看板 TOEFL_iBT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這周六/日要考托福的同學們,辛苦了!! 有沒有很後悔選錯日子,大家在熱血沸騰準備決定台灣未來四年要由誰帶領, 你在Agree or Disagree…../Describe the city you live in... 其實,專心點啦! 先認真考試,再投票!  請看下面這一題獨立寫作題目 In times of economic crisis, local governments often reduce the money they spend in some areas. In your opinion, if a local government is facing economic problems, which of the following areas should it spend less money on? A. Libraries B. Public transportation C. Police 送佛節錄了27分的高分範文來給大家一些靈感 In times of economic crisis, local governments should manage public expenditures more efficiently. Local government administrators must prioritize spending to get through the difficult times. In my opinion, local governments should spend less money on libraries if they are facing a recession with a limited budget. To begin with, in an economic downturn, a local government cutting public funding will only affect a few library users. This is because, with the available advanced technologies of today, most physical libraries have been replaced by Internet search engines; library usage has declined in recent years. For example, my hometown of Taipei decided to reduce public library funding during the 2008 financial crisis. Faced with financial shortages, officials were determined to minimize the impact on citizens’ daily lives. Infact, with the advent of the Internet, Taipei had already been promoting digital library resources and encouraging people to learn how to perform effective online searching over the past decades. Until 2008, a majority of people were already used to taking advantage of online resources instead of libraries. As a result, when Taipei decided to trim library funds, only a few users were affected. On the other hand, officials had to increase police force budgets to deal with the increasing crime rate caused by severe levels of unemployment during the financial crisis. 先預祝大家明後天考試順利!!! 篇幅不足,想要這篇獨立寫作27分高分範文全文的同學! 請先推文 再站內信提供您的email給送佛小編 小編就會寄給你唷~~~ 送佛官網 https://beattoefl.com/ 想知道更多嗎?歡迎同學加入送佛計畫臉書社團唷~~~ https://bit.ly/beatTOEFL 更多送佛留學講座資訊: https://bit.ly/beatTOEFLFB #送佛計畫 #beattoefl #托福 #toefl #ibt #留學 #交換學生 #移民 #遊學 祝大家BeatTOEFL!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1578660930.A.61D.html
hautvie: 題目打錯了啦 01/10 21:42
hautvie: 抱歉,眼殘,沒事 01/10 21:44
※ 編輯: Beattoefl ( 臺灣), 01/10/2020 22:19:26 ※ 編輯: Beattoefl ( 臺灣), 01/10/2020 22:23:23
wwtu1115: 推起來!已站內信,想要全文! 01/10 23:11
chukenren: PUSH 01/11 00:00
armining: 推 01/11 01:06
Charlespark: 推 01/11 09:35
iwtgbtv: 推 謝謝 01/11 09:51
Beattoefl: 範文已寄出,若尚未站內信提供email的同學 01/11 11:27
Beattoefl: 再麻煩了唷!祝大家托福早日破百!!!!! 01/11 11:28
zshvvvv5555: 推 01/11 13:49
holycity: 推! 01/11 15:13
SaltKang: 推推,想要全文拜託站內信感恩謝謝~ 01/11 15:22
Beattoefl: 範文已寄給以上有站內信提供email的同學 01/11 16:02
Beattoefl: 若推文後尚未站內信提供email的同學,再麻煩囉~~~ 01/11 16:04
※ 編輯: Beattoefl ( 臺灣), 01/11/2020 16:04:48
arabbit: 推 01/11 16:42
Anchorites: 推一波 01/11 18:15
emily200008: 推! 01/11 23:05
A496400549: 推 01/12 00:06
zxc830970: 推推唷 01/12 16:43
soupbone: 推~ 01/12 20:13
Basah: push 01/13 01:31
Beattoefl: 範文已寄給以上有站內信提供email的同學囉! 01/13 17:23
Beattoefl: 若推文後尚未站內信提供email的同學,再麻煩了~~~ 01/13 17:24
Wendy3157931: 推 01/13 19:17
lim10337: 推 01/13 21:40
poembreeze: 推! 01/13 23:07
Beattoefl: 範文已寄給以上有站內信提供email的同學囉! 01/14 19:55
Beattoefl: 若推文後尚未站內信提供email的同學,再麻煩了~~~ 01/14 19:55
schicken02: 推 01/14 20:30
ning1212: 推 01/14 22:35
me60714: 推 01/15 13:02
fishg1216: 推 01/15 18:49
Beattoefl: 範文已寄給以上有站內信提供email的同學囉! 01/15 21:35
Beattoefl: 若推文後尚未站內信提供email的同學,再麻煩了~~~ 01/15 21:36
post16: 推 01/16 04:43
Beattoefl: 範文已寄給以上有站內信提供email的同學囉! 01/16 21:30
Beattoefl: 若推文後尚未站內信提供email的同學,再麻煩了~~~ 01/16 21:30
alina0901: 推 01/17 13:55
Beattoefl: 範文已寄給以上有站內信提供email的同學囉! 01/21 21:29
Beattoefl: 若推文後尚未站內信提供email的同學,再麻煩了~~~ 01/21 21:29
snailsnail10: push 01/30 00:12
Beattoefl: 範文已寄給以上有站內信提供email的同學囉! 01/30 22:07
alice02299: 推 02/03 12:43
Beattoefl: 回樓上,麻煩站內信給我email唷~~感恩~ 02/03 18:22
Beattoefl: 範文已寄給以上有站內信提供email的同學囉! 02/04 21:52
Beattoefl: 若推文後尚未站內信提供email的同學,再麻煩了~~~ 02/04 21:52
johnjohn3930: 推推 02/09 15:34
※ 編輯: Beattoefl ( 臺灣), 02/10/2020 19:58:58
Beattoefl: 前面推文+提供email同學~範文都寄囉~~~ 02/10 20:05
jodychu: 推 03/12 15:53