。 細節題和單字題佔托福閱讀的2/3以上,因此,細節題是否能夠做得又快又 ,會是閱讀高分的關鍵喔!假如你細節題常錯,不妨用以上說的方法,連 續練十題,而每一題的筆記也要記得確確實實地寫下來。相信閱讀的穩定性 會提高許多喔! 最後,如果你想要學習更多實用的閱讀技巧,包含scan, skim,歡迎同學 免費進班上課喔!有興趣的同學,請寄信至 [email protected] 主旨[12/19(二)閱讀免費進班聽] 12/19(二)19:00-20:30 閱讀課(Rosa教scan, skim, 架構式筆記) 祝同學考試順利!;D Cheers, SK2 Rosa ^ ___ ^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1513441796.A.8A3.html
TOEFLiBT100: 感謝Rosa 12/17 04:10
earnest: 推! 12/17 16:16
pinghang: 推推推! 12/17 19:06
ryanchen8: 推! 12/17 22:46
sonne1419: 推! 12/19 20:07