看板 TOEFL_iBT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
[直播預告-托福作文跟GMAT/GRE有什麼不同?] 大家好,我是SK2的Rosa, 很多同學在念托福時,總會覺得疑惑為何自己作文認真寫了,卻拿20初頭的 成績?而同學常常想說,可能是想理由不夠快,打字速度不夠快,再努力準 備就好了,但是你的作文成績很可能都是因為你不夠瞭解托福寫作的緣故。 其實,托福作文,從21要到28分,是"一念之間",一個觀念改變,導致寫法 改變,就能夠做到了。而我認為寫作絕對是四科裡面CP值最高,最好提升的 一科。 因此,Rosa將於這週三和同學分享托福寫作如何寫?讓你托福直接多3-7分。 我輔導過非常多名同學考到寫作高分, “大推Rosa的1~6邏輯!用1-6邏輯寫,甚麼題目都可以有條理、有內容的 寫到一定字數。”—silentlawyer “上了Rosa的課最大的收穫是寫作速度變得非常快,搭配顧問時間的練習, 後期大約可以在25分鐘內寫完,5分鐘檢討。”—yvonne226 而托福寫作其實並不難,重點在於你是否懂托福寫作在考什麼?你是否看得 出一篇作文好壞? 這次先給同學一篇作文(置於文末),請同學思考裡面的問題,當天再收看這次的直播, 相信能夠讓你對托福寫作豁然開朗喔! 如果你想要聽聽我的分享,只要加入SK2 TOEFL社團,並且在週三(4/ 23)晚上六點準時打開SK2 TOEFL社團,就可以看到這次的直播分享囉!有 任何寫作問題也歡迎你於臉書留言,相信這樣的方式,能夠最有效地幫助你 解決問題。 Warm Regards, SK2 Rosa ^____^ 此篇作文的題目是Cooperative ability is more important than leadership. 請同學找找看各段的問題喔!你認為這篇作文能夠拿幾分?趕快來挑戰看看! People often possess different perspectives on the issue whether cooperative ability is more important than leadership. As for me, I strongly contend that cooperative ability is indeed more essential than leadership. First of all, people place emphasis on the outcome, and good cooperation can bring about positive results. For instance, when I was preparing for mid-term exam in college, I was extremely scared about economics. In addition, to defeateconomics, I grouped a study team. Then, we cooperated on different topics of economics and discussed the problem we met. Consequently, we all got high score on the exam. However, if I studied on my own, I might not have dealt with the difficulties I met. Hence, I might have failed on the test. Secondly, efficiency is the key for people to finish their job and cooperative ability can save lots of efforts and time. For example, when my father worked for the Taiwanese government ten years ago, he always had difficulties proposing a new work plan for the coming years. As a result, he worked overtime every week to deal with it. However, when he started to work in collaboration with others, he found that it is much easier for him to draft a practical plan. To elaborate, he could have a brainstorming session with others and therefore spark new inspirations. Besides, he could discover his blind spots more easily by discussion and hence avoid potential mistakes. Obviously, cooperation benefited him so much that he no longer worked overtime. Last but not least, the teamwork between nations provides each other with advantages.For example, in 2011, Japan experienced a severe earthquake, and this disaster left thousands of people dead and damaged a great number of buildings. When the tragic news spread out, the Taiwanese government volunteered to contribute big money and resources to aid victims. Therefore, Japanese show more respect to Taiwan, and Japanese had sufficient capital to rebuild homeland. On the contrary, if Taiwanese government keeps silent without any action, the Taiwanese might get less help when encountering difficulties. In conclusion, since people are sometimes in need of others, it is significant for people to cultivate the cooperative ability. SK2 TOEFL 顧問主講、免費托福公開課: http://sk2toefl.blogspot.tw/p/blog-page_20.html 歡迎加入SK2 TOEFL 社團: https://www.facebook.com/groups/435337806551600/ 如果同學正要開始準備GRE,也歡迎你加入Mason GRE臉書社團,獲得更多相 關資訊。 Mason GRE臉書社團: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GRE340/?ref=bookmarks -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1524496224.A.D2E.html
earnest: 推! 04/23 23:10
dearamelia: 推柔紗直播! 04/24 00:40
pinghang: 推!好棒!超讚! 04/25 22:18