看板 TOEFL_iBT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
接著之前提到的轉折詞用法,今天再來看一下如何正確使用That is to say. 還沒看過前面兩篇的同學建議先看過喔: SK2 Jacob 轉折詞你用對了嗎? https://reurl.cc/l5L6Ol SK2 Jacob 轉折詞你用對了嗎?2 https://reurl.cc/bn6pj6 前幾天幫同學看作文,其中一段前兩句話如下: Stopping reading or listening to the news for a while can improve people’s mental health. That is to say, nowadays there are more and controversial contents in the news. 同學可以先想看看你覺得這裡that is to say用對了嗎?如果不適合,怎麼 改比較好呢?先想想再往下看喔! 首先我們先看字典定義,韋氏字典有兩個解釋: 1—used when giving more accurate or specific information about someone or something that was just mentioned We—that is to saymy wife and I—will be attending the wedding. 2—used when giving information that affects something previously mentioned We plan on going to the concert—that is, if tickets are still available. Cambridge dictionary的解釋: or moreexactly 更確切地講;也就是說 Ourfriends, that is to sayourson'sfriends, willmeetus at the airport. 我們的朋友,更確切地講是我們兒子的朋友,會到機場接我們。 其他例句: - They, that’s to say Matt and John, were arguing about what to do. - Languages are taught by the direct method, that is to say, without using the student’s own language. 根據以上兩個字典的解釋跟例句我們可以知道that is to say是要對「剛剛 提及的概念」提出「更具體的資訊」,不要因為一直想用轉折詞湊字數,或 是覺得第一句主題句講完下一句就要接That is to say, 而亂放。 另外根據上面的例句來看,應該會發現that is 比較常用在兩個逗號或兩個 破折號(em dash)之間,或是一個破折號再接一個逗號。 那同學的這個句子應該怎麼改比較好呢?有兩個方向可以改改看。 1. 如果想保留that is to say, 可以這樣寫: Stopping reading or listening to the news for a while can improve people’s mental health, that is to say, our emotional or psychological well-being. 用our emotional or psychological well-being補充解釋什麼叫做 “ mental health” 2. 如果想維持原本接下來想表達的句子,該怎麼辦呢?如果不適合放轉折 詞,其實很多情況就是直接寫下去,不要放,如下: Stopping reading or listening to the news for a while can improve people’s mental health. Nowadays there are more and controversial contents in the news. 從這三篇的提到的轉折詞Furthermore, In other words, That is to say, 同學應該更知道如何精準的使用轉折詞。使用的當,可以讓作文更加分,因 為官方有明確提到appropriate word choice and idiomaticity 也是評分 標準之一,用不好反而還可能因此扣分,得不償失喔! 最後再提醒同學,合適地放轉折詞可以讓文章更通順、流暢,但如果沒把握 這兩句之間適不適合放轉折詞,其實就直接寫下去,不放也沒關係喔! 想了解更多備考資訊嗎?歡迎參加近期公開課: 課程名稱:[實力養成] 背景知識(天文)+9分鐘讀懂一篇文章公開課 上課時間:9/18 (六) 10:00-12:00 (09:45 開zoom房間) 報名課程請點:https://forms.gle/fudzcwvKrNmF9CdX9 上述時間如果無法配合,也可以直接申請進班試聽喔: https://reurl.cc/xEDqk5 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1631176803.A.0C0.html ※ 編輯: robert416 ( 臺灣), 09/09/2021 16:53:38