看板 TOEFL_iBT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好,我是SK2TOEFL實力養成班顧問J2. 插入句是許多同學閱讀常有問題的題型之一,今天就來教同學如何解決這題型。 其實很簡單,底下的兩個步驟,只要依照基本語言邏輯,你也可以馬上學 會,穩穩拿下這個題型。 第一步驟:先主動思考要被插入的句子前AND/OR後可能會接什麼概念。 例如: On the other hand, amphibians in very hot climates use secretions from the mucus glands to decrease their temperature through evaporative cooling on the skin. 有On the other hand這種句子應該在插入句裡算較簡單判斷的,既然有On the other hand, 表示前面有一個相反的概念,那既然後面講的是 amphibians in very hot climates… 且在做這題通常是第13題,前面已經 看過幾乎整篇文章,也不難猜到應該會出現在哪一段。如果依照正常作題順 序,應該在先前看過文章,也大概知道有一段確實講到amphibians在「低溫 下會有什麼現象」。 第二步驟:主動想完前後可能資訊,再回文章看四個可能插入的位置。 根據上述的語言邏輯猜想,就是要放在講完「低溫下會有什麼反應」的後 面。 Physiological adaptations can assist amphibians in colonizing habitats where extreme conditions prevail. The tolerance range in body temperature represents the range of temperatures within which a species can survive. One species of North American newt is still active when temperatures drop to -2°C while one South American frog feels comfortable even when temperatures measured to 41°C— the highest body temperature measured in a free-ranging amphibian. [■] Recently it has been shown that some North American frog and toad species can survive up to five days with a body temperature of -6°C with approximately one-third of their body fluids frozen. [■] The other tissues are protected because they contain the frost-protective agents glycerin or glucose. [■] Additionally, in many species the tolerance boundaries are flexible and can change as a result of acclimatization (long-term exposure to particular conditions).[■] 這段主題句在講兩棲類動物生理適應怎麼幫助他們在極端情況下生存。接下 來直接補充有些能在負2度生存,有些能在高溫41度。下一句細講一些例 子:北美青蛙和蟾蜍可在負6度環境下仍可活五天。很多同學可能很快的就 會認為B選項是正確答案,因為繼續講On the other hand, amphibians in very hot climates非常合理。但因為下一句The other tissues are protected because they contain the frost-protective agents glycerin or glucose. 就無法接上去了。這句還是在講關於低溫的部分, 所以應該要接在這句後面,所以C選項才是合理的位置。至於D選項不合理是 因為Additionally, …後面講的已經是另一個新的資訊了。 *注意一下步驟一我特別有寫AND/OR, 因為有時候被插入句可能前後都會銜 接到,但也有可能只銜接前面(像這題就是),有時可能銜接後面,並沒有 一定要前後都接到喔! 我們可以再試一題。 In addition to supplying new geological evidence for continental drift, he crafted convincing arguments based on ancient life forms. 同學先用上述方式,先作第一步驟:先主動思考要被插入的句子前AND/OR後 可能會接什麼概念。 (同學可先想想再往下看) 應該可以很快的抓到,前面要接的資訊是supplying new geological evidence, 也就是某個人提供了怎樣的新的地質證據。這句後面要接的概念 就是convincing arguments: 他提出怎樣的有力主張. 那我們再作第二步驟— 看文章四個選項: Alexander Du Toit, a South African geologist, was one of Wegener’ s ardent supporters. [■]He noted that fossils of the Permian freshwater reptile “Mesosaurus” occur in rocks of the same age in both Brazil and South Africa. [■]Because the physiology of freshwater and marine animals is completely different, it is hard to imagine how a freshwater reptile could have swum across the Atlantic Ocean and then found a freshwater environment nearly identical to its former habitat. [■] Furthermore, if Mesosaurus could have swum across the ocean, its fossil remains should occur in other localities besides Brazil and South Africa. [■]It is more logical to assume that Mesosaurus lived in lakes in what are now adjacent areas of South America and Africa but were then united in a single continent. 應該不難看出來,supplying new geological evidence對應到的就是” fossils of the Permian freshwater reptile “Mesosaurus” occur in rocks of the same age in both Brazil and South Africa”, 如果有找 到這樣資訊,基本上就能定答案是B了。但是我們還可以再利用下一句驗證 一下,後面有convincing arguments嗎? 後面一整具確實有提到一個主 張:因為淡水跟海洋生物的生理構造完全不同,很難想像淡水爬蟲類怎麼游 過大西洋然後再找到一個適合生存的淡水環境。 相信同學看到這裡,應該覺得「插入句題型」沒有想像中困難了。記住簡單 步驟就好,看完被插入句子後,先主動想一下,不要在「沒有想法」的情況 下,就看四個方塊,這樣很容易會被錯誤選項干擾。還有提醒同學有了這樣 的邏輯後,還是要耐心看完四個方塊的句子,因為有一大部分仍會做錯原因 就是太急了,就像第一題的B選項一樣,所以耐住性子,這個題型是絕對能 把握住的。 同學可以嘗試看看,如果仍有其他問題,歡迎來信 [email protected], J2會親自回答你! Cheers, J2 *** SK2 TOEFL Consultant Group 顧問專欄、公開課、實力班/衝刺班課程資 訊: http://SK2toefl.blogspot.com 加入托福高分破100、破110 人數最多的SK2 TOEFL 臉書: https://www.facebook.com/groups/435337806551600/ J2TOEFL機經社團,掌握最新機經資訊: https://www.facebook.com/groups/437362266344116/ 加入GRE 高分人數全台北第一的Mason GRE 臉書,了解最新GRE資訊: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GRE340/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1547542082.A.26C.html ※ 編輯: robert416 (, 01/15/2019 17:04:55