看板 TOEFL_iBT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好,我是SK2實力養成班顧問J2. 除夕夜的這天,跟大家分享一下托福中常見容易誤解意思的片語,幫助同學 虎年考托福如虎添翼! 1. Forbes’s azoic zone was entirely plausible at the time, and it was certainly [far from the strangest] idea that was then entertained about the deep sea. far from the strangest = not strange at all 特別注意這邊的entertain是抱持著...想法的意思,比較特別,同學可以順 便記起來。 類似例句: The prehistoric record of the meat-eating habits of early humans is [far from clear] about the prevalence of scavenging. 2. This ignored the fact that water is [all but] incompressible. all but= very nearly, almost 其他例句 We had[all but]given up hope. = We had almost given up hope. 3. This value is easily exceeded in most coastal water, but in the deep sea, the levels of organic matter range from [next to nothing] to around 7 micrograms per cubic liter. next to nothing 直接翻像是「沒有的隔壁」,就是almost nothing 4. Hersuccesshasn'tcausedtension- [if anything], it'shelpedour marriage. if anything— used when saying that whatpeoplemaybelieveis not true, and theoppositemay betrue 帶出相反的概念時可用的發語詞,可翻 成「倒不如說」「恰恰相反地」 這四個都是托福很常見的用法,一定要搞清楚,不然誤會了意思,影響文章 /聽力理解,就很可惜囉! 虎年新年快樂! J2 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1643646236.A.BC6.html
ovivian3: 推分享! 02/05 22:49