看板 TOEFL_iBT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好, 我是SK2的Rosa,今天要來跟同學聊聊托福寫作。 同學常覺得寫作是四科裡面最好進步、準備起來CP值最高的一科, 但是仍然有許多同學打了四五百字,卻拿20初頭的分數。 其實在作文裡面,除了主題句之外,例子也很重要, 有好的主題句之後,讀者是看你例子的說服力決定是否要相信你。 那到底要如何寫出好的例子呢? 以下給同學三點建議,讓你的作文拿下28分。 一、相關-只談一件事 在寫例子時,最重要的一件事是要專注只談一件事,譬如:你的主題句理由 是能夠省錢,在寫任何一句話時,你都要想著“省錢”的這件事。不要又很 隨性地提起”喔對了,除了省錢,也會非常省時間喔!” 例如: I am poor, and studying in Europe can save me a lot of money. For example, when I enrolled in INSEAD 1-year MBA program in France, I only have to give a tip which is around 10% of the total bill. Also, I just have to study for around 1 year, amounting to only 1 million NT dollars. Yet, if I had studied in Harvard University in Boston, then I might have had to tip the waitress generously every time I dine out. As a result, I might have spent at least 3000 NT dollars for a meal. Apparently, studying in Europe not only saves me money but also time. 把最後一句話改成 I am poor, and studying in Europe can save me a lot of money. For example, when I enrolled in INSEAD 1-year MBA program in France, I only have to give a tip which is around 10% of the total bill. Also, I just have to study for around 1 year, amounting to only 1 million NT dollars. Yet, if I had studied in Harvard University in Boston, then I might have had to tip the waitress generously every time I dine out. As a result, I might have spent at least 3000 NT dollars for a meal. Apparently, studying in Europe saves me millions of NT dollars. 二、具體-寫熟悉的事物 例子除了必須要每句話都跟主題句相關之外,也要具體。所謂的具體是指要 有足夠多的細節。建議同學能夠寫日常生活中你熟悉的事物,譬如:談到” 省錢”,你可以舉你的朋友去歐洲唸書念了兩年才花了兩三百萬,但是到了 紐約唸書的朋友,兩年總共花了近一千萬。當你寫的是你很瞭解的事情時, 自然地就會有許多的細節,也會夠具體。 此外,建議同學遇到“時間”或是“金錢”時,能夠加入數字。同學常常在 一個段落裡面,會出現很多次“save money”, “save a lot”, “cost too much”,”not affordable”,但是如此一來,讀者常常會納悶,“到 底是省了多少錢叫做省很多呢?”,假如能夠改成“only costs 8 dollars ”, “costs at least 100 dollars”,是不是更有說服力了呢?在例子裡 面加入細節或是實際數字的時候,不用擔心評分官會去查證這件事,然後如 果你寫的與事實不符,就給你比較不好的分數。托福寫作主要看的是你的說 服力,意即你有能力提出具體證據來應證你的論點。因此,證據真偽不重 要,重要的是夠具體。 三、直接-專注在改變 許多同學在寫例子時,都會很習慣鋪陳,寫了許多現況或是還沒改變之前的 事情,但是在英文的邏輯裡面,讀者會預期例子要盡量直接。這是因為對方 沒有太多時間閱讀你的作文,所以建議同學盡量寫改變的過程以及改變的結 ,現狀不用交代太多,舉個例子: I am poor, and studying in Europe can save me a lot of money. For example, I have always been poor and I often have to eat instant noodles for months on end. Yet, when I enrolled in INSEAD 1-year MBA program in France, I only have to give a tip which is around 10% of the total bill. Also, I just have to study for around 1 year, amounting to only 2 million NT dollars. Yet, if I had studied in Harvard University in Boston, then I might have had to tip the waitress generously every time I dine out. As a result, I might have spent at least 3000 NT dollars for a meal. Apparently, studying in Europe saves me millions of NT dollars. 同學可以直接拿掉白色的部分,變成 I am poor, and studying in Europe can save me a lot of money. For example, when I enrolled in INSEAD 1-year MBA program in France, I only have to give a tip which is around 10% of the total bill. Also, I just have to study for around 1 year, amounting to only 2 million NT dollars. Yet, if I had studied in Harvard University in Boston, then I might have had to tip the waitress generously every time I dine out. As a result, I might have spent at least 3000 NT dollars for a meal. Apparently, studying in Europe saves me millions of NT dollars. 最後做個總結, 關於托福的獨立寫作,請同學記得這三個原則:相關、具體、直接 祝同學能夠越寫思緒越清楚,也能夠更喜歡用英文思考、寫作文! 新年快樂!;D Cheers, SK2 Rosa ^___^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1514623729.A.E8F.html
P0970509782: Excellent! 12/30 17:56
earnest: 推推 12/30 18:53
sonne1419: 獨立口說也是! 12/31 13:52
dearamelia: 推用心分享!例子的撰寫是大家最容易忽略的,但具體與 12/31 16:42
dearamelia: 不具體的例子所造成的分數差異實在是不容小覷~ 12/31 16:42