看板 TOEFL_iBT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
各位同學好,我是J2. 初二跟大家拜個晚年,並分享一下去年的一些口說題目審題想點, 希望可以幫助到鼠年要繼續奮戰的同學!以下是顧問時間同學問到覺得比較難發展的題目 ,同學們不妨也一起想想看! 1. Some people like to play card games and board games. Others like to play vi deo games or computer games. Which do you prefer and why? 0413 I want to make more friends/ interact with more ppl Choose: card games and board games Explain: When play card and board games, usually involve at least 5 or 6 ppl; computer games even online games not interact in person 2. When facing difficulties, some people choose to keep their senses of humor, but others may take the problems seriously. Which do you prefer and why? 0526 I want to solve the difficulties smoothly Choose: keep sense of humor Explain: usually when keeping sense of humor, we can solve the difficulties mo re smoothly. Makes you relax and may come up with a better solution 3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents of universit y students should not be allowed to have access to the students' grades withou t the their children’s permission. 0223 Students care about self-esteem Choose: agree Explain: if parents see students’ grades without permission, students will lo se their self-esteem. 這篇先分享以上這幾題,也歡迎同學分享自己的想法,如果有自己錄音的音檔,也歡迎在 每週二13:00-17:00的「陪你讀時間」過來SK2 13樓教室找我或是Vivian顧問幫你聽,並 給妳準備上的建議!有其他三科的問題,或是之前考試評估,甚至讀書計畫安排,都可以 過來諮詢,完全免費喔! 年後每週二照常舉行,不用報名,直接在上述時間過來教室即可! 鼠年祝大家早日把托福殺鼠,獲得理想成績並且申請順利! Cheers, J2 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (日本) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1580051053.A.207.html ※ 編輯: robert416 ( 日本), 01/26/2020 23:04:49 ※ 編輯: robert416 ( 日本), 01/26/2020 23:05:17